She turns from looking at me to him. Surprise is etched across her face.
“I didn’t tell anyone but my fa—Duncan. He asked me to hack the Lucky Dice because of Aldridge stealing it from him. But Lennon said that’s a lie. I was going to research it and find out. But I know.” She turns to me and then turns to look at the rearview mirror, where she can look directly into Mikhail’s eyes. “I know you killed him.”
“Da.” He doesn’t deny it. But does she know why, and how does she know?
“My sisters don’t know though. I saw what he did.” She turns to look at Andrei. “He was going to kill that woman.” Her voice is so soft, but it’s loud to us because we understand she’s not mad. She expects his execution was for his transgressions against Erika.
“Da,” Andrei answers her just like Mikhail did. A simple yes.
“My sister is going to want to prove you murdered him.” She looks at Mikhail with a warning, letting him know Ainsley is going to want revenge.
“Nyet,” Mikhail growls. “I’ll take one for the team on this.” She turns to look at me with fear in her eyes.
“What does that mean?”
I pull her into me and make sure they know my intentions.
“This one is mine,” I declare.
She looks up at me, and my chest clenches.
“I’ll discuss it later, but you are both safe,” I say, calming her fear.
We pull up to the warehouse where Lennon is being held and proceed to rescue her.
Lennon isn’t transported by ambulance this time but by us. This is all my fault, and I told her so, but she hasn’t woken up. Dmitri holds her to him, speaking to her quietly. Aleksei wraps his arm around me, but I can’t stop the tears or pain.
I should’ve told Ainsley I wouldn’t do it from the beginning. I should’ve told Jimmy I couldn’t do it. Everything that has occurred is a result of both Ainsley’s and my actions. When I see her again, I’m going to give her a piece of my mind and tell her I’m out.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to give her the proof of who killed Jimmy or not. I probably should before she gets it in her head that it was someone else and goes off half-cocked.
“It’s not your fault, my lisichka,” Aleksei says softly in my ear. “This is all on McCall, Sparrow’s stepbrother. You did what you could.”
I tip my head back and look up into his face. “I’m not a little fox.”
His lips tip up as he shakes his head, denying my words.
As soon as we pull up to the hospital, Dmitri is out and headed for the ER doors. We head in after the car is parked.
“Alek, take Lyric back to your place where she’ll be safe.” Andrei issues the order in Russian.
“No, I’m not leaving my sister,” I say and go sit down, unaware no one is moving or speaking. I look up when I realize they’ve gone silent, and I find them all staring at me.
“You speak Russian?” Andrei asks, and I nod in response. I don’t need to give him details.
“Come with me, krasota.” Aleksei holds out a hand to me, and I look around. “Your sister is safe and being taken care of. We aren’t leaving, but we need to talk.”
I take his hand, and he leads me away to a conference room. He lifts me up and puts my butt on the table.
“Now listen here. We need to get some things straight. I’m not normally a part of the Bratva, but I used to be. I don’t have any children. I haven’t slept with anyone since you. Oh, and any children we have will know I’m their father, and I’ll take care of them.”
Everything he says washes over me, especially the last two things. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and look up into his eyes, nervous about what I have to say.
“I went there that night to steal your badges, but I didn’t intend to sleep with you until I met you. I know you don’t have kids. I know you’re not a part of the Bratva anymore.” I don’t give him the words that I haven’t slept with anyone because I’m embarrassed, although he admitted he hasn’t in months either. I finally lean up and whisper into his ear, “I haven’t slept with anyone else either. I only want you.”