Page 19 of Lycan Rejected

This was not good. The Old Ways were banished long ago due to the number of deaths in the kingdom. Because of the death count, Lycans were beginning to go extinct. That is why territory lines were drawn in the first place. If Lycans were fighting for land in this manner, things would get very bloody inside the kingdom.

"What is Fenry doing about it?"

Tala's mouth tightened as she sighed. "Nothing. He has been trying to keep his own territory safe. People are breaking their bonds with him, weakening his power, and trying to attack to take over."

"What?" Remy snarled. "How is he surviving?"

"Barely. He is barely surviving. All of his energy has gone into keeping his territory and family safe. He can't help us."

Lykos adjusted, groaned, and then looked at Remy. "We are glad you are home because that added to my power. You are an Alpha yourself, and your power has helped the pack bonds become stronger. We needed that before the next attack to keep our territory safe."

"How many attacks?"

"Two so far," Tala answered.

I really don’t like that ‘so far’…

Lykos winced as he moved and groaned again. Tala helped with his pillow placement and got him situated. Remy thought about what they had told her some more. When Tala sat back down, she looked at Remy.

"What happened today was most likely to rid your father of his pack while he was away from it. Somehow, they knew that he was leaving today. If he is away from his pack, he can't draw on their power as much."

"It's allowing them to kill him and take over the pack," Remy finished. Maybe that's why they chose now. I was in the car, too, the heir to the pack."

Lykos growled. "That's what I thought, too. They knew you were home and that I would be stronger now because of it. So, if they kill us both, that will weaken the pack from the missing natural power."

"That also means we have a traitor in our midst," Remy deadpanned.

Tala and Lykos wouldn't meet her eyes. That thought had occurred to them, too. Someone in the pack fed this information to whoever coordinated the attacks. No one outside the pack should have known they were leaving. The problem was they didn’t know who it could be. If they could smell lies, which she knew they could, this person was telling them the truth just enough to keep them safe from persecution.

"It wasn't rogues that attacked, was it?"

Tala shook her head. "No. We haven't been telling the pack much about this. We don't want to scare them."

"It's easier to state they are rogues. It helps keep the morale up within the pack. Rogues are always a problem. It is not always a problem that a pack is trying to take over—not since Fenry took over all those years ago."

No wonder Remy was pulled into the pack bonds so quickly. It would help boost the morale in the pack, knowing the heir had returned. It meant more stability if a rogue would happen to get the jump on her father. Remy's power matched, if not beat, her father's. If he were gone, the same power level, as usual, would still flow through the pack bonds. Lycans would become a disorganized mess if the pack power were disrupted. Lycans needed order and a hierarchy to keep their beasts in check. Upsetting that balance could make Lycans go berserk.

Oh, fuck me...that's why this is happening—the Dark Dimension is here. They are affecting the packs and making the balance skew!

Chapter ten


The Dark Dimension had influenced the Lycan Kingdom without anyone realizing it. If Remy's parents had told her more when she first arrived, she could have pointed this out sooner. There had to be a portal somewhere in the kingdom. There wasn't even a way to tell unless they would alert the other packs to look. That was unlikely to happen because the packs were at each other's throats.

The pack doctor came in and booted Remy and her mother from the room. Something about his heart rate levels was worrisome, and they were the ones causing it. Tala raised a stink about it but, ultimately, was overruled. Tala turned to Remy to tell her that she needed to settle within the pack and reacquaint herself so the pack wouldn't get too worried. They all would have felt within the bonds that Lykos was injured. The problem with that magic was it was difficult for the Alpha to hide things like that from their people. Remy sucked it up that she would have to complete pack business but knew in her soul that it was best for the pack. The good news was, if the Alpha was good enough at it, they could put blocks in the bonds to hide enough from the rest of the pack not to cause alarm. Lykos must have been doing that to keep anyone who poses a threat to him from the room.

Many pack members just asked about what happened to Lykos. Remy was told to tell the truth but not the whole truth, just enough to ensure they couldn't smell the lie in her words, which Remy was good at. She told him he was injured, but it was not sufficient enough to cause worry. He was healing and talking, which settled their curiosity about his injuries. Remy had to state they were attacked but wasn't sure who attacked them. Again, the truth is that Remy believed it was another rogue pack that had resorted to the Old Ways.

What had Remy rushing through the meet and greets was feeling Chase closing the distance between them. Through the bonds, mates could sense when their other half was nearby. It could be refined enough to find precise locations like a beacon, which helped if mates were in trouble. Some said they could visualize the chord that kept the pair in contact and follow it until they found the mate. Remy wasn't experienced enough to know how hers with Chase worked. She knew she could feel him approaching her territory and getting closer to her location.

The problem with Chase coming here was that she had kept her bond with him secret. That was part of the stipulations in the first place. Remy pulled on the bond and visualized it in her head. Now that she paid more attention, she noticed that he was sitting on the outskirts of the territory. She ran to where he was and found him on the other side of the territory line, leaning against a tree. There were a lot of bushes around the tree to give him cover if it wasn't her who noticed him, which told her that he was still trying to live by the rules she had given him. She still frowned at him because someone could have easily been running along the territory line to guard it. Remy looked around to see if someone from the pack was nearby. The pack bonds indicated no, but she didn't trust it as her bonds were out of whack.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked when she was satisfied that no one was around.

Chase smirked at her. His leaning against the tree made her feel like she had been set on fire. With his hands in his pockets and a nonchalant attitude on his face, he gave off the "bad boy" vibes that Remy tried to deny all her life that she was into. His dark-washed jeans and tightly-fitted navy blue T-shirt accentuated all the lines of the well-defined muscles he had within his arms, chest, and stomach.

"My mate was in trouble, and the bond between us told me it was quite dire. You were attacked, and then I felt nothing but stress and worry for the last several hours. How was I supposed to respond here?"