Chapter Seventeen

“We’ve decided to stay for a week or two. Your mother and I haven’t spent enough time in California the last few years and your sisters are dying to go for another spin on the new boat. I’m starting to think it’s time to move back home. ”

Rafe turned in almost horror at his father’s words. He was instantly suspicious. His family had grilled him the night before on Ari. They’d wanted to know who she was, how long he’d been dating her, what her family was like. The list went on and on. Rafe had a bad feeling that their impromptu extended stay had more to do with Ari than his new boat.

It didn’t matter what his family’s reasoning was. He would never deny them a place to stay if they wanted to extend their visit. He’d just have to be on his toes and make sure he didn’t slip about anything else in front of them.

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He had a lot of work to accomplish over the week, so he wouldn’t be able to spend a whole lot of time with them, anyway. He’d just alert his crew that the ship was at their disposal as well as any of his other possessions – his staff pretty much knew that, though.

“It will be nice to see more of you. I will warn you that I’ll be very busy this week. We’re going into a major merger and I’ll most likely be working fourteen hour days,” he said, hoping to head them off.

“Not a problem, son. I remember those days of working too many hours. Thankfully, now I get to spend my days with your beautiful mother instead. We’re taking off for Ireland after we leave here. I haven’t been there in years and this time of year is a good time to go. I could use some decent beer. ”

“Well, the house is yours, along with all the vehicles. I’m leaving for the office but you can call my assistant if you need to reach me. Please don’t tell her it’s an emergency again just because you can’t find a certain bottle of wine,” Rafe warned.

“That was only one time, Rafe – and it was our anniversary. We’ve had the same wine on that anniversary for the past twenty years. In my book, that does constitute and emergency,” his father answered, completely serious.

“All right. If I don’t see you tonight, I’ll try and get home a bit early tomorrow. ”

With those words, Rafe walked out the door and took a deep breath as he climbed into the back of his Bentley. His family was wonderful, but overwhelming. It would be good to get back into the offices where he was the one in control.


“I can’t believe how hard it was to track down this girl!” Lia said with frustration.

“Well, we finally did it so relax, sis. Rafe’s obviously into her so I want to know why. I had to practically sit on Shane’s lap to get the information. It was fun to watch him sweat – especially when you walked in the room while I was hanging all over him. I’ve never seen Shane turn red before. That was entertaining,” Rachel answered with a giggle.

“Nothing is going on between Shane and I. Even if I did like him, which I don’t, it’s not like Rafe would ever allow anything to happen. He still treats me like I’m five instead of twenty-six,” Lia huffed.

“I think you should just sneak into Shane’s room one of these days and jump his bones. It’s obvious you’ve been in love with him since you were fourteen. ”

“Focus, Rachel. We need to get to the beach and ambush Ari. Her office buddies guaranteed me they’d get her down there today. It was surprisingly easy to bribe them. They said she really needs to get laid. I found it interesting that big brother doesn’t have her chained to his bed if he’s so into her. ”

“Maybe he’s into her, but she doesn’t like him,” Lia said before both girls erupted into laughter.

“Seriously, if there’s a woman out there smart enough to resist Rafe’s charm, she is definitely a keeper. I really hope that’s the case. Let’s get our detective gloves on. ”

“I like nothing better than a good mystery. ”

Rafe’s sisters jumped into his convertible Mercedes and immediately put the top down. It was a beautiful eighty degree day and they were looking forward to playing on the beach, and really looking forward to meeting the woman who seemed to be tying their big brother up in knots.

They hadn’t liked any of his mistresses that they’d met previously, and they’d hated his ex-wife, but a woman he wanted to hide from them had their curiosity piqued. It would be a great afternoon.

“Have we worked out the plan, yet?” Rachel asked as they stopped at a light. It was nearly impossible to hear over the wind while they drove.

“I have no clue. First step was in finding the girl. We’re going to have to assess the situation and think quick on our feet once we’re down there. ”

“A challenge. You know, I always enjoy that. ”

“Yes, because you’re a meddling brat, Rachel. ”

“Aren’t you the touchy one. Did you have a bad night? Were you just a tad upset that I was sitting on your boyfriend’s lap. You know I don’t want Shane. I’ve known he was all yours from the first day he walked in the room and you practically tripped on your bottom lip. ”

“I’m not in love with Shane!”

“Oh my gosh, Lia. Give it a rest. I know about the hotel incident,” Rachel told her with a wicked smile.

“How do you know about that?”

“Like you’re the only one who knows how to get information. I’ve had the employees spying for me forever. I know some things about big brother, too. If you spill the dirt about you and Shane then I just might tell you,” Rachel gloated.

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Lia glared at her sister for a moment before turning her eyes back to the road. The rest of the trip to the beach was silent while Rachel gloated and Lia pouted. She was dying to find out what her little sister knew.


“I can’t believe you talked me into this. I have so much I could be getting done this weekend. After the incident a couple weeks ago at the bar, I really shouldn’t trust you guys to take me anywhere,” Ari grumbled as she climbed from Amber’s minivan.

“Quit being such a grump. It’s a stunning day. You really need to get some color on your blindingly white skin, and we all need fun,” Shelly said.

“You’ll have to forgive us someday. How were we supposed to know that the hot waiter slipped you a roofie. We just thought that he was really into you. If anyone needs to have a hot night of sex, it’s you. I’ve never seen anyone with such a stiff neck,” Miley joined in.

“Okay, okay. I’ll drop it if you never bring up Chandler again. I’ll certainly be a lot more careful about what I drink from now on,” Ari grumbled as she felt her face turn red.

Her friends had zero clue about her night with Rafe – her very hot, exciting night. She knew she was tense. It seemed that he’d opened a floodgate of hormones inside her, and she was too chicken to pursue a guy to fill her raging needs.

She really wanted to experience another night like the one she’d had with Rafe. It was beyond hot and still gave her goosebumps when she recalled his touch. She just didn’t want to have another night with him – well, she did, but she was smart enough not to.

“Ooh, twelve o’clock. Let’s go watch some beach volleyball,” Amber said while practically drooling.

The three other women turned in unison, then stood with their mouths gaping open. There were some seriously sexy men wearing nothing but beach shorts and sweat, playing a fast game of volleyball.

“There’s an open spot not far from the net with a perfect view,” Shelly stated as she began rapidly moving to a bare spot on the crowded sand. After a moment’s pause the other three women hurried behind her before someone else could swoop in before them and take it.

“Don’t be a prude, Ari. Drop the shrug and flaunt your great br**sts. You want those hot guys to notice you, don’t you?” Miley asked as she grabbed the knot on the back of Ari’s neck.

Before she could stop her

friend, she was sitting on her towel with nothing but the bikini top Amber had loaned her and a skimpy pair of shorts. She felt na**d as she looked around, convinced everyone would be looking at her in horror.

“We better get this lotion on you before you turn into a lobster. You need some color, not a wicked sunburn,” Shelly announced as she squirted some of the ice cold liquid onto Ari’s neck, instantly sending chills down her spine.

“Thanks for warming it first, Shelly,” Ari snapped as the woman rubbed in the lotion.

“Quit complaining. I’m saving you days of pain right now. ”

“You wouldn’t have to save me agony if you wouldn’t have ripped off my protection. ”

“Oh, honey, you never want to rip off the protection,” Miley said with an evil grin.

“I can’t believe your husband’s ever allow you girls to leave. You’re terrible. ”

“Our husbands know we love them more than anything, for some unknown reason. We can look plenty, just as long as we don’t touch. Trust me, girl, our men don’t pass up the opportunity to check out a nice firm ass when it walks in front of them,” Amber said as she lay back and closed her eyes.

“You’re missing the show,” Miley complained as she nudged Amber.

“I know, but Sean was sick last night and I got hardly any sleep. I can stare at hunky guys anytime, but a nap is something I rarely ever get the pleasure to indulge in. ”

“Ooh, I like your thinking,” Shelly said as she laid down next.

Pretty soon Ari found herself the only one conscious as her friends laid back soaking up the rays. She’d been sitting in the office all week and had a lot of energy to burn. She didn’t really feel like sitting around the entire time they were at the beach.

As good-looking as the men were who kept walking past, she didn’t feel like simply staring at them all day, either. Maybe she’d attempt to take a swim in the ocean. It was supposed to be pretty cold, but once she got used to it, she could get in a decent work-out.

She stood and began moving toward the water when a couple of women stopped her.

“Hey, we need another person for volleyball. Can you join us?”

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Ari turned to politely refuse when one of the women grabbed her hand and started dragging her toward the now empty volleyball court.

“Hi. I’m Lia and this is my sister, Rachel. Thanks for joining us. ”

“Um… I’m really not very good at volleyball,” Ari said as she tried tugging her hand away.

“That’s okay. You don’t have to be good. We just need a full team. What’s your name?”

“Ari. ”

“Pretty name. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I was thinking about taking a swim, getting some exercise after being cooped up in the office all week,” Ari said, trying to politely get out of the game.

“Oh, that water is freezing. Besides, a couple rounds of sand volleyball and you’ll be begging for mercy. It’s great exercise, especially for the thighs. They’ll be burning by the time we’re finished. ”

“I guess I can give it a go, but when you find out how horrible I am, you’ll want to find a new player,” Ari warned.

She had no clue she was with Rafe’s sisters and they could care less about her volleyball skills. They wanted to find out all the information on her that they could.

“We found another player. We’re ready,” Lia said as she bounced onto the court.

“Nice. You girls ready to lose?”

“I wouldn’t count on it, slim. We’re pretty feisty,” Rachel countered as she got into position in front of the net.

There were six of them all together, and Ari felt better when she saw some of the other bikini’s the women were wearing. Their outfits made hers look downright modest. One of the women was barely keeping her large br**sts contained and Ari had a feeling the large orbs were going to pop out at least once during the game.

“Heads up!”

Ari turned, but not quickly enough to avoid the spinning ball which smacked her right in the forehead. Going down about as ungracefully as she possibly could, she groaned as a pair of strong calves stepped into her vision.

“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I think my pride is the only thing that got wounded. ”

“Let me help you. ” Before Ari could refuse, the man reached beneath her arms and lifted her into the air, letting her body slide down his before her feet touched the ground again. “I’ll make sure to be more careful,” he said with a wink.

Ari was shocked speechless as she realized he was flirting with her. She didn’t know what to say back. He was stunning, in a beach bum, bleached blonde kind of way, but there were no sparks flying.

Who cares, she thought. She had just been moaning and groaning about sexual frustration and here was a red-blooded, hot male practically groping her.

Before she could make a decision one way or the other on whether she should flirt back, Rachel came running up.

“Oh, Ari. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. ”

“Good, then let’s play. ” Rachel dragged her away from the too tanned man, and she forgot about him as the game started.

A half hour later, Ari was feeling good. She was certainly working up a sweat, and laughing so much her stomach hurt. Lia and Rachel were right about the sore legs though as she could already feel a slight burning in her thighs.

“We need a break,” Rachel said as she grabbed the ball and jogged over to a water cooler. Ari was right on her heels. She needed a large guzzle of the cold liquid.

“See? It’s a lot of fun, huh?” Lia said as she handed Ari a water bottle.

“I have to admit that it is. I haven’t enjoyed an afternoon so much in a long while. I may have to come back next weekend and try this again,” she answered with a bright smile.

“I’ll meet you here. You’re a lot better than you said you’d be,” Rachel piped in.

“It’s been so long since I played that I really didn’t think I’d be any good,” Ari admitted.

“Time out’s over, ladies. Well, unless you want me to massage your sore muscles. ”

Ari turned, and was surprised to find one of the other guys gazing directly at her. She was even more stunned when he nodded her way. What was going on? Maybe it was the bright red bikini top that was giving them the wrong impression. Before she could decide whether to flirt back with him or not, Lia grabbed her hand.

“We’re just fine, John. Quit trying to unnerve us by flirting. We’re not that naïve,” she said as she tugged Ari back onto the court. Ari was mortified. What if that’s why they were flirting? It made more sense than her suddenly becoming a sex magnet.

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“Oh, that wasn’t game-playing. How about I take you ladies out for a drink after the game?” he offered, soothing her ego.

“Can’t. We have dinner plans, but thanks anyway,” Rachel said.

Ari wanted to pipe in and say she didn’t have any dinner plans when Lia turned in her direction.

“You should come with us tonight. We’re having a sunset dinner on my brother’s boat. The thing is absolute heaven to ride on, and there’s even a small spa onboard so you can get a massage. Your legs are really going to need it. ”

Ari didn’t know how to respond. These women were strangers. She really should politely refuse and return to the safety of her friends, but she found herself unable to say no. She’d never been on a boat before and it sounded like a lot of fun.

One thing she’d discovered since starting her job and getting away from the college campus was that people in general were a lot more friendly than she’d ever thought. She had a cell phone if anything came up. She couldn’t imagine they were secret serial killers.

“I promise we’re not planning on chopping you up and tossing y

ou in the ocean. We just don’t get to San Fran very often, so we try to make friends fast,” Rachel said as she crossed her heart.

If it was a bad idea to go, Ari would get a feeling deep in her gut, wouldn’t she? Besides, she was sick of always playing it safe.

“Where are you girls from, if not from here?”

“We spent our childhood between here and Italy. My dad’s American, my mom, Italian, so they compromised. Six months in Italy and six months in the U. S. The last few years we’ve been in Italy a lot more, though. I just finished with college over there so freedom is mine now. I think my parents are going to dump us off on my brother and go travel the world. ”

Ari was confused. They looked over twenty-one, certainly over eighteen, so why did they need to have someone take care of them. Was something wrong – like maybe a mental issue? She didn’t know how to ask that question, though.

“I see you look confused, Ari. It’s okay. When you meet our father, you’ll understand. I’m twenty-six, and Rachel is twenty-three, but to our dad, we’re still twelve. Our brother pretty much feels the same way. I’ve moved a few times, but then dad either has security on my butt or he and my mother decide to vacation where I’m living. Plus, my brother has chased away about every guy I’ve ever even thought about dating. If I didn’t love them all so much, I think I’d hate them a little. The bottom line is, if I truly wanted to make a change in my life, they’d let me. They may not like it, but I know they love me enough to let me go. They’d just secretly stash a tracking device in my bag,” she said with a laugh.

“Wow. I thought my mom was overprotective. ”

“Oh, Ari. My family has overprotective down to a science. They are amazing, though, truly amazing. You have to come with us and meet my mom. I’ll try to get her mad and then she’ll start swearing in Italian. It’s good entertainment. ”

Ari couldn’t help herself. She was growing very fond of these two bubbly girls. How could she not when they talked a mile a minute and smiled constantly. She felt safe in accepting their dinner invitation.

“Sure, I’ll come to dinner with you. It sounds like fun. I’ll let my friends know after the game is over,” Ari agreed.

They played volleyball for another hour before Ari had to go jump in the water. She was burning up and had a bad feeling she’d sweated off most of her sunblock. She could feel a bit of an ache in her shoulders. She’d probably pay all week for her impromptu beach visit. She didn’t care – It would be worth it because she was having a lot of fun.