Page 16 of Lycan Rejected

Chase stared at how she left her finger on his wrist. A growl crept up in his throat as he felt himself recoil at her touch. She was not Remy, and Remy was the only woman he wanted touching him like this.

How do I tell this girl that?

"I wouldn't say you could take everyone in this pack on. I'd be careful when you try anything I teach on someone else. You'll need some more practice, too."

Becca laughed and slapped his arm. "You're funny. I obviously know I need some more lessons, but I finally feel like I can, you know?"

Chase lifted an eyebrow at her. "Yeah. Lee didn't really care about teaching females how to defend themselves. I advocated for it long ago, but he turned it down."

"I know! I think I remember hearing you talk to him about that. That was so cool of you. You really were trying to look out for us, even before you were Alpha!"

"Mhmm. I'm sure you know by now what happened and why I became Alpha in the first place."

"Yeah, totally!" Becca put her hand on his chest. "I can't believe how brave you were. Lee was so terrifying. I remember when some others challenged him and lost. He was really good at fighting. I can't believe you even won! I mean, now I understand. You are incredible at fighting yourself!"

Chase picked up her hand and removed it from his chest, "Becca, I don't mean to be rude, but I need a shower, and then I have to tend to some other Alpha duties."

"Oh, I totally understand! You know," Becca started as she leaned in, her voice becoming husky, “I can join you. I can wash down your back if you want."

Chase snarled at the mention of her coming anywhere near him while he was unclothed. That was only for Remy now. Becca jumped at his snarl, and her eyes widened at him. His eyes narrowed at her, and he tried to reign in his Lycan before he started talking. With the rage he felt, he knew his eyes were glowing, and he didn't want to scare Becca more than he already had. From what he could see, she trembled at how badly he already scared her.

"I am not yours. I belong to someone else. Do not touch me again or even mention how you want to touch me. Understand?"

Becca looked as if she were prey caught in headlights. He wanted to take back how he sounded, but the words he said were exactly what he wanted to say. No one should be touching him, especially a female.

"I-I-I... I'm... so-so-sorry," Becca stuttered as she slowly backed away from Chase.

Becca knew it was never a good idea to run from a predator, being one, but Chase could see that the one thing she wanted to do was take off away from him.

Chase straightened him and reigned his Lycan back in. He felt the air shift to something laxer, but Becca still had a frightened look on her face.

"I-I-I didn't know you were mated. You don't smell any different."

"The bond is not complete yet. She is from another pack and needs time to get her affairs in order. Until then, I will not smell different, but that changes nothing."

Becca nodded at him and bowed her head. "I'm truly sorry, Alpha. I did not mean any disrespect to you or our Luna. Please forgive me."

Chase knew reassurance from an Alpha was what Becca needed right now, but he couldn't bring it to himself to do so. When reprimanded, it was good for an Alpha to tell the pack mate that things were fine, explain how they could right the wrong, and give them some form of physical contact. Chase didn't want to touch Becca. He felt it would tell her it was okay to touch him when it wasn't. Until he was mated, there would be no touching the opposite sex for him.

"Go clean yourself up. I'm sure dinner will be done soon."

Becca nodded and scurried off. Chase could sense her tail between her legs and her head bowed as she ran toward the pack house. Chase sighed and looked around. The good thing was no one was watching the interaction.

Chase sullenly walked back to the house and avoided everyone by locking his room door after he walked in. The entire ordeal with Becca made him want to get in his car and drive to Remy. He could feel his Lycan wanting to do the same, pacing the inside of his mind and demanding to see their mate. Since Remy seemed hellbent on everything being on her terms, he did not think it was a good idea to do that.

Is it breaking her rules if I go to her? Maybe there’s a way I can stay hidden and just check on her from a distance. I just need to see her and get myself calm again. I am no good to my pack if I cannot keep myself calm.

We must go to her. We need to see her.

Becca's scent was still on him, not helping matters at all. While he still smelled of another female, his Lycan would go crazy. Just like Chase, his Lycan would only want to smell like his mate right now. Until they were bonded, the Lycan would smell the scent of others who had physical contact with them and believe he was wronging their mate by touching another. Chase walked quickly to his shower, turned the water on, and stripped. He didn't care what the temperature of the water was right now as his Lycan begged him to shift so they could go to their mate. Chase didn't want to cause issues with Remy, so he immediately needed the other female's scent off him. The water was still a bit chilly when he stepped into it. He ignored the chills across his skin and grabbed his rag and soap. He got it sudsy enough to wash him down, and the scent of Becca washed away. The air was filled with the scent of his soap instead, calming his beast down.

He stayed under the sizzling hot water and let it wash away everything that had happened that day. He pushed the moments of the females touching him to the depths of his mind so his Lycan would remain calm. While he was at it, he checked the pack bonds and sighed, knowing they all felt like things were in good shape.

While poking around, Chase found himself stopping on the bond that linked him and Remy. It was stitching together, growing stronger with each passing second. He smiled, knowing that someday it would be finished, bonding them together so that he could feel her at all times instead of just when she felt strong emotions. Just then, the bond lit up in a red glow. Chase could feel her heart rate quickening and fear spreading through her veins. He could tell she was running and felt as if her life was in danger. Chase attempted to push the bond further to find more information so he could go to her and help, but since their bond was incomplete, he could do nothing. Something was happening to her, and he had no way of helping her. He couldn’t go there to help without knowing where she was. Chase slammed his hand against the shower wall, cracking the tile, and the pieces fell to his feet. A howl ripped out of him as he feared for his mate's life as she battled alone. He was damn near ready to shift into his beast, but Chase managed to keep the reins on him. He could not just run off without a plan if he didn't know where she was. They were in the middle of dark times right now. He couldn't run around without his pack at his back, at least not when he had no idea where he would even go.

FUCK! I am supposed to protect her! WHY DID I AGREE TO THOSE FUCKING RULES!?

We must go to her! NOW!