Page 118 of Royal Caleva: Luis

“Keep in mind that he’s an older man with a rigid set of religious beliefs. Maybe if his wife had still been alive, she might have softened his reaction,” Eve said.

“Well, I’m glad he’s not my father,” Grace said before she brightened. “I got lucky. I’ve got the best parents in the world.”

It hurt a little not to be the only parent any longer. At the same time, it eased some of the heavy responsibility.

Eve’s head spun. Her emotions were in such a turmoil these days. She couldn’t wait to get back to Iowa, where she would be able to get her mind right.

“Dad seems a lot better today, don’t you think?” Grace asked.

Eve nearly groaned. When they had met before the La Voix interview, Luis’s perfectly tailored navy suit had highlighted the glinting silver of his hair and the glacial blue of his eyes. What had really made her insides go liquid, though, had been the return of his electric charisma that blazed into every corner of the room.

“Only because we forced him to stay in bed for the rest of yesterday,” Eve said. “He’ll probably overdo things again and have a relapse tomorrow.”

“Maybe you can persuade him to rest this afternoon,” Grace said with a sideways glance.

“If he comes to the house, I’ll try.” Luis had offered no information about when they would see him again. She assumed sometime in the evening, since she and Grace were leaving for Iowa the next morning. On the royal jet.

That would be an experience.

Eve winced in anticipation of the hullabaloo in Ames. Mikel had already sent a security team to their house. Grace had texted her closest friends about the news after the announcement yesterday, so word would be out at the vet school. Dealing with all the questions was going to be a pain.

Even worse, Eve would have to live with Luis’s absence. The prospect of it sent a jab of agony through her. At least she would not have to see him every day, to be reminded of how his hands felt on her skin and how the icy blue of his eyes could blaze hot when he looked at her. Of how her body melted with pleasure when he made love to her.

No, it was more than that. He made her feel like she was important to him. Important to a magnificent man who also happened to be a king. No wonder she had been stupid enough to fall in love with him.

The SUV slowed, and Eve glanced out the window to see the huge gates swinging open. But instead of heading straight toward the house, Ivan turned onto a different road that wound down toward the water.

Eve was too tired to ask questions, so she just sat back and let the car take her wherever Ivan had been directed to go. Soon enough, she would be on her own again, so she might as well enjoy her last day of being chauffeured around.

As they descended, the trees became fewer so the deep blue of the ocean was visible, the sun sparkling off the wavetops. She would miss the water when she returned to landlocked Iowa.

“Are you okay, Mom?” Grace asked, leaning forward. “You seem down.”

“Well, we’re leaving tomorrow, and I’ll miss things like this view,” Eve said, forcing herself to smile.

“We’ll be back as soon as I graduate, so you won’t have to do without it for long.” With the buoyancy of youth, Grace was already looking forward to her new life.

While Eve was dreading hers.

The SUV glided to a stop, and Ivan leaped out to open Eve’s door. Eve obediently exited the car, but turned back when she realized Grace was still seated. Her daughter grinned and gave her a wave before Ivan shut the door again.

“Eve!” Luis’s voice came from the direction of the water.

She pivoted to see him standing on a pier where a sleek white speedboat was docked. Instead of his usual suit, he was wearing a loose white linen shirt over jeans. His smile was dazzling as he held out his hand, palm up. “Please join me.”

“I…” She looked back to see the SUV making a smooth three-point turn before it headed back up the cliff road.

Well, shit! She wasn’t going to be able to avoid this conversation with Luis.

On a boat. What was with that?

When she swiveled toward Luis again, he was closer, and his smile had dimmed, but he still reached for her. “I want to show you something beautiful. Will you come with me?”

She put her hand in his, the feel of his long fingers closing around hers sending a streak of longing through her. He pulled her to his side by threading her hand around his elbow.

And she understood. This was going to be a seduction, which she would have to resist with everything in her. It would be hard enough to survive without him as things were. If she spent more time in his arms, her heart would shatter when they were done.

“Do you suffer from seasickness?” Luis asked as they approached the boat.