The words were venomous, lashing out with merciless force. Beneath them, though, Francesca sensed uncertainty and fear, just as she had before. She took another step forward, and Margot stepped up to meet her, not letting herself be intimidated. Now, they were mere inches apart, close enough that the scent of Margot’s vanilla perfume filled the space between them. A tingle spread through Francesca’s body, heat rising in her belly.
Desire flooded between her legs.
“I think you're projecting, Margot,” she whispered in challenge. “Your mountain of lies is crumbling beneath you and you're terrified that the whole world is going to see that you're nothing but a fraud. You want to beat me with this kind of nonsense because you know you can't beat me fairly. My integrity rattles you because you lack it yourself. What do you believe in, Margot? Beneath all the glitter and glitz and diamonds, who are you?”
She watched, mesmerized, as something flickered in the crystalline pools of blue staring back at her. In that instant, time froze. Nonexistent walls dropped between the women and the electricity crackling in the air intensified. Margot swallowed hard, and Francesca could almost see her breath hitching. Her own pulse quickened and her knees became weak. A delicious tension filled the space.
Then, without warning, Margot’s hand wrapped itself around the back of Francesca's head, pulling her into a bruising kiss. Francesca responded instinctively, pushing Margot against the counter behind her as their mouths collided. She returned the kiss hungrily, driven by pure animalistic instinct, her tongue slipping between those sweet, pink lips and exploring her mouth eagerly. Desperately.
Her hands lifted Margot’s dress and found the back of her thighs, lifting her up as she automatically wrapped her legs tightly around Francesca’s waist with her ass on the washbasin. God, those legs. Long and toned, with smooth, supple skin that felt like silk to the touch. Her body fit perfectly against Francesca’s, nestled in her secure grasp. Margot kept one hand tangled in her hair while the other squeezed down between them, grappling urgently at the waistband of Francesca's pants. A low moan escaped Francesca's mouth as Margot slipped her hand beneath the fabric, past her underwear, and stroked her clit, working her magic once again.
Their lips parted briefly as the two women gasped for breath. Their eyes met again, both sets burning with fierce desire, neither willing to look away first. Determined not to surrender so easily this time, Francesca captured Margot’s lower lip in her mouth, sucking on it before biting down lightly, earning a sharp intake of breath and a whimper from the woman pressed against her. God, that sound was heavenly.
One arm wrapped tightly around Margot’s waist to support her, Francesca moved her other hand down and pushed up the fabric of Margot's tight dress further, digging her fingers into her upper thigh. Margot continued to massage Francesca's clit, applying pressure in all the right places. Francesca shuddered every time those long fingers applied a little more force, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through her body. All coherent thoughts and concerns were gone.
God, Francesca hated this woman and how good she was at making her come. She groaned in blissful agony as she felt the throbbing build as Margot slipped two fingers into her soaking pussy, her thumb continuing to draw circles on her clitoris in exactly the right rhythm.
“Not so tough now, are you, sweetheart?” Margot purred in her ear, sending a wave of arousal washing over her. “You really need to learn when to stop running that smart mouth of yours.”
Francesca grabbed a fistful of Margot’s perfect hair and tugged, yanking her head back and exposing the milky white skin of her throat. Margot let out a silvery, playful laugh, her fingers still thrusting wildly inside Francesca, showing no sign of ceasing the magnificent torment she was inflicting. Panting, Francesca bent her head to leave a trail of eager kisses and bites across Margot’s throat. It was futile. Sexually, Margot had her. Again.
Francesca parted her legs further, allowing Margot the access she needed to fuck her properly and Margot hopped off the washbasin so her fingers could go to work.
Margot pushed Francesca back with her free hand and she staggered two steps before she was pinned against the pillar between the cubicle doors.
She was grateful for the support it gave her as Margot’s seeking fingers found her G spot effortlessly and began to fuck her roughly.
Harder and faster. Harder and faster. Margot’s thumb grazing persistently against Francesca’s clitoris as she fucked her.
Francesca let her. She liked it. A lot.
Margot’s fingers drove her crazy and she couldn’t help but concede to them.
She heard her own moans ringing out in the small bathroom and she forgot everything else as Margot’s body leaned into hers and Francesca lost herself in the sensation.
Margot’s lips growled in her ear.
“Come for me, sweetheart. I like it so very much when you come so hard for me.”
It was all too much. Francesca sank her teeth into the delicate skin of Margot’s neck as she rode out her climax, letting out a cry that reverberated off the tiled walls of the lavish bathroom. Every muscle in her body seized up. The orgasm was electric, scorching every nerve as it tore through her, overwhelming all her senses. She could feel Margot's left hand in her hair, caressing her gently, as the fingers of her right hand slid out of Francesca finally and she ached at the loss of them.
Finally, spent and satiated, Francesca crumpled, breathing heavily. Her cheek rested on Margot's shoulder, where it seemed to fit perfectly. For several long seconds, they remained there, panting together. One of Margot's hands ran up and down Francesca's back soothingly. When she caught her breath, Francesca straightened slowly, reluctantly easing her arms away. She blinked, and the spell was broken.
Reality came rushing back into her world like a sudden bucket of cold water poured directly on her head. She looked at Margot, who pulled back from her, flushed and breathing heavily. There was a curious expression on her gorgeous face, a kind of expectant surprise, as if she were waiting for some response from Francesca. Francesca swallowed thickly, taking a step back as the reality of this moment sunk in.
Come for me, sweetheart. I like it so very much when you come so hard for me.
They had done it again. They had succumbed to this insanity once more. In a semi-public bathroom in the White House, where anyone could walk in at any moment. They could have been caught red-handed at any moment. Margot had spent the last two weeks actively slandering her good name and doing everything in her power to ruin her, and yet the first chance she got, Francesca had thrown all caution to the wind and surrendered to her impulses. This was a disaster.
“What, not even going to return the favor, darlin'?” Margot smirked slyly, arching a sculpted eyebrow in amusement. “That's not very gracious of you.”
“Unbelievable,” Francesca scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. “Jesus Christ, Margot, this is ridiculous. We can't do this. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.”
As she spoke, her voice shaking, she brushed off her suit, smoothing out the wrinkles to try and conceal any signs of what had happened. Her mind was racing with anxiety and conflicting emotions. This was all getting to her. The stress, the tension, the exhaustion. She couldn't even bring herself to look at Margot until she heard the sound of the faucet as Margot straightened herself up and went to wash Francesca’s climax from her hands.
When Francesca looked up, Margot turned and was staring fixedly at her, suddenly emotionless and unreadable once more. There was something in her eyes Francesca couldn't quite place. It almost looked like hurt.
“Right,” Margot said flatly, drying her hands, smoothing out her dress and hair, her eyes locked on Francesca’s expression in the mirror. “Never happened, won't happen again. Right?”