Dupont slid his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out some­thing that caught a glint of sun­light. He held up his hand to show a key chain dan­gling from his in­dex fin­ger.

Quinn did her best to keep her ex­pres­sion im­pas­sive as Dupont ex­tended his hand to her. “I thought you might want this.”

She glanced at the key chain from which a coin en­cased in plas­tic hung. It was her fa­ther’s lucky tal­is­man, an Irish twenty-pence coin he had won in a penny-ante poker game years be­fore. The man who’d tossed it in the pot hadn’t know it was worth thou­sands of dol­lars, but Bren­dan some­how had. Her fa­ther al­ways car­ried it with him, call­ing it his mad money.

Dupont moved it closer to her.

“Why would I want that?” Quinn asked, but she heard the catch in her voice.

He flipped the coin up and closed his hand around it. “Ah, I was mis­taken. I thought it be­longed to a close fam­ily mem­ber of yours.”

“Quit fuck­ing around,” Mikel said, his tone harsh. “Give her the key chain and get out of my coun­try.”

“Your coun­try?” Dupont raised his eye­brows. “You’re not Cal­e­van born or even Cal­e­van bred.”

“It’s my coun­try now.” Mikel’s claim was fierce.

“As long as you’re use­ful to Luis.” Dupont abruptly tossed the key chain at Quinn with a ma­li­cious smile. “Your fa­ther sends his love.”

Her heart clenched as she barely caught the coin. Her fa­ther wouldn’t have parted with it will­ingly. Had it been stolen from him…or worse? She shoved it in her pocket with­out tak­ing her eyes off Dupont.

“Au revoir, mes amis,” Dupont said with a flick of his fin­gers. “May our paths never cross again.”

He turned on his heel and saun­tered to­ward the car.

“Our paths will cross again,” Mikel mur­mured un­der his breath. “When I put you in prison for life.”

Quinn waited be­side Mikel as Dupont climbed into the SUV, and it re­versed down the lane at high speed, leav­ing a bil­low of dust be­hind it.

“We have our miss­ing piece,” Mikel said. “The in­sti­ga­tor wasn’t Dupont, and the kid­nap­ping wasn’t just about the ran­som. There’s an­other mo­tive at play here.”

“Also, the in­sti­ga­tor brought in Ricci for the ear mu­ti­la­tion,” Quinn said, the thrill of the hunt zing­ing through her.

Mikel nod­ded as he piv­oted to stride back up the hill. “That means the kid­nap­ping was per­sonal.”

“Be­cause the in­sti­ga­tor wanted Raul’s ear cut off,” Quinn agreed. “But who hates the prince that much?”

“The prince or the king,” Mikel said. “Mu­ti­lat­ing the king’s only child is an act of cru­elty against both of them.”

Quinn winced at the hor­ror of that. She slipped her hand into her jeans pocket to grip the key chain. Was her fa­ther all right? “I’ll start look­ing at what hap­pened around the king five months be­fore the ab­duc­tion. Could the kid­nap­ping be re­lated to the no­bles who want the lily fields back?”

Mikel con­sid­ered for a mo­ment. “You should speak with Raul to see if he has any his­tory with the mem­bers of the Lily Ca­bal.”

Quinn quelled her im­me­di­ate re­sponse of why me? Her boss was en­trust­ing her with this job, so she would ac­cept it like the pro­fes­sional she wanted him to be­lieve she was.

“I’m go­ing to have the po­lice pick up Ko­dra for ex­tra­di­tion to Cal­eva,” Mikel con­tin­ued. “That will pro­tect him from Dupont. He’s go­ing to need it.”

They reached the car.

“I’ll drive this time,” Mikel said, walk­ing to the driver’s side and pulling the door open.

Quinn set­tled her­self into the pas­sen­ger seat.

“What’s the sig­nif­i­cance of the key chain Dupont gave you?” Mikel asked as he hit the ig­ni­tion but­ton.

She pulled it out and handed it to him. “It’s my fa­ther’s lucky piece. He al­ways car­ries it with him.”

Mikel stud­ied the coin in its plas­tic shroud be­fore he handed it back to her with a con­cerned look. “Get in touch with him. Find out how Dupont got his hands on it.”