Page 11 of Protecting Nikole

I moved the cursor to the next email, and the tone had changed. The letter no longer just accused her of being a fraud, it now threatened to do something about it. ‘If you don’t change your mind on Bill C125, then I will change it for you,’ the anonymous sender wrote.

“I can see how that would unnerve you. But what does this have to do with me?” I asked after reading to the end.

“There are more emails, and with each one, the threats become more and more aggressive. The last one sent on Friday made me reach out to Western Security.”

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s hard to say, but I’m worried he could hurt you,” she said.

Jacob turned to my mother. “You never said that. You only said one could never be too careful.”

I fought back a smile. Jacob was learning that my mother was prone to exaggerating. She also liked the shock and awe approach, hence this ambush at her apartment.

“And you think he’s serious?” I scoffed. “This is probably some keyboard warrior who feels big and strong sitting at their desk, but would never do anything in real life.”

Jacob crossed his arms. “And you know this how?”

I rolled my eyes. “Do you have any social media accounts? If you did, you would know that trolls exist everywhere and many people get their thrills by being mean online.”

“I don’t think they’re trying to hurt your mother’s feelings. When it comes to politics, we find words often precede action.”

“So, you think he would actually try to harm me or my mother?”

“Yes.” He didn’t even hesitate.

I laughed. “Of course you do. If you didn’t make us think that our lives were in danger, then why would my mother hire you and your company? You obviously have a vested interest in scaring us. Otherwise, you’d be out of a job.”

“Is that what you think?” he asked, his brow furrowed. “That I would be the kind of man that would want to scare a woman so that I can make a buck out of it?”

I narrowed my eyes. “I think you're the kind of guy that doesn’t care about a woman’s feelings at all.”

He held my gaze, and his eyes simmered hot coals.

“Nikole, that wasn’t very nice.”

“Yes, well, it wasn’t meant to be.”

“What’s gotten into you? Ever since you moved to New York, you’ve been a completely different person.”

If she thought her words would hurt me, she was mistaken. They only puffed out my chest and encouraged me that I was on the right path.

“I’ve grown up if you haven’t noticed.”

“Be that as it may, I am still your mother, and I will protect you by any means necessary. Jacob will provide around-the-clock protection.”

When my mother got something in her head, she wouldn’t let it go. It was what made her a formidable politician.

“Since we are both grown women, let’s come to a compromise, shall we?” I said. I was good at negotiation, after all.

“All right. That sounds reasonable.” My mother sat back in her chair and folded her hands on her lap. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I will add an alarm system to my apartment, and I’ll allow you to track my phone. Also, I will notify you if I plan any weekend trips.”

“That’s not good enough,” Jacob said.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I smiled at him. “This is between me and my mother.”

“Your mother hired me to do a job, so I’m doing it. Your plan is reactionary. My plan will prevent anything from happening in the first place.”