Page 67 of Pack Reject

A dream. I was dreaming this. That’s why I could smell everything—like all the delicious scents around me—and could hear breathing and even the pounding of the hearts nearby.

This was an amazing dream. Or a drug trip. Had I done drugs? No, I knew better than that. I could never let my guard down.

But this was what everyone had said being drunk or stoned felt like. Moon drunk, was that a thing? It felt like I had moonlight coursing through my veins, emanating from the hands that were holding me up.

I let my fingers glide up the muscular arm, then followed my hand with my eyes. At the top of the sun-bronzed shoulder was… Glen, smiling at me, though his face was wet, and it looked as if his nose had been bleeding.

He was holding me with those delicious arms, looking at me as if I was the most beautiful creature in existence, like I was ice cream and all-you-can-eat macaroni and cheese and a two-hour soak in a hot bathtub all rolled into one. I knew I was dreaming when I thought that; those were the exact ingredients of the dreams I’d had for years, except Luke had been in the bathtub with me.

Maybe this dream would be like the fantasies I’d had, even without Luke. I licked my lips and tried to make my voice sexy. “Hey, Dream Glenda.”

The world filled with laughter again. But Dream Glen hadn’t laughed.

“Hey, Dream Girl,” he answered, his voice raspy with emotion.

Wow. His voice had made my nipples tight. What the hell was that? Dream Glen blushed for some reason. Blushed. That was perfect.

I leaned in, whispering, “You know, at the stream? When you were watching me touch myself? Do you remember that?”

His eyes went wide. “Um, Flor, maybe this isn’t the time?—”

I pushed a hand over his soft lips. “This is my dream, and I can say what I want.” He nodded, blushing even harder. “I never thought I’d have an o-orgasm. But I always wanted one. But not alone. Nobody wants to come alone, right?”


“So even if you did sneak up on me, I don’t care. I’m glad you were spying on me.”

His eyes were bugging out now. I could hear a weird growling in the background, but ignored it. He wasn’t staring at me with hearts in his eyes now. He was glaring. Dream Jerkface.

I scowled. “Just because I shouted your name doesn’t mean you were the only one I was thinking of, so don’t get cocky?—”

Suddenly, a hand was over my mouth. Not Dream Glen’s hand. This hand was soft. Smooth. Smelled like fancy perfume.Who the hell else was in this stupid dream?

“That’s enough for now,” a woman’s voice murmured.

Wait. A woman?

“There’s only room for one woman in this fantasy. And that’s me,” I grumbled once the hand was removed. I tried to focus on the arm, then the face, then the whole person.

“I think we need more women and fewer men right now,” the person disagreed.Her face swam into view. She was a tall stranger, with dark brown hair pulled back into a braid. Her form-fitting outfit was almost all black, like she was cosplaying an assassin dominatrix, with a shit ton of gold jewelry on her neck, and enough mascara on her eyes for three women. Super sexy, but probably twice my age. It was hard to tell.

“Okay, you’re gorgeous. We may circle back around to this. But if you don’t mind, I kind of want to try out the Alpha Hei?—”

She gently placed her hand back over my mouth, and spoke over my head in a soft but powerful voice. “I’m going to ask every male here to keep your eyes to yourself, and your ears as well. I’ll take the newest member of the Northern Pack back to her room.” I wondered who she meant. “Someone from Southern—if there’s anyone left here? Please show me the way.”

As she spoke, I took deep breaths. I was breathing. I was not dead, not dreaming.

And I was stark naked.

“Holy shit.”

“Yes,” the woman agreed, her blue eyes dancing. “If I take my hand away from your mouth, can you promise not to talk?” I nodded, and she waited a second. “Good.” She let her hand fall, and I took a second to admire her nails. Long and bright red, and—my gaze swept over her again—they matched her shiny red combat boots perfectly.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” I waited, and she shook her head slowly. “Because this is a lot like a dream I had, where I was naked in the dining hall, and this guy Luke was—” Suddenly, the hand was back over my mouth.

“No more talking,” she demanded, her eyes flashing to someone I couldn’t see.

I gave a thumbs up. Talking was overrated anyway. I was just going to float on the moonlight inside me.