Page 68 of Real Thing

“It’s not working,” Grandpa says in response.

“I think it’s something to do with the internet connection,” my dad grumbles. “I’ll go check the router.”

“No. Just hit that button right there.” This time, it’s my mother shouting.

Stella exchanges a look with me and giggles.

Whenever my parents get together with my grandparents, it’s like they’re all suddenly a hundred-years-old and they can’t figure out any sort of electronics. Not even a telephone. If there’s a button or a battery, it’s suddenly the end of the world for them all.

“Mom, Dad. We can hear you,” I say patiently, giving them a moment to figure it out.


“Nolan, where are you?! Why can’t we see you and Stella?”

“Hit the green button, Mama,” my little whiz says. “The one with the camera on it.”

Suddenly, the four elderly Brightons come into view. Finally. Once they figure out the mute button and how to prop the phone up, we’re finally able to catch up.

Ever since my dad’s retirement last year, my parents have been in Europe, exploring and adventuring and spending time with my dad’s side of the family.They’re living out a lifelong dream of theirs.

Stella and I listen to their latest sightseeing stories and Mom tells us how ever since they went on their most recent cheese tour, Dad has been having serious indigestion issues. As for my grandparents, they’re both doing well for their age, though judging by the volume Grandpa is speaking at, I’m pretty sure his hearing has gotten worse.

When they ask how things are going here in Starlight Falls, I can barely get a word in.Stella chatters on about everything. She tells her grandparents about the ongoing renovations at her school, about all the activities we’ve been doing to keep her smart, and about how grumpy I’ve been. What the heck?! She gets every little detail into the conversation.

Including Inez.

“Inez has been having sleepovers here with Daddy and me,” Stella excitedly tells them all. “And she lets me brush her hair all the time. And she’s been teaching me to do fun things almost every single day. We even made friendship bracelets yesterday—one for Inez, one for Daddy and one for me.”

I see the way my mother’s face lights up with interest as Stella tattles on me. Dad’s bushy gray eyebrows hike up to the ceiling.

Crap. I guess I should have maybe mentioned my new roommate to my parents before my six-year-old spilled the beans.

I interject quickly, diverting the conversation to the bar. I give them a detailed overview of what’s been happening at The North Node lately, trying to make our usual routine sound as exciting as I can.

“Everything’s going great.” I speak over Stella. “Going to need to replace the water heater here soon and my cleaning supplies distributor might be going out of business. But aside from that, we’re staying busy.”

They all nod along uninterestedly. Every time they try to get a word in, I talk right over them.

I know that my exaggerated rundown of the ins and outs of the bar is not nearly as exciting as the news that I’ve had a woman staying under this roof for the past few weeks. But I’m trying to save my ass from this uncomfortable conversation.

Stella quickly gets bored of my monologue. She blows kisses to her grandparents and runs off to play in her room.

My parents immediately return to our previous topic of conversation. No surprise there.

“So…” my dad starts. “Sleepovers with Inez Machado, huh?”

“It’s not what it sounds like,” I start lamely. “It’s nothing.”

My mom’s hands are clasped under her chin, and it seems like she’s sitting on the edge of her seat, looking so darn hopeful.“Well, Ronan seems to think that it’s something. And Karli, too.”

Ugh! Of course. Why am I surprised that my siblings have already been blabbing to our parents?

“Nothing’s going on, guys. Inez is just an employee and a friend who needs somewhere to stay for a while.”

“Well it looks to me like the perfect opportunity just fell into your lap.” Mom chimes in. “Especially after she walked out on that reality show with that weird actor fellow…”

I hawk in my throat. “The perfect opportunity?”