Page 52 of Lycan Rejected

"I can at least see if I can smell whether or not the dimension has been around here."

"What will the scent even tell you?"

Remy felt her irritation flow through her. She wasn't sure why he was fighting this so hard. This was logical in understanding an opponent. That was something Lykos taught them as kids. Get all the information you can about your opponent. What they look like, how they are as people, what part of the hierarchy they are within their pack, and what their scent is. The more you know about them, the better your chance of defeating them. Kodi knew this just as much as she did.

Looks like I have to remind him.

"The more you know about your opponent, the greater your odds of defeating them. This dimension is nothing like anything we have ever seen. How it can take someone over is scary. A dragon almost killed their mate, Kodi. Their fated mate. You know just as much as I do that it is the most important fucking thing to learn as much as you can. Why the hell are you fighting me on this?"

Lykos frowned at her. It was their mission to keep Kodi from losing his temper. Remy had lost hers incredibly. Lykos knew that the moment she started swearing. When she was being diplomatic, she could curb her language. However, the moment she lost control of her temper, the more the swear words came out.

Kodi growled. "Because you came into my territory, and it seems like you are trying to call the shots. Why do you think you can do that? I am fairly sure your Alpha has taught you to be better than that. Or did you lose common sense about our ways and flutter out of your head while on that island?"

"You know for a damn fact that is not what is happening here! Something made you snap Morgana's neck. It wasn't just because she wanted you all to yourself. You are a better man than that. You saw something in her, something dark. You knew that if you allowed that darkness to touch the rest of the pack, then you would be worse than the damn rogues."

Kodi slammed his hand on the table and leaned forward to get closer to Remy. His snarl filled the room as his power rose. Remy felt her power bubble to the surface and stared into his eyes. No more playing games. If he wanted to have this dumbass battle, then so be it.

"You know nothing about Morgana. You are assuming that she was linked to that vile coven. You want me to believe she was a part of it so I will resent her more! I will not stand for you to talk that way about my damn mate. I killed her because there is no room for narcissism in this pack. We had enough issues going on!"

Lykos kept his voice calm. "Son, if you killed her because she was being selfish, that doesn't sound like you had a handle on your temper. If she was a Chosen Mate, your Lycan would not have allowed you to kill her just because of something so trivial."

Kodi glared at Lykos. "Now you are assuming what happened."

Remy thought about why Kodi would be mad about this. He felt they believed she was a part of this coven just from the story he told last night. That wasn't it at all. If she had an altar, she had a place to practice her magic away from the pack. The pack may not have been there when she first created the altar, but it could be where she kept her practice hidden. Was that a guaranteed thing? No. But if Morgana happened to practice dark magic, it could link her to the coven who opened the gateway to the Dark Dimension.

Unless he saw something in her that day, maybe he saw what we fear.

Another thought crossed her mind. What if Kodi saw the black swimming in her eyes? That would have been scary, even if he knew what it meant. No one knew what it meant until people started going berserk. That happened on the island, and it wasn't until Adrien revealed her knowledge of the Dark Dimension that they understood what it was.

"You saw the black swimming in her eyes, didn't you?"

Kodi's face turned to stone. His jaw clenched, and she saw the tears forming at the edge of his eyelids. Remy hit the nail on the head. He did see it in her eyes.

"If that happened, you know her actions weren't hers now. You feel guilty for killing her when you could have helped her."

Kodi's hands clenched on the table, his knuckles turning white as the room filled with his power and rage. They may not have been able to stop Kodi from getting angry. They tried to talk to him calmly, but the conversation was doomed.

A roar filled the room as Kodi opened his mouth. Remy noticed his body lower as if he were bending his knees. He was going to launch himself at her for mentioning how he felt. She may have been too correct with that. Remy called on her Lycan, and she was already positioned for the shift if needed. This could turn bloody without knowing how to rid Kodi of the dimension. She wasn't willing to kill her brother, and she was damn sure Lykos wasn't willing to kill his son.

Lykos jumped off his seat and into Kodi before Remy could blink. Kodi landed on the ground with a thud, and Bryan was on top of Kodi, too, to keep him down. Remy wasn't sure what to do next as she watched the two men struggle to keep the young Alpha on the ground. The Dark dimension added strength to Kodi, giving him even more of an edge than normal. If Remy didn’t think of what to do quickly, Lykos would have no choice but to kill Kodi to save them all.

The pack swarmed the room but didn't make a move toward them. Some huge male filled a doorway and frowned at what he was witnessing. Remy called for them to stand back, pushing her power and the pack's strength into her words to make them listen. She knew none of them matched her power and dominance, so it was likely they would listen.

Break the pack bonds and force a bond with our pack.

What? No! He is an Alpha. That is more difficult than you think!

It's the only way to save his life. He needs power to stop the dimension from taking him right now. He is shifting! It will be harder to keep his Lycan down on the ground if you allow him to shift entirely.

Remy looked and saw that what her Lycan had said was true. Kodi was shifting. He screamed in agony because the shift wasn't pleasant on any day. Adding people pushing him down onto the ground and still touching his skin while it was sensitive was a whole other issue.

Do I need to pull him into the pack?

Yes. It will give the dimension too much power to take over.

Remy ran over and put her hands on her brother's head. His face was already converting to Lycan’s snout, and she needed to watch where it was so she didn't get bitten. Once her hands were placed on his temples, Remy pushed her power into Kodi. His body went still to give her the time she needed. Her hands shook as she found the words she needed to say to make this ritual happen. Remy shifted one finger into a Lycan’s claw and opened the other palm of her hand. Blood beaded on her palm, and she put it over his mouth.

"Kodi Howell, open your mouth and receive this blood." Kodi obeyed. Remy squeezed her hand and watched her blood drip into his mouth. "What is mine is yours, and yours is mine. You will be accepted into this pack with this blood and become theirs."