“Thank you,” she choked out.
“Are you all right, querida?” he asked in a low voice.
“Please don’t call me that,” she said as the endearment slashed at her heart.
His mouth tightened with displeasure. People moved out of their way with speed now.
They made another turn into a hallway where two guards in dark suits stood in front of closed double doors. She recognized it as the entrance to the private quarters of the palace.
One guard leaped to open the doors. “Su Majestad. Señora.” He bowed them through.
The doors closed behind them, and Luis slowed again. “That was a long hike,” he said.
Eve put her arm around his waist. “Lean against me, and I’ll help you.”
He wrapped his arm over her shoulders and surprised her by shifting so she was carrying some of his weight. “You must feel worse than I thought.”
“I’m just tired,” he said. “The emotions have been powerful these last few days.”
They passed the door to Eve and Grace’s suite and continued toward the end of the hallway where Luis pressed his thumb against the electronic pad, and the latch clicked open.
“Come in with me,” he said. “Por favor.”
She nodded because he still leaned on her. They went through the wide doorway and into the sitting room where Luis had collapsed. Now, everything was neat as a pin, and the air held the faint clean scent of citrus. There was even a new leather trash can.
He headed for a door across the room, where she could see a large ornately carved bed. She would get him in there and then clear out.
He was leaning on her more heavily now. Why did the rooms in his habitación have to be so darn huge?
But they made it into his bedroom, where he sagged onto the giant bed, which had wooden frilled dragons winding up and down the bedposts. The carvings would give Eve nightmares.
Eve knelt at his feet to untie his polished wingtips.
“You do not need to do that,” Luis said. “I can manage.”
She glanced up at his drawn face. Even the makeup couldn’t hide his pallor now. “You take care of your necktie.”
She heard the rustle of silk as she slipped off his shoes. When she stood again, the necktie lay tossed on the other side of the bed, and he was unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt.
God, she wanted to comb her fingers through his silvery hair and kiss his deliciously sculpted lips. He would pull her down with him as he fell back onto the green velvet duvet, and they would strip off each other’s clothes…
“Eve.” Whatever he saw in her face had lit a hot blue flame in his eyes.
She took a step backward. “Right. Do you want to change into pajamas?” she said in her cheerful, no-nonsense, vet tech-to-pet owner voice. “Tell me where to find them.”
“I do not need pajamas.” His voice was a low purr. “But perhaps you will help me with my clothes.”
“Nope. You’re on your own with that.” She backed up another two steps. “I’m going to go sit in your living room to make sure you stay in this bed for the next three hours.”
“I will not be able to sleep knowing you are almost within my reach. Stay here with me, as you did in the hospital,” he said, holding out his hand, those long, elegant fingers beckoning her to give in to temptation.
Remembering how they had touched her sent a rush of heat between her legs.
“Once your head hits that pillow, you won’t be able to keep your eyes open,” she said. “Now lie down before you fall over.”
He gave a ghost of a laugh. “You would be safe with me for that very reason.”
Pulling back the covers, he lifted his long legs and slid between the sheets, making her ache to slide in with him.