Page 74 of Protecting Nikole

I cupped the back of her head and pulled her in for another kiss. This one was gentler, slower, like we had all the time in the world.

And maybe we did. Maybe this was just the beginning.



My heart was still racing. I’d never straddled anyone in a car before. Not in high school, not in college, and certainly not in law school. I’d had sex in a car for the first time at twenty-six years old. It felt like a rite of passage that I’d finally walked through.

Except checking that off my list hadn’t been my intention when I straddled Jake. The only thing running through my mind was how brave he had been. And that he’d risked his life to protect me and my mother. When I looked into his eyes, I was lost. I wanted him to hold me, to have me, to be with me in every sense of the word.

Jake reached over the console and grabbed my hand. Pulling it to his face, he kissed the back and rubbed it against his cheek absently as he drove.

This did nothing to slow down my heart, only kept it fluttering like some silly butterfly. I’d never seen this side of him before. I’d seen domineering and grouchy Jake in the beginning. Then protector mode. But this softer side? Yes, I could really fall for this one.

I turned up the radio and one of my favorite country songs was on. I settled into my seat and looked out the passenger side window while Jake held my hand. I didn’t want to think about someone trying to hurt me. I only wanted to enjoy the comfortable silence between us as we drove back to his place.


Despite the cold weather, the sun was shining as we drove into New York City. I was getting used to the towering buildings, erratic taxi drivers, and even the unpredictable weather. It was late November, but there still wasn’t any snow on the ground.

As we pulled into Jake’s building, I noticed him staring at the front doors. He let go of my hand and checked his phone. “Shit,” he swore softly.

A woman stood at the front entrance wearing a short red down-filled coat with thigh-high boots. She had thick, curly brown hair and a figure that would make Venus proud.

I immediately disliked her, especially since Jake hadn’t taken his eyes off of her.

He drove into his usual parking spot and turned off the car. Passing me his key card, he said, “I’ll be up in a minute. I just need to speak to someone.”

“Is it the woman out front?”

He blinked, looking a bit surprised that I’d guessed correctly. I shrugged. “She was hard not to notice.”

He nodded. “I won’t be long.”

I took the card, albeit reluctantly. I wanted to go with him and see their interaction and listen to what they had to say to each other. But instead, I said, “I’ll see you upstairs.”

Before I entered the private elevator, I turned back. “Jake!” I called, and he turned around. I ran up to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him with everything I had. I don’t know why I wanted to remind him that I was more than his client. That other woman had me wanting to stake my claim.

He didn’t smile, but he squeezed my hands before letting me go. He watched me as I stepped inside and the doors closed between us. Then he was gone.

As the elevator climbed up the floors, I tried not to think about who that woman was. Even though my head screamed, ‘It’s Janine, you idiot’. Maybe it was another client. Maybe a relative I didn’t know about.

I sighed as I hung up my coat in the penthouse closet. “It’s Janine, you idiot,” I said aloud, yanking off my boots.

I went straight to the guest room and turned on the shower. Figuring I had some time, I turned up the steam as well.

My shoulders slumped from the heat and weight of the water. The rainfall showerhead massaged my muscles, even the ache between my thighs. Despite having been with Jake less than an hour ago, I still wanted him again.

Not only did this surprise me because I could go without sex for months, but it scared me too. I knew it was more than just lust I felt for Jake. I knew my feelings for him went deeper than that.

I sat on the bench in the shower, leaning against the marble wall, and let the steam engulf me. I was lost in the mist and haze of the shower when a shadow passed in front of the glass.

This time, I was too far to reach for the glass, so I just sat there. A minute later, Jake opened the shower door, his muscled arms and legs breaking through the mist. He stared at me, and I felt a little self-conscious at first, knowing that sitting naked wasn’t the most flattering position. But there was a look of sadness in his eyes that quickly scolded me for that selfish thought. He was hurting.

He picked up the soap, lathering it between his hands, then rubbed along his contoured pecs. A small smile spread over my face as I recalled what I’d made him do all over his chest earlier.

Then he grasped his cock and lathered it as well. Pulling the skin back and cleaning it thoroughly. Part of me wanted to do it for him, but another enjoyed being the voyeur. My body tingled at the vision in front of me. The water wrapped around his muscles, streaming down his chest and over his well-trimmed groin. It was like watching the statue of David come to life in some erotic fantasy.