Page 72 of Real Thing

So I just blurt out, “Oh, Stella is six.”

“Can I give her a sticker?” the older woman with the kind eyes asks. She’s already getting out her sticker pad for Stella to take her pick.

“Of course. Would you like to have one?” I ask Stella.

The little girl eagerly makes her choice.

“What do you say?” Nolan asks, eyes pointed at his daughter as he’s pulling the hood of her raincoat over her messy head.

“Thank you!” Stella squeals, grinning at the cashier as she takes her father’s hand.

Meanwhile, I’m over here fighting some painful blushing right now, replaying the idea that someone we don’t know thinks that the three of us look like a happy little family.

Me…part of a family.

Right before we step into the rain, Nolan pulls off his cap and settles it over my head. At the caring gesture, my stomach fills with butterflies. As we stroll out of the store and through the parking lot, I stare at the way he gently holds his daughter’s hand.

I don’t know what comes over me. I grin, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “You’re such a good man. And an even better father."

At first, he looks surprised, and I’m afraid I may have crossed the line. Shit—what am I doing? I’m the one who said we need to stay just friends.

But Nolan reaches out and takes my hand. Pulling me against his side, he brushes his lips over my forehead. “You have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that.” We continue walking, his arm clutched around my waist. Like it belongs there.

A happy little family…I have to admit—this is starting to feel like one.

To me, at least.



“What are you thinking about?”

At the sound of my voice, Inez turns her face in my direction. “Huh?”

“You’re quiet. What’s going through that pretty head of yours right now?”

I won’t lie. Today was unexpectedly fun. I never imagined that appliance shopping could be anything other than a bore. But with Inez and Stella along for the ride, I found myself in the best mood all day.

This isn’t like me—spending the day dropping a couple grand on new kitchen appliances, instead of cutting corners and saving pennies anywhere I can. But seeing my two girls bonding and having fun made it absolutely worth every single dime.

On the way out of Honey Hill, we grabbed takeout from some fast food place called Hot Dog Almighty. Then I bribed Stella into eating an apple so I could feel better about that decision. Now, we’re making the drive back home.

The rain has cleared up and now the sun beams through the light clouds. A news talk station plays on the radio. Apparently, a contract for the school repairs has been awarded to a construction company from the neighboring town of Copper Heights. No one knows just how long the renovations will continue.

Stella’s buckled up in the back seat, covered in ketchup and relish, sleeping with a contented little smile on her face. Inez sits beside me, my cap pulled over her windblown hair and a faraway look on her gorgeous face. Something’s bugging her and I want to know what it is. So I can make it better.

She puts on a fake little smile. “I’m thinking I like your new haircut. Lookin’ cute, Boss Man.” She winks at me.

Raking my fingers through my hair, I feel heat race up my neck. Yesterday, I took my grandma’s advice and made a long overdue visit to my barber to get my hair and beard under control. Just a little trim. Tapered sides. Shaggy top. Nothing too fancy.

Won’t lie, though—I feel like a new man. And hearing Inez say she likes my new look makes my chest fill up with confidence.

But the woman isn’t fooling me with her flirty little comment. I know something’s bothering her.

“Nice try, Machado. Stop trying to deflect. Tell me what’s wrong.”

She glances back out the window and releases a big sigh. “I…I want to do the interview…” she says quietly.