“Yes.” He jerked it up over his head. “Skin to skin.” He took her shoul­ders to bring her close enough so the points of her breasts brushed his chest. The breath hissed out be­tween his clenched teeth as he looked down be­tween them. “Ay, mi amor, such a small touch that sets me on fire.”

“And me.” She leaned in to run her tongue around his nip­ple, trac­ing the tiny ridge that de­fined it and flick­ing the nub that tight­ened at her touch. Then she dragged her mouth over to the dragon that climbed across his skin, its frill stretched wide in warn­ing. “So fierce,” she mur­mured as she used her tongue to paint along its out­lines.

She found the small scar where they’d re­moved part of his rib to re­build his ear and kissed it.

He made a sound that wasn’t a word, and sud­denly his arms were wrapped around her, and her feet weren’t touch­ing the ground. Cradling her against his chest, he took three strides to the bed and laid her down on it.

“I can’t wait any longer.” He tossed a con­dom on the bed be­fore strip­ping off the rest of his clothes.

Quinn couldn’t re­sist stroking a fin­ger down the length of his cock, lov­ing the way her touch made his eyes blaze and his fists clench as he held on to his con­trol. Then his hands were at her waist­band, open­ing the but­ton and yank­ing down the zip­per. She hooked her thumbs in the denim and shim­mied out of her jeans and panties while Gabriel knelt to pull off her shoes.

He stayed on his knees, push­ing apart her thighs so he could ease a fin­ger in­side her, deep­en­ing the con­nec­tion and her arousal. “Oh, yes, you are so wet and ready.” Then he leaned in and flicked his tongue over her clit.

“Oh, yes, Gabriel! Again!” She swiveled her hips to drive his fin­ger deeper. He slid an­other fin­ger in­side her and spread them, stretch­ing her so her mus­cles quiv­ered with an­tic­i­pa­tion. “Your cock! I want your cock!” She groped around the bed un­til she felt the con­dom packet, tear­ing it open with her teeth and sit­ting up to stroke it over him.

“God, I love it when you do that,” he said, watch­ing her.

Then he rolled her fully onto the bed and low­ered him­self be­tween her open thighs. She un­du­lated her hips to en­cour­age him, but he didn’t en­ter her.

In­stead, he braced him­self on his el­bows and smoothed her hair away from her face. “Te amo, car­iño mío. You must be­lieve that.”

Her heart seemed to ex­pand to fill her chest and push into her throat, mak­ing it hard to speak. How does he say that so con­fi­dently? To me? “I love you too.”

His smile held ev­ery­thing she’d ever wanted. Joy, pro­tec­tion, re­spect, de­sire. And it would all be taken away from her soon.

She grabbed his head to bring it down to just above her lips. “I love you so much.” And then she kissed him to share all the things she couldn’t say be­cause her words were too rusty with dis­use.

While their mouths were locked to­gether, Gabriel slid in­side her slowly, fill­ing her, warm­ing her, claim­ing her. When he be­gan to move, she wrapped her legs around his hips to keep him close and deep. He broke the kiss to lever him­self up on his hands, his eyes locked on hers. “This, car­iño mío, this is how you make love.”

He bent his el­bows so that the mus­cles in his bi­ceps and shoul­ders bulged and kissed first one breast and then the other. It was the mer­est brush of his lips, but sparks raced over her skin and spun down to where they were joined, driv­ing the heat higher.

She palmed the hard curves of his back, rev­el­ing in his strength. “You are so beau­ti­ful,” she breathed.

“And you are ex­tra­or­di­nary.” Then he ended all con­ver­sa­tion by in­creas­ing the tempo of his strokes into her. Yet, each time he moved into her, the words I love you whis­pered through her mind in his voice.

She came in a long rolling wave of de­light that vi­brated through ev­ery cell of her body. He came right af­ter her, their bod­ies wrapped to­gether in a co­coon of sen­sa­tion and sound and the smell of berg­amot and sex. He was more than in­side her, he was part of her.

Sweet­ness and in­ten­sity in aching com­bi­na­tion. It was al­most too much.

Gabriel rolled onto his back, tak­ing her with him. “Dios, ha es­tado in­creíble!”

“Yeah, that was def­i­nitely in­cred­i­ble,” Quinn agreed, turn­ing her head to kiss his shoul­der, which tasted salty with per­spi­ra­tion. She licked it too.

He shiv­ered un­der her. “Otra vez. Do that again.”

“Gladly.” She licked over to the in­den­ta­tion at the base of his neck, then up his neck to nip his ear­lobe, the one his kid­nap­pers had not mu­ti­lated.

“That could al­most make me hard again,” he said with a purr.

“Your speech gets more Span­ish dur­ing sex,” Quinn mur­mured into his ear.

“I re­turn to my prim­i­tive roots in mo­ments of great pas­sion.”

She snug­gled into him. “Olé!”

His pow­er­ful arms came around her, shut­ting the world out. An il­lu­sion, but one she craved. Gabriel might mirac­u­lously brush away her ugly se­cret as though it was noth­ing, but the rest of his fam­ily would not.

Chap­ter 29