Page 35 of Protecting Nikole

“Thank you,” I muttered under my breath. Maybe this one was nicer than the other two. I prayed he would be compassionate enough to let me go.

“Please,” I whispered. “It’s not too late. I don’t know who you are or why I’m here. Just take me back home.”

He squeezed my arm, but then picked me up from the floor and laid me on the bed.

“Get some rest,” he whispered and his breath fanned my face, causing goosebumps along my arms.

His footsteps faded away until he shut the door behind him.

There was no way I would rest. Jake had failed. He hadn’t protected me. I was on my own.

Clenching my fists, I devised a plan of escape.



My body rocked on the bed, and waves lapped along the side of the boat. We were moving again, but at a much slower pace. There were voices on a radio above deck, but I couldn’t make them out.

Shortly after the boat stopped, footsteps pounded down the steps.

“Please. Leave the door open,” I said when the man entered. “It’s stifling in here.”

I felt his hesitation, but didn’t hear the door click. A small victory.

“I brought you some breakfast,” said the low, rough voice. A tray rattled next to me and the aroma of fresh coffee lifted me from the bed. Struggling with my hands tied, I sat up with my back against the headboard.

The man held my hands in his. They were softer than I’d expected. He pressed a warm mug into my hands. “Drink.”

I complied.

The coffee was sweet and creamy, just the way I liked it. That scared the hell out of me. He’d done his research.

I gulped the warm brew and closed my eyes when it trickled down my throat, shooting a much-needed caffeine kick into my veins. I’d felt the beginning of a headache at my temples, but the pounding dissipated with each sip.

“Open your mouth.”

“What?” I sputtered, surely spewing some coffee on him.

“Open your mouth so I can feed you some eggs.”

My stomach growled, anticipating the meal, so I slowly parted my lips and waited.

I waited, and waited, listening to his breaths, until finally he placed the cool spoon on my bottom lip and I took the eggs into my mouth.

They were delicious. Soft but not runny, creamy but not too heavy.

If I wasn’t tied up and held against my will, this would have been the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.

“Please. Can you cut the ties? I appreciate you putting a barrier between them and my skin, but they’re still chafing, and it hurts.”

He let out a breath and dropped the spoon onto the plate with a clank.

“Where am I going to run? There’s nowhere for me to go. We’re in the middle of the ocean, for goodness’ sake.”

He sat perfectly still for several seconds and then left the room.

I cursed myself for not waiting until breakfast was finished, but at least he hadn’t taken away my coffee. I sipped and waited.