Page 71 of Real Thing

That’s when I step in. As Nolan is asking the sales guy a million questions about each one, I start talking prices with Stella.

At first, Nolan side-eyes me, like what would Stella care about the cost of refrigerators? But I see the wheels in her brain spinning as I explain all about decimals and commas, and how they change the numbers. I even try explaining warranties and financing plans to her, but I’m pretty sure that part goes way over her head.

I take my time with it, hoping my explanations make sense to a six-year-old. I mean, I would never have understood a word of this at six. But Stella? She’s pretty darn brilliant. Inquisitive. Hungry for knowledge.

Soon, we’ve ranked all the fridges that her daddy is considering from cheapest to most expensive. Stella is feeling pretty good about herself, too.

Then Nolan turns around, raising a curious brow at his daughter. “Okay, kiddo. I’m all ears. Which fridge should we buy today?”

Stella walks over to one in the middle. It’s a fancy one. With all the bells and whistles and high tech buttons. “This one, Daddy. I think this one is the best. It’s not the cheapest but it’s the prettiest and it’s got the most space. And it has a really cool ice maker.” She taps on the door, looking so serious as she confidently shares her thoughtful opinion. “And we should get the war-tee, too. Right, Inez?”

I nod. “Yeah. We should get the warranty.”

Nolan stares at his daughter for almost a minute before he barks out a full belly laugh. Then he laughs some more, wrapping his arms around Stella and pressing a kiss to her head. “You know what? We’ll take this one.”

The salesman’s eyes light up. “Well, that was easy. I’m gonna need to talk to my boss about getting this little girl on our team!”

At the compliment, Stella blushes sweetly.

As Nolan makes arrangements for delivery, Stella and I stroll through the rest of the store, looking at gadgets and small appliances as we resume our alphabet game. I think Nolan’s about ready to go, but Stella’s struggling to find something here that starts with the letter Z.

While she looks around, a new coffee maker catches my eye. Without hesitation, I put it into our cart. Nolan’s coffee pot is another one of his duct tape victims, and I’d love to replace it for him. It’s the least I can do to repay him for everything he’s done for me.

“Oh, here’s something! I found it! I found Z!” Stella bounces up and down, pointing at the brand name of one of those storage vacuum sealer devices.“Zennix.”

“You did it! I think that means you win a prize,” I say conspiratorially and then I grab something from a nearby display shelf. “What do you think of these cool, crazy, swirly straws?”

She gasps. “Really!? I can have them?”

“Of course, sweetie.” I wrap an arm around her.

We meet up with Nolan at the front cash registers where he’s just finished paying for the fridge.

I put the coffee maker and the straws on the conveyor belt. “I just have a couple things,” I mumble and I proceed to dig around in my purse for my bank card. But before the cashier can ring me up, Nolan is physically blocking the card reader with his big paw.

I look up at him and frown. “I was going to buy these—”

“No way. I’ll pay for it,” he says.

“Really. I don’t mind payin—”

“Inez. No.”

I open my mouth to argue some more. But he’s glaring at me from under the brim of his cap, shooting me a look I’d describe as smoldering.

Nolan leans in, lowering his voice at my ear. “You’re a stubborn girl, aren’t you, Machado? Put the card away. Before I bend you over this conveyor belt and give you that spanking I promised you.”

I try not to blush—I really do—but I feel prickling heat in my cheeks and my lips start twitching with a smile. “Gosh! You talk so much smack. Bet you can’t even back it up,” I say, keeping my voice low.

His eyebrow jumps at the challenge. He whispers back, “Oh, I can back it up. And you have no idea how much I want to.”

Tingles race through my body and I chew down on my lip to keep from groaning out loud. Nolan observes my reaction, a devilish smile lingering on his mouth.

While he’s swiping his debit card, I hand Stella the sack with her new straws.

The cashier sighs. “You guys are the cutest family. How old is your daughter?”

“Oh…” I’m totally caught off guard. She thinks that I’m Stella’s mom? That Nolan is my…? I don’t want to embarrass her. Or offend Stella.