Page 20 of Unwanted

I lean in for a hug, thankful she has my back even if we don’t always agree. “I don’t know that it matters, Jay. Maybe I’m wrong and they’re courting me for real. But I’m barely hanging on. I don’t think I have time for any of it,” I admit quietly.

“It matters.” She squeezes me harder. “Now get your ass outta my car so I can get to work.”

Chapter 7


Emmaline grabs my hand, and the two of us look at the colorful flower mural windows of the Primrose School. It’s an old brick building beside a park, surrounded by giant oak trees, about three blocks from the center of downtown Knotty Pines.It’s also the fanciest daycare center I’ve ever seen.

When Finn left the application last week, I didn’t intend to call. Even though it’s been absolute hell trying to scrape together a sitter for Em every day, I didn’t think there was any way I could afford this place or the other two big centers in town. So I’ve been driving out to Crawley, or someone from my family has had to drop Em off to me at the diner.

When I had to stop for gas a second time last week, I gave in and completed the application.I can’t be sure, but I think Finn got me some kind of deal because the weekly rate is the same as what I was paying. And there’s no way that’s the regular rate. But pride has no place in taking care of kids, so even if he did, I’m going to focus on being grateful.

I bend down to Em’s level. “You ready? Got any big feelings we need to discuss before we head inside?”

Emmaline smiles and pats my shoulder. “I excited to go. Ben says we learn ABCs at school. I like those guys. ABCs tells good stories.”

I tug on the end of her braid and kiss her cheek. “They do. Like the ones from our bedtime books.”

“With dragons!” Em squeals.

I hug her to me, wishing so much for this light of hers to never dim.

The front door opens, and a tall, fit woman in slacks and a striped shirt waves at us. Everything about her screams Girl Scout troop leader, and something inside my chest relaxes. “You must be Cammie and Emmaline! I’m Payton, Finn’s sister. We spoke on the phone.”

Emmaline is off, running to her. The purple dragon backpack she’s wearing is half her size, which makes her look so tiny.My daughter stops before the woman, head cocked to the side. “I’m Em. Why do you smell funny?”

“Emmaline Loral, remember we don’t ask people about their scents.” I groan inwardly, hoping this alpha doesn’t mind my inquisitive child.

The woman smiles at me, unfazed. “I’m an alpha, and sometimes we get stinky when we meet new people. We like to mark them for protection.”

“Cool. I’m a knight with a dragon. Brother says we learn ABCs. You know them?”

“I do. Want to come inside with me and see what we can learn?” the woman asks, holding her hand out to my daughter.

Emmaline looks back at me, and I nod in reassurance, following them. A young woman takes me on a tour and gives me a folder of information after I hug Em goodbye at the front check-in.

By the time we return, the alpha, Payton, is waiting for me.“I know Sam gave you the details, but I wanted to reassure you that we’ll keep an eye on her. Finn said she could be very clever and made me promise to keep an extra eye out. He told me about what happened. But she’s already playing in the four-year-old room with her class, and I don’t anticipate any problems.”

My cheeks heat at the memory of our run-in with Officer Cliff. “Thank you again for taking her on such short notice. I appreciate you and Finn helping us out.”

She studies me, her face so much like her brother’s. “Finn’s good at taking care of people,” she says, the words laced with an undercurrent of meaning. “But so far, they haven’t had much luck finding their pack.”

I nod as if I know what she means, but I don’t understand much about packs or omegas. I do know that Finn delivered for me with this though, and that means a hell of a lot to me.

She walks me to the door. “See you around, Cammie. Hopefully more often.”

I replay Payton’s words all day at work, wondering exactly what she was trying to tell me. At home, Emmaline is a babbling brook, talking nonstop about her new school and a friend she made. Her excitement is contagious, and even Ben laughs at her stories during dinner and our nighttime routine. I help Ben finish his homework and start laundry after they both go down.

It’s after midnight when I get the laundry for tomorrow finished. I should go to bed, but I’m too hyped up to sleep. My feet carry me to the porch stairs, an icy Dr. Pepper in hand. I sit and let out a long sigh, feeling as though I’m a hundred instead of twenty-nine.

The night is humid and hot, the buzz of crickets creating a low hum in the air. I let my mind wander, pondering my sister’s advice and my conversation with Finn’s sister this morning.

Could they be courting me? For real? Like an omega? The idea is preposterous, but it makes my belly swoop anyway.

A dog barks, startling me, and I see one of the men in question coming up the street, walking a golden retriever. Even in half-darkness, Finn is sexy as hell. He waves to me, stopping in front of my house. The pretty dog wags its tail before whining and looking up at its owner.

“Waffles wants to say hi,” Finn says, the sound so smooth it’s almost a purr.