Page 116 of Real Thing

Nolan curses under his breath and jumps out from behind the wheel.

“What’s wrong?” I call out, but he doesn’t answer. He just stomps toward Gen’s place, on a mission.

Clearly, I’m slow on the uptake. I have no idea what’s going on here. Why the sudden change in the air?

I slide out of my side of the car, ready to go after him. But Nolan’s already all the way across the big front yard. He marches straight over and angrily bangs on the camper door.

I decide to stay back, watching from a distance as I stand in the shadows. Trepidation zips through me as I wrap my bare arms around my middle. I don’t have a good feeling about this.

A moment later, a tall blonde woman that I can only describe as an ultra hippie opens the camper door. She’s wearing this long, flowing multi-color skirt paired with a fringe vest. She’s got straight, long hair, and so much beaded jewelry that I’d bet it weighs a ton. When she comes out onto the step to greet Nolan, I see that she’s carrying a hesitant Stella in her arms.

Oh no. Looking at this woman’s face is like getting a sneak peek into Stella’s future. The resemblance is uncanny.


It’s Stella’s mom. Nolan’s ex-wife.

I don’t know how I didn’t recognize her at first glance. Though, to be fair it’s been years since I last saw her. And with everything that’s unfolded over the past few weeks, Nolan’s former wife has been the furthest thing from my mind. I’ve been busy over here in my little bubble, falling in love.

With her ex-husband. With her daughter. With this little life that was always meant for her.

But now, Lilian is back.

Our eyes connect across the distance, and it’s like she just knows. She knows that I’ve been taking her place. From the scowl she shoots me, I can tell she’s not happy about it.

Oh, this is just great.

This is going to change everything.



When I stomp into my house with a pajama-clad Stella in my arms, I make sure to lock and bolt my front door. I find Inez sitting in the living room. Just waiting. She’s still in her paint-covered T-shirt and cut-off denim shorts. The shorts I was ready to strip her out of just moments ago.

But now? My head is a million miles away. Sex is the last thing on my mind. I’m seething. I can barely see straight.

Arms full, I stomp past the living room, headed straight to Stella’s bedroom.

Inez whispers good night to my daughter as we pass by, and the little girl gives her a sleepy wave in return. Then we head down the dark hallway. Trying to put on a happy face, I help Stella get into bed.

I’m trying to focus on her bedtime routine. But my mind is spinning. I’m annoyed. I’m furious. I’m terrified.

On one hand, I know that Lilian is hardly a real mom. She’s never around. Stella barely knows her, and vice versa.

But deep down, I think that’s what scares me the most. Knowing how hair-brained Lilian is. She could pop up one day and start making demands that I just can’t give in to.

Do I want Stella to have a mother? Hell yeah, of course I do. My daughter needs a strong female role model in her life. But Lilian? She’s definitely not that woman. She’s flakier than a week-old biscuit.

And Stella deserves better.

Right now, my baby girl is extra exhausted, which sort of works in my favor. I’m not in the right state of mind to be answering tough questions tonight. Like, why is her mother back? And why did she leave in the first place? How long is she staying? Hell, I couldn’t even answer those questions if I tried. Lilian is a mystery I’ve given up trying to solve.

Thankfully, Stella is out cold before I finish reading her the whole bedtime story. After tucking her in and turning out her light, I tiredly make my way back down the hall to see if Inez is still around. I find her in the kitchen.

She’s here. She’s still here. Still so patient. Still so perfect.

That’s good.If I were her, I would have been running for the hills by now. Though I shouldn’t take anything for granted. The night is still young. There’s still time for running if this whole Lilian thing freaks her out enough.