She obeyed, and he eased her T-shirt off. Then he knelt, spread­ing her knees apart so he could get in close. In­stead of strip­ping her bra off next, he kissed the side of her neck, let­ting his tongue brush against her skin with a tiny touch. He drew her ear­lobe into his mouth, nip­ping it ever so lightly. The barely per­cep­ti­ble pinch ric­o­cheted down­ward and ig­nited the pool of heat be­tween her legs. “Gabriel,” she said on a sigh, bring­ing her palms up to rest on the light fur of his chest as she closed her eyes and felt his heart­beat.

“Sí, car­iño mío.” He mur­mured the en­dear­ment di­rectly into her ear, his warm breath stroking and tick­ling the whorls. She tilted her head to give him more ac­cess.

He put his mouth against her neck and drew a line down to the swell of her breast. His tongue traced the lace at the edge of her bra be­fore he licked into the val­ley be­tween. Then his arms cir­cled her back to re­lease the clasp. “Her­mosísi­mos, so very beau­ti­ful,” he mur­mured as he slipped the bra straps down her arms to bare her breasts.

He bent again to pull one nip­ple into his mouth, us­ing first his tongue and then the edge of his teeth to tease it into a point of pure sen­sa­tion. When he moved to the other one, she felt the first flicker of or­gasm. “I’m go­ing to come,” she panted as the wave built.

He sucked hard on her breast and pressed his hand be­tween her thighs to al­low her to rock into it.

She hit the top of the wave and tum­bled over it, let­ting her head fall back as her mus­cles tight­ened and re­leased in a shower of de­li­cious sparks. When the cli­max died down, she rested her fore­head on his shoul­der. “That was too fast,” she mut­tered when she had the breath for it.

He stroked up and down her back. “I’m just be­gin­ning,” he said and laid her down on the bed.

Tak­ing his time, he stripped off her jeans and panties. He gave the mu­sic sys­tem an­other com­mand to change the mu­sic to a slow, sen­sual throb.

Then he drove her mad with his mouth and hands and body, touch­ing ev­ery inch of her, skim­ming, stroking, press­ing, as though he mea­sured her re­sponse to each move­ment. Then he picked up the belt and used the leather in place of his hands, slid­ing the smooth, firm sur­face over her most sen­si­tive places with an ex­quis­ite fric­tion.

Her mind lost all moor­ing in re­al­ity and sank into the co­coon of pure sen­su­al­ity that he wrapped her in. She heard her­self mak­ing noises that ranged from tiny purrs of de­light to near shrieks when she came again.

Through it all, he would not let her touch him or kiss him or move of her own vo­li­tion. “This is for you, car­iño mío, all for you.”

Fi­nally, she begged him to fuck her be­cause she wanted him to lose con­trol as she had.

He yanked a con­dom from the bed­side ta­ble’s drawer. Rip­ping the packet open with his teeth, he rolled it on one-handed.

Gui­tar play­ers made dex­ter­ous lovers.

Then he shifted to wedge one knee be­tween her thighs, brush­ing against her sen­si­tized clit. She arched up with a gasp at the sud­den con­tact.

He smiled in wild sat­is­fac­tion and brought his other knee in, push­ing her legs apart, wide. Then he hooked his hand un­der her knee and lifted it onto his hip, an­gling and open­ing her.

She ex­pected him to thrust into her hard and fast, but he fit­ted the tip of his cock against her and then slid in with silken slow­ness. She felt him stretch­ing her ev­ery cen­time­ter of the way, his gaze locked on the place where their bod­ies joined.

It was tor­ture. It was heaven.

Then he seated him­self fully and pushed against her clit. Ev­ery plea­sure point in her body lit up like a pin­ball ma­chine.

“Ga-a-a-abrie-e-el!” she wailed as an or­gasm ripped through her so hard, it felt like a seizure, ex­cept it brought pure, mind-bend­ing plea­sure with ev­ery spasm of her mus­cles. Bril­liant flashes of light burst be­hind her closed eye­lids.

He was mov­ing, too, driv­ing her higher as his cock thrust through her clench­ing mus­cles.

“Oh, yes, Quinn! Yes!” His voice was ragged.

She opened her eyes to see him ris­ing above her, sweat glis­ten­ing on his fore­head as he panted out her name while he slammed his hips against her.

He lifted her other knee up so he could go even deeper, plung­ing in and out un­til he threw his head back, the sinews of his neck stand­ing out while he shouted a word­less cry of sat­is­fac­tion as his or­gasm pulsed in­side her.

For a long mo­ment, they held that po­si­tion un­til the mael­strom of sen­sa­tions re­ceded from their bod­ies. The mu­sic still swirled through the room, al­most muf­fling the gulps of breath they both pulled in. Gabriel low­ered her legs to the bed, his cock slid­ing out of her, adding a last fil­lip of plea­sure. She gave a lit­tle moan.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“I’m sated, sa­ti­ated, slaked, sat­is­fied, and ev­ery other S-word you can think of,” she said.

“Sexy comes to mind.” He smiled as he stood to dis­pose of the con­dom.

He re­turned to lie on the bed next to her, scoop­ing her up against his side while he stroked his hand over her bare hip. “That was sup­posed to be all about you, car­iño mío, but ex­plor­ing your beau­ti­ful body was pure in­dul­gence for me.”

“You just gave me three or­gasms. You don’t have to pay me over-the-top com­pli­ments too.” Yet he sounded so sin­cere that she al­most thought he meant it.