Page 104 of Unwanted

My cries are my only response. I get lost between the full, hot feel of Reid fucking my ass and her slick hand. It’s incredible, and I savor the way they make me fly. Reid finds that spot deep inside that makes me cry out and pounds into me repeatedly.

“So needy and perfect for your mates,” Reid purrs.

My eyes well with tears. My body is so full of love and happiness that it spills right out of me. Cammie’s mouth soothes mine, taking each of my pleas.

Together, they keep the ache at bay, riding the rising heat with me until I detonate. They do it again and again until the fire blazes out, and we collapse into a trembling, whimpering pile.

We sleep. They force me to shower. To eat. I pass out only to rise again from the ashes. Our bodies come together. We fuck and make love. We play and chart new maps on each other’s bodies. Each time the heat swells, they pleasure me through it, making my body sing. Eventually, my scent turns mellow, and my eyes finally close.

Cammie snuggles into my side, letting out a sigh. “It feels good to see the sunshine.”

My eyes flutter closed. The warm afternoon light is dappled behind my lids. The canopy of trees above us rustles in the wind. Reid’s deep breath next to me is a lullaby, the heavy weight of his arm draped around me, an anchor.

“Uh-huh.”I manage sounds more than words.

It’s been almost twenty-four hours since we emerged from the nest, but I’m still riding a sex buzz that makes me a limp noodle. Cammie traces shapes on my chest, making that sweet humming noise of hers.

“Want me to make those apple dumplings you like?” she asks as she kisses my neck.

“If you can make them without moving from my side,” I say, dragging her closer. “You get to be lazy with me too. We will sloth and work on leftovers or takeout until the kids return. We deserve it.”

“Fine, I’ll be a sloth with you,” she teases.

I drift lazily, content in my outdoor nest and surrounded by my mates, until sleep coaxes me under again.

We’re still in sweats when my sister’s pack vans roll to the curb. Waffles bounds off the porch, eager, after being picked up this morning, to check on all his people.The door slides open, and Ben pops out, his face relaxed and happy.

“Can Josh stay over?” he asks, the two boys bounding down and sliding to a stop before us.

My son and nephew are pink-cheeked from the sun, and bothof themare covered in more freckles than when they left.

“You’ve been together for a week!” Cammie laughs, leaning in to tousle his hair. “But it’s up to Finn. He’s still recovering.”

“It’s fine with me. But it’s a pizza and movies vibe,” I say.

Two eager faces nod, pretending they’ll be pillars of ease. They’re two adolescent boys. I’m not fooled.

“Awesome!” The boys do some complicated dab-up, which means Em and I must work on our game.

“Help get the bags and make sure you all say thank you,” Reid calls, following Cammie, who is making a beeline for Emmaline.

It’s a burst of chaos as the two packs shuffle about, dropping bags and kids and more shit than they left with.

Payton holds her arms out, and I hug her tightly. “How you feeling?”

“Spoiled,” I say, laughing into her chest. “How you feeling?”

“Like I need a vacation from vacation.”

I squeeze her once more, then Em climbs my legs.

“Pretty, I’m a mermaid-knight now!” she squeals, showing me her shell necklace.

“Tell us all about it,” Cammie says, pulling my sister into a quick hug. “Inside.”

I scoop Em up, carting a laughing knight into the house on my shoulders as my pack shuffles in beside me. Waffles dances around in a circle, and the quiet house we’ve had for the last few days is transformed by activity. It feels as if the house buzzes with love, and something inside my chest settles.

We wanted them, dreamed of a love like this to fill this home. They stumbled right onto our doorstep, bursting our quiet lives open. Cammie feels that surge within the bond and looks at me with so much tenderness I could cry.