Page 130 of Real Thing

I smooth my hand over my threatened hair follicles. “Me and my ponytail will come to the nightclub willingly next time. Promise.”

Laughing, they all file off, thankfully not putting up much more of a fight.

While they head out to grab a taxi, I go back to my hotel room. This building isn’t in the best part of Manhattan and I’ve seen my share of sketchy personalities hanging around the premises. But it definitely beats a lot of the places I lived growing up, so I won’t complain.

After raiding the minibar, I crash on the giant, empty bed and check my phone again. Still nothing from Nolan. But I respond to a text I received from Thalia. There’s also a bunch of new notifications from the group chat with the girls back in Starlight Falls.They sent me a few texts earlier this morning, asking me about the show and how everything is going.

Daphne: Hey girl. Just checking in.

Nicky: How are rehearsals?

Layla: When do you actually start filming? You must be so excited!

Karli: We’re excited FOR you!!!

Layla: Karli still hasn’t shut up about you. She’s talking about you to anyone who will listen.

I laugh. These girls are too much. But also, I miss them fiercely. Rolling over on the bed, I respond with a bunch of laughing emojis.

Nicky: Inez!!! You’re alive!!!

Karli: Thank goodness. Nicky was moments away from calling in a welfare check on your butt.Eeeks!

Layla: She was busy. Obviously. Chill out, ladies.

Daphne: Busy with all her famous new friends?

My fingers fly across the screen as I respond and I feel the first genuine smile on my face all day.

Me: You guys are quite entertaining after a long day. And yes, I’m alive.

Me: I don’t really have access to my phone during the day. Our director has this weird superstition that if a phone rings during rehearsals, that equals certain disaster.

Layla: That makes sense. It’s a pre-phone era historical, after all.

I laugh, too.

Me: We’re not filming yet, though. Just rehearsal and meetings and more rehearsal for now.

Me: How are Nolan and Stella doing?

After typing out the question, I reach into the drawer, pulling out the sketch of Nolan and me. The sketch Thalia made at the art festival. I dig deep, searching desperately for that elated emotion I felt the first time Nolan told me he loved me. But tonight, as I stare at the drawing, that feeling is so weak, it feels so far away.

Karli: Stella really misses you. But she’s all right.

Karli: Nolan’s been a pathetic mess without you.

Daphne: That is 100 percent true.

Nicky: And the worst part is, he’s in denial about the whole thing.

Daphne: He’s been working himself to the ground and trying to pretend like nothing’s wrong. Basically, he’s back to shutting everyone out and we can’t get him to talk.

Nicky: Ronan is really worried about him.

Daphne: Felix is, too.

Karli: He’s somehow convinced himself that moving on from you is what’s best for him and Stella.