Page 15 of Protecting Nikole

“Thank you.” As I turned and walked away, I couldn’t shake my frustration. She could have hurt herself, all just to get away from me. My chest burned with anger. I had to take control back to keep her safe. But it wouldn’t be easy, especially with our history. It seemed she wasn’t one to forgive and forget easily, but I had a job to do, so I needed to figure this out. I just wished I knew how the hell I would keep that woman in line.



My heart was still flying by the time I sat down at my desk. I pulled off my blazer and fanned myself with my leather-bound notebook.

What was I thinking racing down those roads? It was reckless of me but calling me childish went too far. My body reacted to the insult far more deeply than I would have imagined. My mother’s face had replaced his, and for a second, I wanted to cry. Fortunately, I retreated quickly enough to recover before any further emotion leaked from me.

My office was the second door off the main floor foyer. It was convenient, if a little loud, and often disruptive since the lunch room was directly across from my office.

Our building was mainly constructed of glass with domed windows comprising the majority of the roof, and glass walls were the most common barrier between rooms. It felt a bit like a fishbowl, but most people minded their own business. And all the offices had a large window to the courtyard out back, which was nice.

While the firm, Simon and Feldstein, was one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the country, this office was one of their smallest ones, handling only their New York clients.

“Knock, knock.”

Calvin stood at my door, wearing a navy blue suit and tie. “You were a little late this morning. Everything all right?”

While Calvin’s words would seem kind, I knew the question was his way of warning me that tardiness would be noted.

Even though Calvin held the same position as I did, he had been with the company for two years, which, in his eyes, made him my senior.

I simply smiled in recognition of his remark, “Everything is fine, thank you.”

He sucked on his teeth and looked around. “I see you haven’t put up any pictures yet. No fiancé or family? You’re not living some secret life, are you?”

I forced my cheeks to widen but wondered if the smile had now turned into somewhat of a grimace. “Nope,” was all I said and kept my eyes down, staring at my to-do list.

He tapped on the door twice and left.

I looked up and narrowed my eyes as he slithered down the hall. Christina, in the office next to me, caught my stare. She nodded at me. I didn’t think she liked Calvin either, but she hadn’t said as much. She also didn’t hang out with him in the lunchroom. She lunched with three other associates, at the same level as her. The hierarchy in this office was something I felt immediately when I started a few weeks ago. It reminded me of my high school; it mattered where you sat and with whom. And just like in high school, I preferred to sit alone.

A little while later, a figure in the reflection of my screen caught my attention, and I swiveled in my chair to face it. I immediately recognized his 6’2” frame and brawny silhouette. He crossed the courtyard behind the office building where many people sat in the summer for lunch. It was too cold now, and only smokers braved the weather at this time of year.

Jake ran his fingers underneath the tables, seemingly satisfied. He walked closer to the building and stared up at the cameras. While placing his hands on his hips, he ran his tongue along the top of his lip as he assessed the security system.

He had full red lips. The kind that would make a woman jealous.

His eyes moved across the building to the window in my office, and then they were on me. I could make out their color even from several feet away. A gray-blue, like the ocean in winter. His nose was straight and long, and his jaw wide.

I blinked as a Roman statue came to mind and then realized that I was still staring at him and him at me. Neither of us had looked away for several seconds.

“Nikole,” Christina called, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“I’m so sorry. I thought you heard me come in when I knocked.”

Had she knocked? My brain was someplace else. Rome, perhaps.

“It’s all right. How can I help you?”

“Do you have the Black & McQuaid file?” she asked.

Black & McQuaid. The name sounded familiar.

“Yes. I do,” quickly remembering the notes I’d transcribed last week. “I can email it to you.”

“Thanks,” she said, and her gaze drifted to my right. “Who is that?” she asked, a smile growing on her lips.