I can’t wait to bring that wild side out to play.
Whistling, I set to work on her beater Accord, my mind replaying our exchange on a loop. The way her eyes flashed when she first saw it was me, the catch in her breath when I stepped into her space… She can front all she wants, but her body doesn’t lie. My mate wants me, even if she won’t admit it yet.
And oh, how I want her. Wrenching on her engine, all I can think about is getting my big, dirty hands on her sweet ass. Stroking her curves, tasting her honeyed skin, burying myself in her tight, wet—
“Fuck!” I jerk back, knuckles smarting from where I scraped them on a valve cover. Get it together, Beckett. Last thing you need is a case of blue balls when you’re elbow-deep in an alternator.
I force myself to focus on the work, years of practice letting me detach my mind from my libido. It’s a handy skill for a wolf in a world of tempting scents and sounds. Would’ve been even handier back in high school, when popping a knot in gym class was a daily hazard.
Before I know it, I’m wiping down my tools and slamming the Accord’s hood. She’s fully repaired and ready to roll, just like I promised Zara.
My mate. The word sends a shiver down my spine. I haven’t even claimed Zara yet, but my soul knows the truth. She’s mine, down to the marrow of my bones.
I’ve always hoped I’d find my mate someday. I thought I had more time, though. But my wolf clearly has other ideas. From the second I scented Zara in that dive bar, he’s been howling nonstop to make her ours. To mark her, claim her, and fill her with our pups.
I groan, my cock hardening at the image of Zara round with my child. Down, boy. Babies are a long way off. I haven’t even gotten the stubborn woman to agree to a date yet.
But she will. Even if I have to break out every trick in the werewolf playbook.
Starting with scent-marking the fuck out of this Accord.
I make a few quick calls to find out where my girl works and lives and swing into the driver’s seat, keying the ignition and backing out of the bay. By the time I’m done with this car, it’ll smell like nothing but me.
Zara might be able to resist me for now, but let’s see her try to ignore the smell of her mate every time she gets behind the wheel. It’s the oldest trick in the book - literally. Werewolves have been staking their claim through scent for millennia.
Is it underhanded? Maybe. But it will be worth it in the end.
As I drive to the library to drop off the Accord, I crank down the windows and let the breeze ruffle my hair. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she realizes I’ve invaded her territory. My hot little librarian is in for one hell of a surprise.
Chapter 5
I’m just finishing up story time when I catch a familiar scent wafting through the stacks. Sandalwood, motor oil, and pure temptation. No, it can’t be. He wouldn’t dare…
But as I round the corner, there he is, leaning against the circulation desk like he owns the place. Ryder flashes me a grin, his eyes raking over me in a way that makes my cheeks flame.
“Fancy meeting you here, Miss Sinclair.”
I stalk over, keeping my voice low to avoid disturbing the patrons. “What are you doing here? How did you even know where I work?”
He gives me one of his panty-destroying grins. “I have my ways.”
Of course. Silly me for thinking I could escape tall, dark, and infuriating. “If you’re here about your car, I was planning to bring it back after my shift.”
“Actually, I’m here about dinner. Thought I’d escort you to the best burger joint in town.”
I blink at him. “Dinner? I don’t recall agreeing to dinner.”
“Well, no, but I figured we could share a thank-you a meal.” He adorably tilts his head to the side. “Unless you’ve got other plans?”
The arrogance of this man. Does he really think I’m just going to swoon into his arms because he fixed my car?
I open my mouth to tell him exactly where he can stick his dinner plans, but he beats me to the punch.
“Look, Zara, I know I come on strong.” His blue eyes are sincere, his voice losing its teasing edge. “But I promise, I just want to get to know you better. One meal, that’s all I’m asking. If you never want to see me again after that, I’ll respect your wishes.”