“I don’t need your pity or your attention. I’ve been doing just fine all morning on my own. ”

“Obviously you aren’t doing fine. You’ve lost even more weight that you can’t afford to lose, your cheeks are sunken in, and you look like you haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in ages. You, more than anyone I know, should be working for me. You obviously need a keeper. ”

Ari was almost grateful for his words. For a brief moment, her worry over her mother was pushed down as irritation with Rafe jumped to the forefront. She couldn’t stand how bossy he was.

“I’m taking care of myself just fine. I absolutely don’t need a keeper. As a matter of fact, I had a large breakfast this morning. ”

“Liar. I bet you’ve only barely pecked your food over the last few days, and had absolutely nothing today. You’re worried about your mother and I can understand that. But, you’re being selfish, Ari. How do you think it makes her feel to see her daughter taking such poor care of herself. Your mom will need to worry about getting herself better when she comes out of surgery, not spend her time fretting about you. ”

Ari took in a sharp breath at his words. He was so arrogant and rude. It really infuriated her that he was also right. The thought of food was turning her stomach. How could she eat when her mother could possibly be dying? It just seemed wrong.

“Where are we going?” she finally asked as he turned a corner.

“To get lunch. ”

“I’m not hungry. I already told you that I ate. ”

“And I already called you a liar. How many arguments have you won with me, Ari? None. You may not be mine to control yet, but that’s just a formality. I plan on having you, therefore, your health is of importance to me. You can either sit here in this cafeteria and eat a decent meal, or I won’t hesitate to throw you over my shoulder, take you to my place, and force food down your throat. Your choice. ”

Ari stopped outside the cafeteria’s doors as she stared at him incredulously. The outrageous things he said to her in a normal, everyday tone of voice never ceased to amaze her. She really, really wanted to call his bluff, but by the look in his eyes, she had no doubt he’d follow through on his threat.

Even though the building was filled with security, he was a major donor to the hospital. She was beginning to doubt that they’d stop him from kidnapping her even if she were screaming her head off. She couldn’t take the chance of him taking her away and her mother coming from surgery without her there.

With a growl of frustration she turned from him and walked into the quiet cafeteria. Thankfully, there weren’t too many people present. She didn’t want to listen to their conversations, or squeeze past a line. She was going to have to concentrate fully on trying not to choke on horrible food while her stomach was already heaving at just the thought of cramming anything down her throat.

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“Ah, Ari. I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t choose option two. I like the thought of you thrown over my shoulder with your ass next to my face. I’d have to turn and take a bite out of your luscious curves. ”

A shiver ran down Ari’s spine at the image he was placing in her mind. She wouldn’t mind having him nibble on her derrière, either. Guilt seized her at having such a thought when her mom was still in surgery. One more reason to hate Rafe.

She ignored his comment as she moved through the various displays of food. Nothing looked remotely appealing, so she finally just grabbed an item. This didn’t seem to please Rafe because he threw several more items on her tray, then shuffled her along to the cashier.

She didn’t even attempt to pull money from her purse. She hadn’t asked for the meal so she wasn’t offering to buy it. Rafe paid the cashier, then led her to a table in the back corner of the cafeteria.

She was less than thrilled to have another private moment with him. There were about ten other people sitting around the room, but they were far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation.

Suddenly, he sighed as he gazed from her to her untouched plate. She didn’t get his sudden fascination with her eating. What was the big deal? It didn’t impact him in the least.

“Please eat. ” His softer tone startled her.

“Why do you care?” she asked, completely baffled.

“I normally could care less what you eat or how much sleep you’re getting. You’re a grown woman and should be perfectly capable of making basic health decisions, but when I see that you are literally starving yourself and about to pass out from exhaustion, I feel it’s time to step in. You may not have signed on with me, but believe it or not, Ari, I would be this hard on one of my sisters, as well. My father taught me from a young age that when a woman needs taken care of, men are always supposed to step up to the plate. I’m calling a truce for the next couple of hours while your mother finishes her surgery. When it’s all over and she’s back on her feet, I’ll throw down the gauntlet again,” he answered with a warm smile and a flirtatious wink.

Ari could see the truth in his eyes. Her stomach clenched as he let down his ever-present guard and she saw the man behind the mask. She automatically sat back – the power of her attraction to him was so intense in that moment. Talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was the new age version of the old time classic.

Her defenses went up when she realized how easy it would be for her to fall for this kind and caring Rafe. She could somewhat fight against Rafe the bully, but Rafe the White Knight was too much to handle. She’d run straight into his arms.

“Take a bite, Ari,” Rafe commanded when she was motionless for too long.

“I’m getting to it,” she said as she picked up the turkey sandwich. She took a bite, chewing the soft bread a few extra times in hopes that she could get the lump of food down her throat.

“Good girl. ” She was almost grateful for his mocking tone to be back. She could handle him like this.

“I am nobody’s good girl,” she snapped, feeling relief as the surge of irritation began filling her.

After several minutes, she was surprised to find the sandwich gone. In her annoyance with Rafe, she hadn’t even realized she’d been taking bites and swallowing.

“If angering you gets you to eat, then your wrath is worth it,” he said in response to her surprise.

“Then I shall grow nice and fat with you around because I’m always angry. ”

“Mmm, I can picture you growing a bit more ripe. You have stunning curves, but a few pounds would make them even more luscious. I have already enjoyed the view of your supple br**sts spilling from my hands. ”

Ari gasped as she looked around, praying no one had overheard his vulgar comment.

Rafe leaned forward, inches from her face, “Are you embarrassed, Ari? Everyone has sex. It doesn’t have to be a shameful experience. ”

“I thought you’d called a truce,” she reminded him. “Besides, sex with you is beyond shameful and leaves me feeling dirty,” she finished as she speared a piece of cantaloupe and bit down on it too hard, causing its juice to squirt out and land on Rafe’s face.

The sight of him with cantaloupe juice running down his cheeks gave her the giggles. She didn’t know if it was stress, depression, or what, but she started to laugh, and then couldn’t seem to stop.

Several people turned her way as Rafe’s expression darkened and he reached in his pocket to grab his monogrammed handkerchief, which only made the hilarity intensify. Her stomach cramped as the laughter kept flowing. She was afraid she was having a breakdown, because no matter how hard she tried to stop, she couldn’t. The giggles just kept on coming. Soon, tears began to crawl down her cheeks.

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“It seems our truce was short lived. However, I’m so glad I entertain you,” Rafe growled as he rubbed the juice off his face, sending her into a whole new fit of laughter.

She wasn’t sure if she would’ve

continued laughing until the hospital staff took mercy on her and knocked her out, but a splintering sound echoing through the halls quieted her up pretty fast.

Several loud explosions filled the air, followed by voices screaming. Rafe was on his feet in seconds, then pulling Ari along with him.

“What was that?”

“Someone has a gun!” a woman shouted as she ran into the room, then went flying forward as red began spreading across her shoulder.

Just as Rafe was lifting Ari into his arms, a large man carrying a semi-automatic weapon stepped through the cafeteria doors. Ari’s frightened eyes met his, before he turned the gun in her direction. He pulled the trigger as Rafe swore and tried to shield her body, but it was too late.

Ari felt like she was punched in the chest, thinking maybe Rafe had dropped her. She looked down at herself and was fascinated as she saw red begin to spread out across her t-shirt.

“That’s too bad. This was my favorite shirt,” she gargled before the world went black.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Fury engulfed Rafe as Ari’s blood spread, soaking her soft cotton tee. Gently setting Ari down, he flew through the cafeteria. He felt a punch in his arm, but nothing was going to stop him from killing the man who’d dared to shoot Ari.

The guy pulled the trigger as Rafe rushed toward him, but he was either out of bullets or his weapon was jammed. Either way, he had about two seconds before Rafe took him down.

The man’s eyes widened as Rafe flew into the air and came barreling down. He tried pulling out another weapon from his belt, but he didn’t have time as Rafe’s body connected with his.

The man gasped as Rafe’s fist found his jaw and dislocated it with one punch. The next hit sent blood spurting from the guy’s nose as a satisfying crunch echoed through the room of screaming people.

Rafe swung again, intent on killing the man. The worthless scum wasn’t worthy of living any longer, not after what he’d done – shooting people down in cold blood.

“Mr. Palazzo, we have him. Mr. Palazzo, you can stop. Stop now or you’ll kill him!”

“I intend to,” Rafe shouted as his fist flew downward again.

He was lifted from the guy as a couple of men grabbed him and hauled him backward. He turned, intent on beating the men who dared to interfere, then he felt a pinch in his arm and everything became instantly fuzzy.

“No…” he called out before he faded.

When Rafe came to, it took a moment for him to remember what had happened. He heard monitors start sounding off as his heart picked up speed.

“Ari,” he called.

“Mr. Palazzo, I’m Dr. Bruce. Everything is going to be alright. You were shot in your left shoulder, but we successfully removed the bullet and you’ll recover quickly. ”

“I don’t give a damn who you are. Where’s Ari?”

“The woman in the cafeteria was shot in the chest. It was dangerously close to her heart, and surgery was touch and go for a while, but she made it through. The next forty-eight hours are critical. She has a fifty percent chance of survival at this point. ”

Rafe sat up in the bed and started ripping out the lines attached to his arm. There was no way in hell he was lying in this cold hospital bed while Ari was somewhere else fighting for her life.

“Mr. Palazzo, I highly recommend you stop now. There’s still a chance of infection setting in if you don’t stay here to be monitored. ”

“I don’t give a damn about infection. Take me to Arianna Harlow this instant or I’ll make sure you never work another day as a doctor in this town or anywhere else,” Rafe shouted.

The doctor looked at him for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘it was Rafe’s funeral’.

“Fine. Follow me. ”

Rafe rose from the bed and had to pause for a moment as the room started spinning. The doctor didn’t dare advise him on his weak condition, and just stood in the doorway waiting for Rafe to orient himself.

When the world stopped spinning, he took one slow step in front of the other. He wasn’t happy at all with the hospital gown they’d placed him in.

“Once you get me to her, have a nurse fetch my clothes,” he commanded. The doctor simply nodded.

They walked down the hallway and reached the elevators. Once inside, the doctor pushed the button for the fifth floor, and the rising car made Rafe nauseous. He fought it down, but felt relief when the car stopped moving and he was able to step out on an unmoving floor again.

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He followed the doctor through double doors and around a corner, then felt his heart nearly stop when he saw Ari lying helplessly in a small bed with all kinds of wires sticking from her pale skin.

“She’s stable for the moment,” the doctor said as he looked at her charts. “I’ll have your clothing sent up right away. ”

Rafe didn’t acknowledge the doctor as he collapsed in a chair and gripped Ari’s warm hand. He tried telling himself he was only concerned since he was the one who’d led her to the cafeteria in the first place, but he knew it was a lie.

Somewhere along the line he’d developed feelings for this woman. Once the emergency was over, he would push those feelings far away and lock them up. He had no room for emotions in his life. He wouldn’t even dare think about love and happy endings. This was about control. He needed to own her so he could gain control back in his life. That was all it was.

He leaned his head on her bed and fell asleep while still clasping her hand. Without the stream of pain killers entering his IV, his arm was throbbing and his head felt like a construction worker was remodeling his brain. Sleep was a welcome relief.

“Rafe. Where am I? What happened?”

Rafe snapped awake at the scratchy sound of Ari’s fear filled voice.

“Ari. How do you feel?” he asked as he tried to wipe the fog from his brain.

“Like I was run over by a train. What happened? Why am I hooked up to these monitors? Why does my chest hurt so bad?” she questioned as her frightened eyes gazed at him.

“You were shot. I don’t know any details yet because I haven’t left your room, but I’m damn well going to find out who the man was and why the hell the hospital didn’t stop him before he got to you. ”

“My mom?” she asked as tears filled her eyes.

“She’s fine, Ari. The nurse came in a few hours ago and said she made it through surgery without a hitch. They didn’t want to frighten her after her surgery so she thinks you’re just catching up on some much needed sleep right now. I will personally go see her in a few minutes. I just wanted to make sure you were okay first. ”

“Thank you. You didn’t need to stay here with me. I know how busy you are. When can I see her?”

“It will be a little while because you’re in in the ICU right now, and you can’t leave for at least another day. You were shot in the chest and had major surgery. It’s amazing how well you’re doing. ”

“Please, I need to see her,” Ari begged.

“Ari, you won’t do her any good if you collapse at her feet and die. You need to rest and take care of yourself before you can possibly take care of her. ”

“Then please go to her. Please tell her that I’m okay and I’ll come to her as soon as they’ll let me. ”

“Okay, I’ll go now. ” Rafe leaned over and gently kissed her lips before he stood up and walked from the room.

It didn’t take him long to find Ari’s mother’s room. She was lying in the bed with her eyes open when he stepped through the doorway. At least he had his clothes back on and wasn’t entering the woman’s room with nothing but a paper thin gown.

“Ms. Sandra Harlow?”

“Yes, that’s me. Can I help you?” It was almost eerie how much the woman looked like Arianna. They both had the same delicate high cheek bones, straight nose, and petite frame. They even had the same hazel colored eye

s. The biggest difference was where Ari had long brown curls, Sandra had short blond hair with the beginning streaks of grey running through it. She was still a stunning woman.

“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there’s been an accident with your daughter. I want to assure you that she’s doing fine, but it will be a couple days before you’re able to see her,” he said, making sure to keep his tone reassuring.

“Ari? What happened? I need to see her now,” Sandra said as her monitors indicated her increased heart rate.

“Ms. Harlow, Ari is fine, but both of you just came out of surgery, and neither of you can move right now. You need to focus on getting better because Ari will need you to be strong,” Rafe said as he sat down and took her hand.

Her frightened eyes met his, and he was relieved when the monitors indicated her heart rate starting to slow.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Ari’s friend,” he lied. He couldn’t exactly tell Ari’s mother that he was the man who planned on using her daughter and then dumping her when he grew bored. He somehow didn’t think that would go over too well.

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“What’s your name?” she asked with the same suspicious tone her daughter used. It was so similar that it made him smile.

“Raffaello Palazzo. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Harlow. ”

She looked at him with confusion for a few moments and then her eyes widened.

“I’ve heard that name before. Some of the nurses have spoken about you. Are you the same gentleman that has done so much for this hospital?”

“None of that matters, Ms. Harlow. What matters is that you and Ari both get better. ”

“I see you like to avoid questions about yourself. ” Rafe smiled again at her direct tone. He had a feeling that his mother and Sandra would get along great. He’d have to make sure the two of them never met. He could see a lot of headaches for him if that were to happen.

He only wanted Ari to satisfy his needs. He didn’t need their family members trying to make it anything other than that. Rafe didn't need them to know one another at all.