Even in college she’d walked the line, putting her studies first, visiting her mother often, and staying true to the course she’d mapped out by the time she was thirteen.

Her mother wouldn’t want her to do this – wouldn’t want her to give up at the first roadblock.

“I have the contract right here. Before we proceed, I need you to initial each section and sign at the bottom. ” Rafe said as he pulled the papers from his briefcase and held out a pen.

Ari sat there as she tried to force her hand to reach up and take hold of the shiny silver pen he was holding. She just needed to take the pen, sign the papers and accept her fate. That’s it. They could fine tune the details over a nice meal.

“No. ” Ari heard herself say the word, though she couldn’t believe it. Shock radiated through her as she stood there motionless looking at him. She’d had every intention of saying yes, serving herself up on a silver platter. She was stunned to be refusing the man offering her the ability to get out of her situation.

She stood in thunderstruck silence as puzzlement crossed Mr. Palazzo’s features. He was gaping at her as if he’d never before heard that word. Stillness suffocated the two of them as a waiter came in and set dishes on the table before scurrying from the tension filled room.

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“You said yes over the phone. I thought this was settled,” Rafe calmly replied as he picked up his glass of wine and slowly took a sip of the dark red liquid while she awkwardly stood a few feet from him. She finally moved her head, looking around for Mr. Kinsor, who had disappeared. She’d have to find another ride back home. It was too long of a walk.

Ari watched as Rafe swallowed, the way his throat constricted as the fluid slid smoothly down. As if looking through another person’s eyes, she noticed he was quite handsome and so self-assured. Why would he even need to hire mistresses? Like he’d pointed out in his offices, there was a line of women practically begging to be chosen to be on his arm.

He had to know she didn’t want to do this even before she’d refused, so why go through the motions? She would understand it a little more if he was an ugly tyrant, hideous to look at. With his olive complexion, slight Italian accent, and amazing self-assuredness, she didn’t see a reason behind what he did. In another time she may even be disappointed not to date him.

Of course, he wasn’t asking for a girlfriend – he didn’t want to date. He wanted a woman to do his bidding, be at his beck and call, fall at his knees, and do all sorts of kinky, twisted sexual favors. She’d never be what he was looking for.

Ari’s knees grew shaky as the two of them continued their stand-off, so she slowly sank down into the chair. As his gaze held hers captive, she took a steadying breath as she picked up the full glass of sweet red wine in front of her and took a sip, giving herself a minute to think. She didn’t know why it was important for her to say anything, but she needed to.

“I thought I could do this – sell my body for the sake of my mother. I was wrong. I planned on saying yes, was determined to take the position and deal with it. I had no idea I would say no until the word popped out of my mouth. I’m slightly desperate at the moment, but I guess I do actually have a bit of pride still intact. ”

Ari watched as his eyes narrowed dangerously. She hadn’t been trying to insult him, but it looked like she had, anyway. He seemed to be the type of guy you didn’t want to push when you were so precariously close to a steep cliff that they could shove you over.

Suddenly, she didn’t care. She felt exhilaration take over the ever present fear as she took another drink and looked him dead in the eye. He may have all the money in the world, and he may even have more power than the President, but he was still just a man. The bottom line was that he couldn’t force her into anything she didn’t want to do – no matter who he was.

If she’d been born in a foreign land, he could probably just shoot her right there on the spot with no consequences, but she was here in the land of the free, where she was safe. Feeling like she actually had a choice gave her hope. She’d made the right decision.

She refused to be somebody she wasn’t. She never would’ve even thought of dating a man as striking and sophisticated as Rafe – not in her lifetime. She would marry an accountant, or a fireman. She’d have a small house with a yard that needed mowing and two kids splashing in a pool with their puppy. She wasn’t a girl who wanted to play kinky games.

She finished her wine and felt relief that her knees had stopped shaking. It was time to leave so she stood from her chair. There was no point in their conversation continuing. She’d said no. She didn’t owe him an explanation. She reached down to grab her purse when his hand snaked out and gripped her arm.

“This conversation isn’t over. ” The raw power in his tone and the controlled movement of his hand sent a shudder down her spine. What had she gotten herself into by going to that interview? She really wished she’d never seen that ad.

Chapter Five

Rafe gazed in surprise at his hand gripping Ari’s delicate arm. His normal cool was agitated and he wasn’t ready to let her walk from the room. What startled him was his enjoyment of it all. He was intrigued to be refused by this complicated woman.

What he should do was wish her a good day, eat his meal in silence, and then go home. His assistant would simply call in the next woman on the list. It was easy – not a big deal. So why was his hand gripping Ari’s arm? Why didn’t he just let her go?

It was most likely because he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been challenged – not by a woman – not by anyone for that matter. Everyone practically bowed at his feet. Not until this very moment did he realize how bored he was by it all. It seemed he’d already accomplished everything he possibly could achieve, and now he just added to his success without many bumps in the road.

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Obviously, he needed more challenges if a refusal from a woman caused more excitement in him than making a billion dollars on a new merger.

Still, there was nothing he could do if she didn’t enter into the agreement. He’d never force a woman to be with him, and he had no desire to actually take the time to court a mistress.

It wasn’t so simple when it came to Arianna Harlow. He could actually picture himself throwing her over his shoulder and taking her to his car where he could squire her away to his home, tie her to the bed and ravish her body until the morning light.

A wolfish smile spread slowly across his face at the thought of doing just that. What he wouldn’t give to be a pirate in that moment. Rafe had a feeling though, that one night wouldn’t be nearly enough to sate his desires – not with this woman. Maybe it had just been too long since his last mistress. Her appeal was most likely nothing more than sexual frustration.

“Sit,” he commanded. She flinched from his cold tone. Good. She had no idea who he truly was. This was all a game to him, nothing more – and he couldn’t lose – it wasn’t in his DNA.

He watched emotions flit across her face as she looked down at his hand. He saw the tremor in her body, knew she wasn’t unaffected by him. She may not like his rules, but she did desire him. The question was – what was he willing to do to get her to admit it?


He wouldn’t chase her. He just wanted to finish his meal. At least, that’s what he told himself to explain his inexplicable behavior. It was only a game that he must win, not a desire to actually be with the woman.

“I guess a free meal won’t hurt,” she replied after the pause became uncomfortably long. Tugging on her arm to let him know she wanted to be free, reminded him that he was still gripping her soft skin.

He let go, zeroing in on the slight redness his fingers had left against her ivory complexion. The sight caused his body to stir, the beginnings of desire trickling in. Normally, it took a lot more than his fingers branding a woman’s arm to cause his pulse to quicken.


She intrigued him more by the minute, though he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about her. Yes, she was beautiful, but beauty wasn’t a rarity in his world. Every other woman he ran across was stunning.

As Ari cautiously sat, she picked up her fork and began twisting it in her fingers as she eyed her salad. The waiter appeared with their second course, which was artfully prepared sushi. Rafe nearly smiled when her nose wrinkled at the delicate pieces of rice, raw fish, and seaweed.

“Um, no thank you,” she said to the waiter, who looked at Rafe like he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. Rafe was sure the young server had never had his food returned at the exclusive restaurant.

“It’s fine,” Rafe said and the waiter quickly scurried away. “Don’t dismiss it until you’ve at least given it a try. This one here is a rare delicacy that is said to wake up a woman’s… cravings. Have you heard of Fugu before?” When she shook her head, he continued.

“Fugu is more commonly known in the States as pufferfish or blowfish. If the chef doesn’t prepare the dish just right… it’s fatal to consume, which is part of the thrill of eating the delicacy. ”

“Why would I possibly try this if it could kill me?” she asked in exasperation, looking at him like he’d lost his mind. He picked up a piece and slipped it into his mouth, feeling the delicate explosion of flavor wash over his tongue. He was used to great food, but watching the fright in her eyes as he swallowed the sushi made the act of eating almost erotic.

“We all seek thrills, Ari. Very few skilled chefs can leave just a tiny trace of the lethal poison on the fish, causing a tingling sensation on your lips and tongue, enough to wake up the senses, while not enough to kill you. That little bit of excitement draws the consumers in, makes them want to try it and tempt fate…”

Each word he spoke sent her eyebrows just a little higher, and her lips a bit more pursed. Her expressive face was a thrill to watch. He managed to portray an almost bored demeanor, but he couldn’t ignore that he was intrigued by this seemingly innocent girl. He enjoyed how she wore her feelings on her sleeve, how everything she was thinking was an open book to him.

“I’m just fine with not living on the edge. I prefer to keep everything about my body un-tingly and working just fine,” she again declined.

Rafe didn’t like being refused once, let alone multiple times. He really should end this game and walk away. For unknown reasons, he wasn’t willing to concede defeat just yet. Maybe it was that slight sparkle in her eyes, the way she subtly trembled when he touched her, and maybe it was just that he wanted to tame her.

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He didn’t know the answers yet, but for some reason he wasn’t ready to let her leave. He wasn’t ready for their game to end. She would submit to him first. Once she was willing to do his bidding, then he’d grow bored like he did with everyone else.

“I’m not a man to give up, Ari. It would be much simpler for you to just try the dish. You saw that I ate one with no problem. I’m still alive. ” The expression on her face seemed to shout that she didn’t think that was necessarily a good thing. It almost made him laugh, and he struggled to hide his amused smirk.

He took the spoon and dribbled a touch of sauce over the delicacy and scooped up a small bite, holding the fork out to her. “The sauce brings out the rich flavor and makes the meat very enjoyable. Come on… try just one,” he coerced in a temptingly soft tone.

She gazed at him with suspicion, but he could see that she was beginning to cave. His body stirred as her lips parted. She could be more easily trained than he’d originally thought. Teaching her could be extremely pleasurable for both of them.

With hesitation, her lips opened, giving him just enough room to slip the small bite inside. He set the translucent fish on her tongue, then watched as her lips closed around the fork as he slowly pulled it out. Her nose wrinkled as she bit down, but then her eyes widened in pleasure as the burst of flavor danced on her tongue. She finished chewing before picking up her wine and taking a sip.

“Okay, it wasn’t horrible, but certainly not something I want to try again. If I’m too afraid to eat something, then that’s all the warning I need to keep away from it, even though the flavor was actually quite indescribable. I may have to try other safer sushi dishes. The thought of eating raw fish has always kind of freaked me out,” she said with another wrinkle to her nose, the cute expression making Rafe grin.

“Well, the Fugu is the only fish on your plate that can actually kill you. Try the Hamachi Roll. It’s made with grilled yellow tail and shrimp. I think you’ll find it refreshing. ”

With a heavy sigh, Ari tried the roll, and then smiled. She didn’t complain as she finished the last few delicate rolls. Once her plate was clear, she picked up her glass of wine again.

“This is the best wine I’ve ever had, not that I'm very experienced in alcohol. My mom let me have a glass at my high school graduation party and then I’ve tried a few glasses when out to dinner, but I’m not a wine expert. I’ve had friends that could tell you what year and flavor this is. ”

He sat back as she babbled for several moments, finding that he enjoyed the sound of her voice even if he didn’t understand half of what she was talking about. Their conversation centered on mundane topics for the next half-hour, but he found he wasn’t in the least bored. If anything, he was more interested by this woman than ever.

They ate through several more courses and he enjoyed the excitement entering her eyes as each dish was revealed. She stopped wrinkling her nose as she dove into the artistic creations, some of them not to her liking, but she was eager to try each one.

“Thank you, Mr. Palazzo. This evening turned out quite pleasant. I can now say I’ve tried dishes I never imagined wanting to sample. I’m sorry the… um, employment didn’t work out, but I can’t say the evening was a total bust. It actually took my mind off my worries for a while. However, the real world is calling and I need to get back to it. ”

Rafe felt a small spark of irritation that she refused to call him by his first name, even after hours of dining with him, but he tampered it down as he stood to assist with her jacket.

As his hands slid against her shoulders, he felt that familiar stirring in his body. He found himself wanting to explore her hidden curves, touch her smooth skin, and see if she tasted as good as she smelled.

“I’ve enjoyed myself, too, Ari. Maybe you will reconsider my job offer,” he whispered as he bent down so his breath warmed her neck. Satisfaction rolled through him as he watched her skin react – her body unable to hide its pleasure in his touch. He couldn’t resist the urge to lean in and gently bite the delicate skin of her neck before running his tongue over the spot, making her lean momentarily against him.

Before he could wrap his arms around her and press his hardening body against her soft backside, she stiffened and pulled from him.

“No, that won’t be happening. Thank you again for dinner, but I really must leave,” she insisted as she strode from the room.

Rafe threw several hundred dollar bills on the table, then turned to follow Ari. She made it out the front door and a small stretch down the sidewalk before his long cool strides caught up to her.

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“How were you planning on getting home, Ari? My driver is the one who brought you here. Besides, I always escort my date home,” Rafe insisted as he grabbed her arm and spun her around, enjoying the look of awareness on her face.

“That’s not necessary, Mr. Palazzo, as this wasn’t a date. There’s a bus stop just down the road, and I’m happy to use it,” she fired back.

“It’s not safe for a woman to be out walking at night. There will be no way in hell that I’ll allow this to happen. ”

“I’ve lived in the city for a while now and I’m fine on my own. I know how to take care of myself,” she said as she tugged against his hold.

; “I’m sure you do, Arianna, but why not let someone else take care of you for a while. I’m very good to my women,” he said as he backed her up against the brick wall of the restaurant.

“I’ve made my decision. You need to let me go. ” Her voice trembled as her gaze dropped to his lips.

Rafe had a strict, no kissing rule, but he found himself wanting to bend down and devour her naturally plump pink lips. He felt himself bending as his will began to break.

Right before their lips connected, a drunken crowd of teenagers stumbled by, one of the boys knocking into the two of them and breaking the moment. Ari slipped from his arms and took off down the sidewalk. Rafe caught up to her as she made it to the barely lit bus area.

“I’m beginning to tire of chasing you, Ari. I said you won’t be taking the bus, so that means that you won’t. I really have no qualms about causing a scene, but since you’ve been hissing at me beneath your breath, I take it that you do. You can either come with me willingly, or I’m going to pick you up, toss you over my shoulder and drag you back to the restaurant. It’s your choice,” he said, causing her to jump.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she gasped as she looked around. A few people were beginning to walk toward them. Rafe could see the bus approaching several blocks down the street. She wasn’t getting on it, not on his watch.

“Not only would I dare, but I’d enjoy myself. You have to the count of three. One… two. . . ”

“Okay, okay. I’ll take the ride,” she relented as his hands were starting to reach out to her. She turned back in the direction of the restaurant, grumbling underneath her breath about pompous men who needed to learn self-control.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he pretended not to listen to her. She had no idea how much self-control he was actually using around her. He’d been planning on taking her to her new apartment tonight, ravishing her body, and initiating her into his world.

If Rafe knew one thing, though, it was that plans changed. He didn’t often have to adapt, but he could make exceptions once in a while. It seemed if he wanted to pursue this matter with Ari, he’d have to make an exception or two. He could live with that.