Anushka Menon
You already said that, genius.
David Song
Stop interrupting me.
Anushka Menon
Say intelligent things and I won’t feel the need to interrupt.
David Song
From the way they’re interacting, I’m guessing they’ve known one another for a while now. I’m about to repeat my question when another message chimes in.
I will pay you BOTH to shut up. Please.
Ben Stone
The Tragedies are a group formed by Anushka for people who’ve been rejected by LSDCATS. We all auditioned for different roles, and we were given stupid reasons for being rejected.
Ben Stone
I put my phone down, taking a second to absorb this information. I consider seeking out Amal or Maha, but something roots me to my bed. I’ve been told my whole life that you don’t talk to strangers online, but with these few sentences, Ben Stone has tied a thread round my finger and linked me to this group.
I think we’ve scared her away.
Anushka Menon
Not ‘we’. You.
David Song
I promise we’re not serial killers.
Anushka Menon
I can feel her relief all the way from here.
David Song
You’re one comment away from me breaking into your flat and leaving spiders on your pillow.
Anushka Menon
Where would you even get spiders from??
David Song
Is it really breaking in if you have each other’s keys?
Ben Stone
ANYWAY, back to our new member! Any chance we can get your name? Your account doesn’t seem to have one. Only your pronouns, and that you’re a British Pakistani aspiring actress.
Anushka Menon
Unless you are called @ConstantlyVictimizedBySociety. Which is totally valid. I, too, feel victimized by society.