Page 12 of Protecting Nikole

My mother reached across the table and grabbed my hand. My heart skipped, and I blinked at the vision in front of me. “Please, Nikole. This is important. I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to you.” The look of genuine concern on my mother’s face stopped me. My mother rarely showed affection and I couldn’t remember the last time she hugged me. Staring at her long fingers clutching mine, I wavered. Perhaps there was a compromise.

With a loud sigh, I asked, “How long are we talking about? A week? A month?”

Even though I’d asked the question to my mother, Jacob responded, “As long as it takes to neutralize the threat.”

I ignored him. “I have a demanding job, and I’m the new lawyer. I don’t want this to be a spectacle.”

My mother turned to Jacob. My eyes automatically followed. His eyes crinkled. “I don’t even know what that means. I have no plan to alert the paparazzi, if that's what you think.”

“I mean, I don’t want anyone to know what is happening. I don’t want it to interfere with my work or anyone else’s in the office. Is that clear?”

“Crystal,” he sneered.

My mother pulled her hands away and smiled at our seemingly new pact.

“Oh, and one more thing,” I said, staring at Jake. “I don’t want him. Find me someone else.”

My mother shook her head. “We already discussed it. I believe Jacob is the best man for this job.”

“Ha,” I huffed with a fake chuckle. “He doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to showing up for me.”

My mother looked from my face to Jacob’s. “What’s going on? Do you two know each other?”

“No,” I answered at the same time the hulk of a man said, “Yes.”

Bouncing her head between us, my mother crossed her arms. “Well, which one is it?”

I didn’t want to tell my mother what had happened. It was humiliating enough that my best friend knew. “He’s Sarah’s brother, and I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to work together.”

“Your best friend, Sarah?” my mother asked.


“Well, that is perfect. Who will ensure your safety better than someone who has a stake in the game? He’s not just a hired guard, he’ll care about keeping you safe.”

I shook my head. “You overestimate his emotions.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Just because I don’t show them as willingly, doesn’t mean I don’t have them.”

My mother arched her brow at his words, and a smile played at her lips. Then she clapped her hands.

“It’s settled. Jacob will be your bodyguard until such time that he deems us rid of this threat. He will keep his distance and not become a spectacle at your work. In return, you will cooperate with him and his plans. Agreed?”

Jacob stood up and stuck out his hand. “I agree with those terms.”

I rolled my eyes, but stood up, anyway. I placed my hand inside his palm, and he squeezed. The shake was firm but not painful. Judging by the size of the biceps pressing against the fabric of his shirt, I knew he could crush my hand without much effort.

With my hand still in his, he leaned closer. “You have to say it.”

His cologne threw me off. It had a fresh scent of eucalyptus, which I hadn’t expected, and I immediately thought of a spa.

“Nikole,” he whispered.

“Wh-what?” I stammered. His stupid cologne was doing strange things to my brain.

“You have to agree. Say the words”

“Oh.” I pulled my hand away. “Fine.”