Page 47 of Lycan Rejected

Bryan grabbed the map and rolled it up. "Enough with your special moment. We need to make our way through this area to get home. It is the fastest way back."

"Are we going to cut through that forest?" Remy pointed at the thick forest before them. The road narrowed to one lane and went through the dense forest.

Bryan nodded. "The other road," he jerked his thumb to the road behind them, "goes right back the way we came. That doesn't feel like the best option to me. If we go through there, it leads right to our territory from the side. That will minimize the chances of running into another pack. That is the best thing for us with the way things are going. I'm tired of fighting and don't think I have the energy to continue."

Remy and Lykos nodded. He was right. They couldn't continue with the fighting. They have very limited supplies even to get them through the last part of this road trip. From what the map looked like, there were no gas stations along the way to stock up on food or to get more supplies, either. There were no packs here, so they could not stop for any rest or food that way. The only way home was through; that was how they would do it. Remy stretched out her body and gave the two men a look.

"I am taking the back seat. You two can drive."

Lykos didn't argue. "You need more rest than us. Pulling on the pack bonds to shift may have drained us, but you can shift faster. If we ran into trouble, you would be the best weapon we could use to fight against them."

"I agree. After you eat one of those bags of jerky, take a nap. I'm pretty sure there are two other bags as well. We can take one each and then take shifts driving."

Without any further words, they all piled into the car. Remy did as she was told and scarfed down the bag of jerky as she was laid out in the back seat. Once her stomach was full of the dried meat, exhaustion took over Remy, and she drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up, it was pitch black outside, and the headlights were the only light to give them some idea of where they were coming from. As far as she could see with the assistance of her night vision, there were nothing but trees. Remy's stomach twisted at that thought. The last time this happened, they were ambushed. Lykos and Bryan were discussing their tour of the territories, and it didn't really sound pleasant.

"We have a problem, Lykos. What if we get home and our home is in shambles?" Bryan asked him.

Lykos stared out the window and kept his hands on the steering wheel, "We would have felt through the pack bonds if there was an issue. I'm not concerned with those matters."

"Doesn't our enemy's next plan involve attacking the heart of our territory? They have been tracking us somehow and attacking us every step of the way. It is like the Dark Dimension is some kind of hive mind. It knows where we are and has its people stationed to bring us down."

Remy scoffed, alerting them that she was conscious. Bryan turned to her, "Is the Dark Dimension a hive mind?"

Remy shrugged. "Not that I know of."

"That's not helpful."

"What do you want me to do? I don't have a lot of information on this damn thing. I know a dimension has been opened, and a bunch of aggressive smoke has come out that can take over people's minds. It made people lose control of themselves and unlocked their animal instincts. That’s all I’ve got."

"Wonderful. We have an enemy that we don't even know all the information needed to kill it."

"I gave you the information on how to kill it. My friend Kaida is the only one who can close the opening on the island. When she finds out who the infected person is, she can wipe out the rest of it on the island."

"That isn't a lot of information. How did it open?"

"I'm pretty sure a Witch who went to the dark side is the one who opened it. How? I have no clue. Not even Adrien knows."

Bryan tilted his head to the side. "And Adrien is?"

"My friend who is a Witch."

Bryan looked at Lykos, who shrugged, and then back at her. "Why are you friends with a Witch? It's bad enough you are friends with a Dragon."

"I'm friends with a Vampyre and a Faerie as well."

"I don't know why you would do that to yourself. That sounds completely dangerous if you ask me."

Remy shook her head. "On the island, species don't matter. Everyone is cool with everyone else. We were there because our mates didn't want us. Sometimes, people have a similar reason for being rejected. We could bond over that experience, which helped us through the pain. I didn't really remember why I was rejected, but Adrien kept me alive when she found me. I'd think twice about hating another species just because they are different. I would have died if Adrien thought that way."

Bryan huffed at her. "I'm not saying they are all bad; I am saying that, as a whole, the other species feels the same way that I do right now. Some are amazing. Most are going to hate you for not being one of them."

"Not what I experienced on the island."

"You're not on the island anymore, Rem. Here, things are clearly different."

Remy rolled her eyes. "I don't see much difference now that the Dark Dimension has its hold on our kingdom. People are killing one another for the stupidest reasons."