Page 16 of Ava

He shook his head. “I’m good here unless… Do you want me to walk you there?”

I laughed. “I think I can make it two floors down to the library.”

Grunting, he stood up, putting his book aside. “I know you can. You are a capable female, more than we know. I’m offering because I want to.”

I sighed. “I’ll hold on to the offer for another time. See you later.”

He waved at me, and I made my way to the library. It wasn’t old with wood accents like I’d pictured. It was modern like this academy with a skylight that somehow showed the stars and the dark skies, although we were not on the top floor. Magic or science? Very cool, either way.

I settled at a table near the wall of windows and again, found myself looking out the window more than at my notes. There was no one else on this side of the library.

“Are you taking astronomy?” Lex asked and, honestly, I wasn’t surprised anymore to find them showing up where I was. In fact, I’d thought I scented Lex and Nolan when I walked in but ignored it thinking I would get something done instead of chasing them.

“If I was, this night might be productive. I’m supposed to be studying shifter biology.”

Lex sat down next to me. “Professor Branson?” he asked, sliding the syllabus toward him.

“Yes. It’s so interesting. My parents taught me a lot, but I’m learning so much more. And my parents didn’t know what was going to be on this test.”

He nodded. “I had Branson. I have all my notes if you want. They might help you.”

“Isn’t that cheating?” I asked.

He chuckled. “No. I’m not taking the tests for you. I’m lending you my precise and detailed notes. It’s an art, you know.”

“Precise and detailed, huh?” I said, shaking my head. “I’m surprised you can fit that ego into this place.”

Lex laughed, and I noticed that his gray eyes had specks of silver in them. “I can tell you all the things I suck at, too, if that helps. Can I see your laptop?”

“Oh. Sure. I usually just study with my handwritten notes.”

He nodded. “Mine are in the cloud, so I’ll give you access to all my files. They are in folders according to the class and the teacher.”

I sat, stunned, and watched the master at work. “Are you sure you want me to have access to your files? I mean, there’s nothing sensitive in there?” I blushed. From what I’d heard, boys had all kinds of files, and I wanted none of that. I preferred my sex scenes in romance novels.

He turned his head. My face was on fire, and I cursed my cheeks for always blushing. It gave too much away. “Oh, I’d love to know what thoughts are roaming around in that beautiful head of yours, but there’s nothing sensitive in there. No secrets from you.”

From me. From me.

Okay, that was something mates said.

“What does that mean?” I had to ask.

He showed me how to access all his files and then turned his body toward me. Lex was leaner than the others, but there was something about the way he moved. Slow. Calculated. It made me feel like prey. “It means, I have no secrets from you, Ava. Ask me anything, and I’ll answer. I don’t bullshit, and I don’t beat around the bush. I’m an open book.”

“That’s not what I expected.”

He brushed some of his dark hair from his forehead. “From me or from a guy?”

I shrugged. “From a guy, I guess. I’ve dated a bit, but, in my experience, boys lie.”

He took my hand in his, and I nearly exploded from the influx of nerves in my belly. I didn’t care what anyone else said. Holding hands was sacred. “Boys lie. Men don’t. I’m no boy, Ava.”

“Have you dated a lot?” I asked as Seraphine and her smoking friends popped into my mind.

“I haven’t ever dated. I have always waited for my mate. There was no point in dating for me.” As he spoke, he drew in closer; his lips were merely a breath from mine. His eyes darted from my eyes to my mouth. “Ava, may I kiss you?”

“Uh-huh,” I whimpered.