Page 90 of Unwanted

Jacob nods toward the back stairwell. “Come with me.”

“I hear you, Chief, but the pencil-pusher refused. What do you want me to do?”

Jacob massages his forehead and listens as the chief chews him a new ass. I’m pretty sure he’s well past missing date night, and I can’t help but get a little joy from that at least, even if it is petty.

Ben and I have been waiting since late this afternoon in the sheriff’s personal office, so I’ve had a front row seat—with burgers and milkshakes delivered courtesy of Mel’s—to the shit-storm our town is throwing at Jacob in our family’s honor. He’s on the phone now with the fire chief for the third time. He’s talked to Reid, the mayor, his omega, my mother, the firefighter’s union, and several folks who have come forward wanting to make official harassment claims against Cliff. I would say it’s only a matter of time before he caves.

My sister’s welcome face pokes around the open door of the sheriff’s office. “Jacob, mind letting my family go?”

Her tone is full of that iciness that can grind my nerves, but right now, I’ve never been gladder to hear Riley’s voice.

The sheriff sighs. “I’m hanging up, Chief.” He drops the phone and shakes his head at my sister, holding out his palm to stop her. “Now, Ri, we talked about this. My hands are tied here.”

The social worker was clear, even to the sheriff, that once Cliff called in the Feral Presentation Assessment, the case couldn’t be closed until official paperwork was provided.

“Lucky for you, I have the paperwork. I threw the four formal harassment complaints against your officer in for free.” Dressed from work, my sister is in a navy pantsuit that screams lawyer. She winks at me, and I give her my best baby brother smile. I’m gonna owe her after this, no doubt. She throws a thick stack of papers on his desk.

Ben scoots closer to me on the old couch, and I pull him into a side hug. Ever since Jacob led me to our little warrior, Ben’s been quiet and tense. He almost lost it again when the social worker wanted to refuse to allow me to see him. But Jacob convinced him that I could help keep Ben calm. It worked and after I helped him regain his control, we were able to talk the social worker into letting him sit with me under the sheriff’s supervision. It’s bound to be touch and go for the next few weeks as he settles into his alpha, but the claim that he’s at risk for being feral is a joke.

I tease Riley in the hopes of helping Ben remain calm. “Sisters are vicious, but that’s what we want right now,” I whisper to him loudly enough for everyone to hear.

Riley turns slowly to look at me over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. “Little brothers being rescued should learn to be grateful, Finney.” But she can’t hold on to the front forever. Eventually, her lips curl into a smile, making it clear she’s only teasing.

The truth is that before I even knew what was happening, I called Riley, and she didn’t hesitate. I don’t know how she figured this out well past business hours this evening, but I’m not about to question it.

Jacob leans back in his chair and looks over the documents. He studies them for another moment before a whistle escapes, then he stands. “I don’t know how you got a hold of Judge Danvers so late, but in this case, I’m glad you did.” He moves in front of Ben, holding out his hand. “Congratulations, Ben. You’re officially an alpha of Pack Camden.”

Ben looks up at the sheriff then takes his hand, shaking it.

“You’re going to be just fine with your pack. Don’t let what Cliff said scare you,” Jacob assures him. His eyes find me next, and his gaze turns assessing. “This thing with Cliff is handled. You understand? Let us take the complaints and move it through the proper channels.”

My eyes widen, and my mouth drops into a little o. “I don’t know what you’re implying.” I know exactly what he’s implying, but I’ll keep my shit together.

“Sure you don’t. Now, go on and get home. I bet they’re waiting for you,” he commands with a deep laugh.

My sister hugs me, and I whisper in her ear, “I owe you one.”

She squeezes me tighter. “No, you don’t. I’m sorry that my initial reaction to this mating caused you to doubt me. But you know the Fields look out for each other no matter what.”

“Thanks, Ri.” My tears threaten, but I take a deep breath, step back, and hold out my arm for Ben. “Come on, bud. Let’s go home.”

Chapter 32


Finn has Ben tucked into his side. The two of them look haggard when they emerge from the back and walk into the lobby. I get up from where I’ve been sitting on Reid’s lap and throw myself at them, desperate to make sure they’re both okay.

It’s been the longest evening of my life as Reid and I worked with Riley to complete and sign the official bond paperwork. I’m pretty sure I’ve aged a decade today.

But the weirdest thing is that I know, even after this awful fucking day, we’re going to be okay. These are my people, my pack, and even if the world isn’t always safe, with these two men, I know my kids and I are.

What they did for us today? I don’t have words, only love and the new bonds in my chest that feel like the steady roots of an old tree. I don’t know if I ever thought much about what an actual bond would feel like, though I’m grateful now that Trent never wanted to bond. It was only ever hypothetical, some part of a wistful dream. But having my mates in my soul is like nothing I could have ever imagined. Weird but so amazing, so right that I don’t know how I lived without it.

Ben’s arms circle my waist, and he breaks down immediately, apologizing repeatedly.

“This isn’t your fault. We love you, and we’ll figure this all out. Reid will teach us both and help you learn to be an alpha.” I hold him tightly, assuring him over and over.

Reid scoops him up like a little boy, and Ben lets him, his hands clinging to Reid’s neck. I reach for Finn, my breath hitching at the marks on his wrist.