Neither of his sisters was fooling him. He knew exactly what they were doing. Knowing didn’t matter, though. The thought of these unknown men flirting with Ari was causing a simmering burn in his gut. He needed to brand her – let the world know she wasn’t up for grabs. He planned on doing it soon.

“I need to speak to the Captain. Why doesn’t everyone get seated, and I’ll have dinner served immediately,” Rafe snapped as he walked from the room.

He decided right then that they were staying out for the night. He knew his family wouldn’t mind, and he wanted to keep Ari trapped on the ship with him – where she couldn’t possibly escape. He would show her who she belonged to.

He returned shortly and their first course was served. As she sat next to him, his temper cooled, but his desire continued to escalate.

Conversation filled the room as his exuberant family all spoke at once. Rafe was used to the loud voices of his family as everyone demanded to be heard. He enjoyed nothing better than sitting back and listening to his loved ones, especially now. It helped soothe his easily roused temper.

“Ari, has Rafe told you yet what a hellion he was as a teenager?” Lia asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Lia…” Rafe said in a warning tone which she completely ignored.

“I somehow can’t imagine Mr. … um… him as a child,” Ari quickly corrected herself. Rafe was somewhat disappointed. He would love for her to slip up. He had big plans on different forms of exotic torture he could put her through.

His hand slid beneath the table and landed on her bare thigh, causing her to jump and nearly knock her wine glass over.

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“Is everything okay, Ari?” his mother asked.

“Yes. Sorry about that. I’m being a bit clumsy. I think I got a little too much sun today,” Ari said as she tried to push his hand away without causing a scene. He just squeezed her leg a little tighter, letting her know he had zero intentions of letting her go.

She sent a desperate look his way before responding to a question his father asked her. As his fingers danced along her thigh, she sat tensely next to him with her legs clamped tightly shut. He had no doubt he could outlast her. She’d grow too tired to hold herself so stiffly long before he’d lose interest in caressing her.

“Back to my story, Ari. Rafe was once a child, though I do understand how that’s difficult to believe considering he rarely even takes off his suits now. He was a horrible monster, always playing tricks on Rachel and I. I remember the worst thing he did was put a huge snake in my bed. I was so tired after a late night volunteering at our church, and the room was dark. I turned on my lamp and pulled back the covers and an eight foot snake was slithering across my sheets. I screamed so loud that my dad burst through the doors a few seconds later with the shotgun raised. I was sufficiently satisfied when Rafe got grounded for a month. To this day if I see any snake, even a gardener one, I freak out,” Lia said dramatically.

“How did he get that big of a snake to stay in your bed?”

“Oh, it was his pet. However, after that incident, Mom made him give it away. He was grounded from having any more reptiles or rodents in the house. I was quite pleased with that outcome. ”

“Snakes give me the creeps, too. ”

“Who actually likes them? Only other reptiles,” Lia said as she stuck her tongue out at Rafe.

“You did your own share of pranks, Lia. Why don’t you explain why I put that snake in your bed,” Rafe said with a laugh, not offended at all by her goading.

“It was nothing compared to what you did to me. ”

“Nothing! Are you kidding me? She put itching powder in my work-out shorts. I started running in P. E. and then had to make a mad dash to the showers. My friends wouldn’t let me live that one down for the rest of my high school career. ”

“Oh, that’s great,” Ari said with a laugh as she looked up at him, delight dancing in her eyes. It seemed his Ari had a wicked streak about her.

The bantering of his family caused Ari to relax, and he was able to move his hand higher up her leg, his fingers drifting to the inside of her thigh. Before she realized she’d let down her guard, his fingers brushed the brief piece of lace covering her delectable womanhood.

Her legs tightened immediately again, but all it did was trap his hand flush against her heat. He took immense pleasure when he felt the warm wetness of her body drift through the delicate lace. She desired him – whether she was willing to admit it or not.

Suddenly, his little game turned on him to the point of pain. Knowing her body was prepared for him to enter her caused him a pulsing erection. With a small gasp, Ari opened her legs and he reluctantly removed his hand. He’d never make it through the rest of the meal feeling her moist heat.

Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing quickened and she refused to meet his gaze. She was doing her best to carry on conversation with his family, but he could see it was taking a lot of effort on her part.

As their final course was served, Rafe breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, he’d get her alone again. He knew it wouldn’t take him much longer to convince her to make their situation a mutual arrangement. He could offer her much pleasure, and he had a feeling she’d provide for his needs more than sufficiently.

By the time desert was served, Rafe was done visiting with his family. He had to get Ari to his bed – it was beyond desire – pure need was gnawing at the zipper of his pants.

“I hope you all don’t mind the surprise, but I’ve told the Captain to keep us out to sea for the night. I thought you’d all enjoy spending the night aboard the ship,” Rafe announced, not turning toward Ari when out of the corner of his eye he caught her head whip around in his direction.

“I… uh… can’t. I have to get home,” she stuttered.

“Oh, do you work tomorrow, Ari?” his father innocently asked, not sensing her tension.

“No,” she responded with hesitancy. “I don’t actually work, but I have laundry to do and other stuff to get ready for the week,” she finished feebly.

“Don’t worry, Ari. We’ll get in early,” Rafe said, making sure she knew the discussion was closed.

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“I’m delighted with the surprise, Rafe. It will give me a chance to see how I sleep aboard the ship. I guess I should try it at least once before purchasing one of my own,” his father said.

“We’re going to go get some rest,” his mother said as she rose from the table with his father’s assistance. The two of them left the room practically giggling, before the girls took a clue from Rafe’s look and then made their own excuses and shuffled out after their parents.

“It looks like it’s just you and me now,” Rafe said as he scooted his chair back and gripped Ari by the waist. He moved quickly and had her straddled across his lap before she knew what was happening.

“This is kidnapping, you know,” Ari warned him breathlessly.

“All you have to do is say no, Ari,” Rafe promised as he pulled her forward against his straining erection, ending any protest she may have.

Chapter Twenty

Ari knew she should climb off Rafe’s lap and run as fast as she could to the nearest door, shutting and locking it tightly behind her. She knew she’d regret making love to the man again. She also knew that if she were to command him to let her go, he’d do just that.

Knowing he’d let her leave made her want to stay even more.

She could handle one more night in his bed, or at least at his dining table. She forgot about his staff who could wander in, as well as his family members who were just down the hall. She practically forgot her own name as his lips overtook hers, and his tongue dove inside her mouth.

Rafe’s hands slid through her hair, untying the band at the base of her neck and releasing her dark strands for his fingers to run through. He softly moved his hands across her shoulders

, taking the straps of her gown and pulling them down her arms.

The material slipped against her sunburn, making her gasp, but the pleasure warming her body was so good, it far outweighed any discomfort.

She felt the air hit her br**sts, the bikini top barely covering her now. When Rafe stopped moving the straps as they reached her elbows, she struggled against him. She wanted the dress brought all the way down, needed to pull her arms up and grip his head.

“What’s the matter, Ari? Are you feeling trapped?” he whispered as his mouth moved across her cheek and made contact with her ear.

“What are you doing?” she gasped as he sucked her lobe inside his mouth.

“Pleasuring you…”

His hands next ran up to the front of her neck and splayed across her chest bone, before his fingers slipped inside the material of her bikini top. He edged first one side over, and then the other, causing her br**sts to slip free of the material and press together.

As the cool air hit her ni**les, a stinging sensation rushed from the dusky pink peaks, all the way to her core. They tightened even further as she opened her eyes and saw lust burning in his expression as he gazed in appreciation at her body.

She moved on his lap, arching her back, silently begging him to take her br**sts into his mouth and ease the ache throbbing inside her.

“Patience, Ari,” he teased as his fingers circled the dusky peaks, but didn’t touch her the way she needed.

She didn’t like this new game he was playing. She wanted satisfaction, and he wasn’t giving it to her. A rush of breath slipped free as she struggled to move closer to him, need burning her, impatience evident in her actions.

“Don’t you know that it’s the anticipation of what’s to come that heightens the pleasure when I eventually do touch you… just… like… this…”

Finally, he bent his head forward and licked her nipple, pulling back quickly to blow his warm breath across the wet surface. She cried out at the exquisite pleasure, but still he took his time, leisurely moving his tongue up her breast and across her neck, his tongue swirling around her quickly fluttering pulse, before his teeth scraped the edges of her skin.

Every place he touched soothed her for the barest of seconds, before the raging fire leapt another notch in her core, making her squirm on his lap, her core pushing against his hard manhood, the stiff flesh digging into her body.

The knowledge of how badly he desired her sent her own desire through the roof. His pants were bulging from just the sight of her since he wasn’t allowing her to touch him back. The knowledge of her control over him made her dizzy with euphoria. If she could speak, she’d demand he take her, but words wouldn’t come out, only heated gasps of pleasure.

Trailing tender, light kisses down her neck to the top of her swollen br**sts, she sighed as he circled his tongue around her ni**les. With a gentle pressure, his teeth gently bit the sensitive skin before he moved to the other side to offer equal attention. She wiggled her back, trying to lead him to take her tight buds into his mouth, but he was taking his time, and no amount of whimpering seemed to have an effect on him.

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Just when she was ready to scream out in absolute sexual frustration, he latched on to one tight nipple, and the sensation that traveled through her made it all worth the wait. The buildup he’d brought her to nearly sent her over the edge of reason.

She shook in his arms as his tongue lavished her nipple while his teeth scraped the swollen bud. He feasted on her br**sts, making her head light with the pleasure, before he eased back up her throat and once again connected their mouths.

“You taste so good, Ari. I could dine on your body all night long. ”

Ari moaned into Rafe’s mouth as his tongue caressed every crevice he could find. Her throat caught when his hands moved down her sides, brushing against her still bound arms and then moved to her exposed thighs. Quivering with excitement, she opened her mouth again, trying to get the words out.

“Please, Rafe. Please take me. ”

“Say my name again,” he commanded as he sipped from her lips in reward.

“Rafe… Rafe, I need you…”

Another moan escaped as his hands slid beneath the fabric of her dress and caressed her backside before he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, reaching her very soul.

“I’ve been picturing your ass in nothing but this sexy lace thong since the moment you stepped from my steam filled bathroom. ”

The remaining breath still in Ari’s lungs whooshed out at Rafe’s words. She struggled in his arms, trying to get free, crying out when he only shifted, moving the fabric down her arms more, making the material bind her even tighter.

“Rafe, please…”

“Yes, Ari. I love to hear you beg. I plan on making you do it a lot more. ”

“Release me from this dress!” she growled, her frustration mounting.

“Not until I’m ready to. You should already know I don’t do anything until I’m ready. I happen to like looking at you ensnared. I think I’ll leave you that way. ”

Ari’s frustration grew at Rafe’s refusal. She struggled against the binding of the tight fabric, which seemed to do nothing more than excite him further.

Rafe suddenly stood up, gripping her ass in his hands, almost making her fall backward. He set her on the table, the cold wood sending a shiver down her legs. Before she could utter a word, he pushed her back and spread her legs wide.

She felt open, vulnerable, and too exposed, but as his fingers slipped beneath the lacy fabric covering her core, her anxiety disappeared as heat stole through her.

His fingers dove inside her body, making her back arch off the table, and a cry erupt from her lips. She was ready for him and didn’t want to play any more power games.

He pulled her forward and pushed his still covered arousal against her wet and exposed opening, grinding his h*ps into her, the course material of his pants scraping against her wet flesh, making her burn.

“I should punish you for the torture you’ve been putting me through. I should bind your legs apart, and let the air stroke your heat, igniting your flames so high you feel like bursting. I shouldn’t bury myself deep inside your body and offer you relief,” he growled as his hand gripped the sides of her string thong.

“Nooo… Please take me,” she sobbed as she twisted on the table in front of him. Her body was his for the taking – there was no fight left in her.

Just when she thought he was going to leave her there in unbelievable agony, he tugged against the delicate material, ripping it from her body. Excitement filled her when she heard the telling rip of a foil packet.

“Yes, please…”

She was ready as he thrust his engorged manhood deep inside her. Light exploded behind her eyes as fire built deep inside. He pushed her legs wider apart, baring her body to his view as he pushed deep inside, over and over again.

The table shook as his body slammed against her ass as he buried himself deep within her swollen folds. He was pushing so fast – so hard – she should be in pain, but she could only feel pleasure as she reached for the edge of her abyss.

“Don’t stop, please don’t ever stop…”

“I can’t stop – not ever,” he cried out as he moved even quicker, the flesh of his legs quivering as he rocked into her. The complete haze of lust covering his eyes sent her flying over the edge of sanity. His thick staff ripped into her, his body taught and filled with desire – for her – only her. She was heady on the surge of power running through her blood.

“Oh, Ari, you feel so good. Yes, baby, grip me tight…” he cried as he slammed against her, his pelvis hitting her throbbing womanhood, causing an explosion. She shattered around him, gripping his throbbing erection tight with spasms of the strong yet swollen walls of her femininity.

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Rafe froze against her

as his body shook, his manhood pumping repeatedly against the swollen walls of her insides while he groaned in pleasure. She felt every motion as he began easing gently in and out of her, drawing the moment out for both of them.

Neither of them spoke as they began to breathe easier, both of them lost in the exhilaration they’d just created for one another. For those few silent moments, Ari could pretend they were any other normal couple who’d just come together in an burst of color. She could pretend he wasn’t a sadistic monster.

“Sign the contract, Ari. We’re good together. You know you want to. ”

Ari’s bubble popped at his words. She wasn’t with a typical man. She was with Rafe – control freak extraordinaire. She could never be free to have a regular relationship with him.

“It will never happen. You may set me on fire with a single touch, but once I’ve come back down to earth I remember you for the monster you are,” she calmly answered. She heard Rafe's sharp intake of breath.

“I’m still buried deep inside you, Ari. Am I really such a monster?” he mocked as his h*ps slightly moved, stirring her heat against her will.

“You’ve been with a lot of women. You obviously know how to pleasure one. Just because a chicken dances on a hot plate, doesn’t mean he wants to be there. I can feel pleasure while still despising you. I can cum while wanting to be anywhere but underneath you. Don’t think too highly of yourself just because you know how to touch me in the right places,” she said bravely, praying he wouldn’t call her on her bluff.

She was falling for him – falling in ways that terrified her. If she submitted to him, he’d own her, body – heart – and soul. She would never be free again. Her entire goal was to anger him enough that he’d walk away before he destroyed her.

“You will push me too far someday, Ari,” he warned as he pulled from her, leaving her with a feeling of emptiness as he set her up and moved the straps of her dress back up her shoulders so she could once again move her arms. When he was finished, he looked her deep in the eyes.

She cringed as the blood rushed down her arms, sending a throbbing sensation through her upper torso. As her body relaxed, the pain from her burn and being bound came to the surface. She refused to rub the areas in front of him, though, not wanting to give him any kind of satisfaction. She’d wait to whimper when she was in privacy.