“It was just a dream. You’re okay, it was just a dream,” she said out loud. Even her words couldn’t calm her. What was that? Why was she fantasizing about Rafe? She didn’t want him. She didn’t. She had no business having an erotic dream about the man.

It had to be from their meeting earlier that day. She’d felt like a deer in headlights as he waited for her answer. Ari was still shaking from the strength it had taken for her to stand and walk from that room.

When he’d leaned over her, his mouth nearing hers, she’d almost arched her back, moved her body closer to him. She was finding his raw power to be an aphrodisiac. His seduction was hard to resist.

She had a great job; she had a few days to find help for her mom. It would be much easier for her to shun Rafe Palazzo if he wasn’t so magnetic. Her body seemed to be drawn to him, and that couldn’t happen.

Still unable to calm her beating heart, Ari stood and walked into her small bathroom. Flipping on the light she looked at her flushed complexion in the mirror. She was shaking as if he really had been there stroking her flesh.

“It was only a dream,” she said again, furrowing her brow at her reflection, as if she couldn't believe her audacity to be so turned on.

Her one and only sexual experience had been in college and it had been horrible. The guy was only concerned with himself and hadn’t given her body time to prepare. The pain had been excruciating when he’d thrust quickly inside her. She knew sex could be good, but she figured she was broken. That’s really why she didn’t understand her dream.

She could understand the end, the painful part, but the pleasure before that. Wow. She’d never in her life felt something so intense and since she didn’t have anything to compare it to, confusion swirled around in her head. She wished she’d never read his papers, filled her mind with such ideas.

She didn’t want to be tied up with silk scarves. She certainly didn’t want him to pleasure only himself and leave her aching. If only she was able to turn off her mind, purge him completely from her system. That would make her life so much easier than what it was right now. Though it was still the middle of the night, she didn’t think she would find sleep again anytime soon.

Turning on her shower, she stepped under the warm spray and washed away the sweat her erotic dream had produced. As she passed her fingers over her swollen folds, she flinched. Never had a dream made her body ache.

Pressing her hand tightly against her heat, she tried to push out the ache that still throbbed from her very core all the way down the sensitive skin of her thighs. After a fifteen minute shower, she was no closer to feeling relief so she dried off and climbed back in bed.

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Ari tossed and turned the rest of the night, not finding any solace in sleep. She was hungry, and when a woman craves something, there is no use in fighting it.

Chapter Ten

“Ari, would you like to join us? We’re heading to the Temple Night Club for some sushi and dancing. We must have some girl time before heading home to the husbands and kids for the entire weekend. ”

Ari smiled at Miley, one of her co-workers. She really loved her job. The women she worked with were wonderful and patient as she learned her varying tasks, and now they even included her in going out with them.

“I’d love to,” she said, feeling truly good for the first time since her mother’s accident. She’d gotten a draw from work so she had a little extra cash in her pocket, even after the rent was paid, and she was succeeding on her own. To top all of that off, she had a reason to celebrate.

“Why are you in such a great mood?” Miley asked.

“I just received the best news ever. The hospital has found the funds for my mother’s operation. I thought I may have to prostitute myself, but it turns out that waiting was the right decision to make. My mother’s going to be just fine, and my life will finally get back to normal,” Ari answered with a wink.

Miley looked at her with shock for a moment before laughing. Ari knew Miley thought Ari was joking, but the girl had no idea how close Ari truly had come to signing along the dotted line for Rafe Palazzo. If the funds hadn’t come in, she would’ve been left with no choice.

A fifty pound weight had been lifted from Ari’s shoulders that she hadn’t realized was resting there. It was time to paint the town red, and the best part of all was that she could do it guilt free.

She gathered her purse and coat, then followed the three ladies from the building.

“I got my performance bonus today so the first round of drinks is on me,” Shelly said.

“Mine came in too, so I claim second round,” Amber told them with a big grin.

“How many drinks are we having?” Ari asked with trepidation. Her one experience of getting drunk hadn’t gone so well – actually, it had gone downright horrible.

“As many as it takes to start making my not-so-fit-and-very-balding-husband start looking like one of the Chippendale dancers,” Shelly said, making the group of women laugh.

“I’d say that’s at least twenty tequila shots if he looks anything like my husband,” Miley piped in.

Ari stayed quiet as the other women bantered back and forth on their ride down the elevator. She didn’t want to offend them by not joining in their fun, but she was terrified to try her hand at drinking again.

The need for friends overrode her fear of alcohol, though, so she figured she may as well suck it up. It might not be as bad as last time. It wasn’t like she could make her life any worse than it already had been for the past six months.

“Did you drive to work today, Ari?”

“No. My car has been having engine trouble. I took the bus in. ”

“Good. We’ll all take the bus over there and then not have to worry about having a designated driver. I hate pulling straws cause I always seem to end up with the short one. ”

Ari looked at Shelly with a bit of surprise. She was always the efficient one in their office. It seemed that once five-o-clock hit, her sites were set on partying verses filing paperwork. Ari had to admit she was enjoying the group of women. Her worries were quickly left behind as they exited the building and headed for the nearest bus stop.

It didn’t take them long to reach the club, and they found a crowd was already waiting for entrance along the building in the cold night air.

“Wow. I wasn’t expecting so many people to be out this early,” Ari commented.

“It’s Friday, happy hour time. Everyone has the same idea as us – to blow some of their paycheck before getting locked inside with the kids all weekend. Even if my husband and I weren’t swimming in debt, I’d be out working just to keep my sanity,” Amber answered.

“I don’t think we can get in. ”

“Don’t worry, Ari. I have connections. ”

Ari watched Shelly approach the stunningly gorgeous bouncer who embraced her before nodding his head. Shelly nodded for them to follow her and once inside, Ari was seated at a crowded circular bar on a high stool, watching as chefs prepared sushi rolls with lightning fast speed and craft.

The lights were turned down low and the noise level was high as waiters moved among the patrons while friends visited. The energy in the room was exciting and the last of Ari’s concerns floated out the window. With her new friends next to her she was determined to have a wonderful time.

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“Ari, I did tell my friend, Tony, that if he could get us in, you’d head to the backroom later and let him get to at least third base. I knew you wouldn’t mind. ”

Ari choked on her drink as she sent an incredulous look Amber’s way. She couldn’t tell if the woman was kidding or not. She really hoped so. Thankfully, Amber couldn’t keep up the serious expression for long and soon burst into laughter, letting Ari know she’d been joking.

“I wish I had my camera right now. You should see the expression you’re weari

ng. Trust me, girl, Tony has zero problems getting dates. Just look at him. If I weren’t already married, I’d be ripping his clothes off with my teeth. Heck, for that matter, if I get a few drinks in me, I may just go ahead and take him for a spin, anyway. ”

“I have to admit that you girls frighten me a little,” Ari replied, sending the women into fits of laughter.

“What are you ladies drinking?” Ari looked up, more than grateful for the interruption.

“We’ll all have a round of Tequila shots followed by Apple Martinis. Just make sure you don’t take too long for our next round. We don’t have a ton of time to get drunk enough to go home,” Miley stated as she batted her eyes at the young and gorgeous waiter.

“Mmm, don’t worry, I’m always very attentive for the pretty ladies,” he flirted right back before sending a wink Ari’s way and then taking off to the bar.

“Wow. I bet I could get wild and kinky with him. Too bad he was looking straight at you, Ari. He must have realized you’re the only one available,” Shelly said with a smile.

“I’m not available. Just because I’m single doesn’t mean I have any desire to date. I have my mom to take care of, work to do, and more importantly, school to think about. I will get back and graduate. ”

“Yeah, well you know what they say… all work and no play…”

“I’m just fine with all work. ” Her three co-workers looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

“Here you are, ladies. I brought an extra round of Tequila shots for you – on the house. ”

“Mmm, mmm. You’re a man after my own heart,” Miley purred as she batted her eyelashes. “Our friend here was just saying what a nice ass you have. ”

Ari gasped in mortification as the waiter sidled a bit closer to her, his dark eyes not releasing her gaze.

“My name’s Chandler. You are more than welcome to look… touch… do just about anything you want with my ass and any other part of me. ” Ari was speechless as he moved far too close for her comfort, his hip brushing up against her leg.

He turned his body, and if she wasn’t mistaken, he was already a bit excited and pressing his arousal against her. Panic filled her as she looked toward her friends. She’d never had a man be so forward with her before – well, except for Rafe, but that didn’t count as he’d been trying to hire her for a sex slave, where she was pretty sure Chandler the waiter, wanted her for just a single night.

“Her name’s Ari. It appears she’s being shy. Come back around after drink number three or four,” Amber told him while flashing a heart stopping grin.

Chandler grinned down at Ari before Shelly gave him their sushi order, consisting of Pacific Rim, Samurai, and Firestarter rolls.

“We can order more if we want later, but that will be a good start. ”

“See you gorgeous ladies soon,” Chandler said with a wink sent Ari’s way, causing her face to heat as she quickly looked down at her drink.

“Alright, girls, let’s get this night started in style,” Amber said as she licked her wrist and shook some salt on the wet skin. Ari was lost. The other two women followed Amber’s lead, but Ari watched cautiously, trying to figure out what they were doing.

“You don’t like Tequila shots?”

“I don’t know what they are. ”

“Oh, you poor, poor, sheltered girl. ”

“Miley, don’t be so hard on her. We’ll just have to teach her,” Shelly scolded. “Okay, Ari, lick your wrist, yeah, like that. Now, shake some salt on it. Good job. Finally, you just lick the salt off and then throw back the Tequila. Watch and learn, sister. ”

All four of them did it at once, then her co-workers began laughing at the pierced look on Ari’s face. She knew she was scowling, but the amber liquid was burning a hole in her throat, and the salt seemed to only intensify the flavor.

“Okay, now grab the lime and bite into it like this. ”

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Ari couldn’t believe people put themselves through this torture. Her throat was on fire and her taste buds stinging as she reached for her glass of water. At least the lime helped a bit with the overwhelming flavor of the Tequila.

“You just have to dive back in for round two and then it’s time to dance,” Amber announced. With a reluctant sigh, Ari licked her wrist and grabbed the salt shaker. The sad thing was that round two went down a little easier.

Chandler was quick on bringing them more rounds and soon Ari didn’t know how much she’d consumed, but enough that her head was getting quite foggy. In between rounds, the women made their way to the dance floor to sweat out some of the alcohol.

At first, Ari was horrified by the men grinding up against her, but by her fifth round of shots, she barely even noticed the packed club – though she found herself smiling so much her cheeks hurt.

The women continued drinking, dancing and laughing, and soon a couple hours passed and Ari was starting to fall to the other side of her drunken bliss – the not feeling so great side.

“Ladies, it’s been a pleasure serving you tonight, but now I’m off shift. I was hoping to steal you for a dance, Ari,” Chandler said as he sat down next to her at the crowded bar.

“Yes!” Shelly, Amber and Miley answered in unison.

Ari was feeling so light headed that she didn’t even think about fighting Chandler as he took her hand and pulled her into his arms. His head descended as he locked his lips on hers and his hands roamed over her backside. She knew she should pull away – knew this was moving far too fast, but her foggy head was preventing her from resisting.

“No need to stick around if you have to go. I’ll make sure she gets home safe and sound,” Chandler said. To Ari’s amazement the women giggled and then waved their hands as if it was perfectly okay that their waiter was dragging her off to who knew where. She wanted to protest, but couldn’t seem to get any words past her throat.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and practically carried her to the dance floor where he placed both arms around her and started grinding his h*ps into hers.

“Um, I don’t feel too well. Maybe you should take me back to my friends,” Ari slurred, surprised by how difficult it was to get the words out.

“Shh, you’re fine, sugar. Let’s just have a dance or two and then I’ll take you somewhere you can lie down,” he replied before his lips captured hers, preventing her from protesting any further. With her last bit of energy she tried pulling away, but it was useless. The world was starting to blacken, and she slumped in his arms as she began to pass out.

“That’s right. Don’t fight it…” were the last words she heard.

Chapter Eleven

Rafe walked into the club, irritated to be there, but it was where his best friend wanted to meet. The man was constantly on the hunt for new women – one night stands being his preferred choice for satisfying his desires.

Rafe preferred to have exclusive women – there to do anything he wanted until he became bored of them. Only Shane, the man he’d known since middle school could get him out to a club, and only because he was like a brother to Rafe. The two of them were good for each other, helped balance one another out.

Having two sisters who drove him crazy, it was nice having Shane to level the insanity out. His sisters were great, but they could be too much to handle at times. Shane knew Rafe more than any other human being. He was there when Rafe had gone through the divorce, then by his side as he’d done what he needed to in order to pick the pieces back up.

“I can already tell by the expression on your face that you’re thrilled to be here. ”

Rafe turned around and shot an irritated glance in Shane’s direction. Why he put up with the man, he’d never know. Really, the friendship should’ve never survived all the crap Shane was known for pulling. If Rafe didn’t know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Shane was a good guy, he’d cut ties and call it good.


?s get this over with. I have plans this weekend. ”

“Loosen up, brother. You have to stop and smell the roses once in a while. We’re two single guys out on the prowl and they only allow the hottest women in here. Let’s have some fun first, then discuss business later. ”

Rafe sighed as a skimpily dressed hostess led them to a private table, bending down to show her ample cle**age as she asked them what they wanted to drink. Rafe normally would’ve enjoyed the view, but he still couldn’t seem to get Ari from his mind.

Never could he remember being so taken by one woman. It was the reason he should cut his losses and forget all about her. She’d said no – that should be the end of it – except, Rafe didn’t take rejection too well. Not that he could remember the last time he’d actually been rejected.

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“We’ll take a couple shots of bourbon to start,” Shane said as his hand reached out and copped a feel on her round ass.

“Sounds good, baby. I’ll be right back,” the woman practically purred.

“Damn, I may not need to look any further. She’s hot enough to fry all my circuits,” Shane said with a low, drawn out whistle as he watched her walk away, her h*ps swinging hypnotically.

“I don’t know how you screw so many women, then leave them in the dust and have them still thinking you’re their freaking prince charming,” Rafe grumbled.

“It’s all in the attitude, man. I just make them think it’s their idea for us to only have one night together. Then, when I run away a free man, they just think it was an exceptional night of sex, and we’re good friends. ”

Rafe snorted as he looked around the club. It was quite crowded for seven o'clock on a Friday night. He’d hoped to have a little peace for a couple more hours. As his bored gaze started returning to his friend, his eyes caught on a woman being led to the dance floor.

“No,” he uttered in disbelief.

“What?” Shane asked as he followed Rafe’s gaze and saw a small brunette being led out onto the dance floor. “Do you know her?”

The two men watched as the man held onto the woman, her body flopping against him as he felt her up. Rafe’s eyes narrowed further when it was obvious she was barely conscious.