Page 2 of Lycan Rejected

"You'd think he would know by now that it kind of is, but not for the title," Remy muttered, fully understanding that she would be heard regardless of her calm tone.

Once they sat down, Remy launched into her story about what had happened. At first, she just wanted to tell them about the last several weeks since Kaida came to the island. She quickly realized that it wouldn't be that easy, and she had to start after she met the rest of the girls and explain how it led up to Kaida and the Dark Dimension. By the time her story got to when Kaida broke the barrier, her throat had run so dry that Tala got her a cup of ice water.

"You are friends with a Witch, a Faerie, a Vampyre, and a Plasma Dragon?" Lykos asked in disbelief.

Remy smiled as the picture of her girls laughing around the table came to mind, "Yeah. I am. I would die for those girls, but then again, they would die for me, too."

Remy didn't care that it wasn't common for any species to be friends with the others. Lycans mainly lived by that rule. They weren't the friendliest species and didn't play well with others. That was something else Remy didn't care for about Lycans.

Lykos shook his head. "Of course, you would be friends with the others. You never did like to play by the rules."

Tala smirked at her husband, and Remy hid her own smile since she knew what was coming. "We do not live by the Old Ways anymore, Lykos. Maybe you should take a page out of your daughter's playbook."

"That would only cause a riot, which we don't need right now," Lykos argued. "What happened after the barrier? I'm still struggling with your friend being able to break that if I am being honest. All the magic of each species created the barrier. It was blood magic, which from what I hear, is fucking hard to break. So, how was she able to manage it?"

"Good question, I don't know. We suspect that the barrier was not forged in the way that was told. The Dragon King has become a problem for the dragons. I would lean more toward him being behind it. Maybe he contracted a Witch to help him."

"He would need more than a Witch to break it. He would need someone powerful from each kingdom to break the barrier and then reconstruct it. From what I understand, the King, Queen, Alpha or whatever is the leader of each kingdom put their magic into the barrier to construct it. Gemar would have needed those people to undo it." Lykos pointed out.

Remy nodded, "Something we thought of after Kaida destroyed it. It’s why we came home. Well, part of the reason. But we wanted to find out what was happening in each of our kingdoms. If Gemar was in on it and made the barrier weaker, we wanted to find out why."

Tala looked at Remy and tilted her head to the side. Remy could feel her mother assessing every word she was saying. Tala was very good at being a Luna and could read people just by looking at them. It was like she could see into their soul and read their mind.

"What is the other reason you came home?" Tala questioned her.

It would be moronic to hold the information back from her parents. Remy needed them to find out what was happening with the barrier and in the kingdom.

"The Dark Dimension may be open."

Both of her parents sucked air through their teeth and looked at each other. Remy lifted her eyebrows at them. Part of her explanation was the Dark Dimension affecting the island.

Did they miss that part or something?

Remy looked at Lykos. The Alpha stared at the wall, more stoic than she ever remembered him being. Remy noticed his jaw clench every few seconds and then it would relax. She heard his pulse quicken and then slow, and he wouldn't meet either of their eyes.

"Did your friend have something to do with that, too?"

Remy growled at her father. "Kaida stopped it from spreading. She would never be a reason why evil is let loose into the world, but she damn sure will be the reason it's gone."

No one would be allowed to talk poorly about Kaida or her friends in front of Remy. None of those girls deserved a bad word to be spoken about them. If there was ever a chance that the world would be rid of evil, she knew her friends would be the ones behind it. Kaida and her dragon were the reason the opening didn't reach its full potential, and she saved thousands of lives. While fighting the dimension off, Kaida did what she could to close it.

Lykos put up his hands in surrender. "Fine if you say so."

Remy ignored him. She didn't need to start an argument right now. "We were concerned that it would spread to the other kingdoms regardless of her closing the portal that opened on the island. Kaida noticed that the dragon kingdom looked a little dark with the sky. It led us to think it was only a matter of time before it would come for our kingdoms, too."

Tala remained silent, usually breaking down information in her head to resolve the situation. Lykos was more up-front than that.

"What should we expect? We must know what to look for to prevent this from spreading or causing panic."

Remy wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Things on the island were hectic, and the varied species seemed to be affected differently. "I just know that it can make people go berserk. The dragons lost control of their beast's half and attacked people unprovoked. I would assume that it would be the same for us. We also have a beast inside of us that we need to keep under control."

"Lycans weren't affected while you were there?" Tala asked her.

Remy shrugged her shoulders, "Everyone was going crazy. The dragons made the most noise. There weren't many Lycans on the island for me to know."

Remy could see the Omega inside of her mother, who wanted to calm her father down as his power swelled within the room. If it weren't for her power matching Lykos', Remy would want to cower at his feet. Lykos was angry. At what? She wasn't sure. She only hoped it was toward the person he suspects is part of the Dark Dimension being opened.

The power dimmed away as her mother's influence reached Lykos. Remy waited for him to calm down thoroughly before continuing their discussion. Remy’s parents took over, explaining anything that had happened while she was away. There hadn't been much of a change since she left. The packs continued to live on their land and do their best to prosper with what they had. However, the packs were becoming disgruntled over the last few weeks and more complicated to manage. Many did not like that her family ruled the largest territory, rich in fertile grounds and perfect conditions to raise livestock. With this territory, her family created a grocery store chain throughout the kingdom. Throughout the conversation, her parents told her how the neighboring packs were starting to demand a territory line redraw. They wanted access to their territory to make their pack richer and prosper better than they were currently.