“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter.” He backed a few steps away. “Gabe told her I killed Gregory, so it’s over. Now I just need to get out of town for a while. Will you help me?”
Grant released a sigh. “I’ve said it before, and I am going to keep on saying it. You didn’t kill Gregory. Drugs did.”
“Don’t you see? To her—to the town—I’m responsible.”
“But why do you need to get out of Heritage? Your job is going well.”
“I’m not sure I can continue to share a space with her.”
“If that’s the case then I think your feelings go way beyond ‘maybe.’ Which begs the question of why you hadn’t talked about Gregory yet. Whether she knew or not—you had to have known it was a conversation you needed to have.”
“I told you I was going to talk to her today. I went to the studio for that very reason. But she needed help with a lift. And then we got... distracted.” He started down the path again.
“We sort of kissed.”
“You sort of kissed?”
“Fine, we kissed. That’s when Gabe found us.”
“Ah. Let me get this straight. So you make a big presentation to Jon that went well. A presentation for the project of your dreams and he offers you a partnership. Then you kissed Grace.” Grant lifted one eyebrow. “I think you need to admit that you really care for her.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Seth stopped walking and rested his elbows on the paddock fence. “She’ll be returning to Chicago soon.”
“Not everyone walks away, Seth.”
But they did. His mom had, Gabe had, it was only a matter of time before Grace did too. He was always left to face the hard moments alone.
“If you never let people close, you may keep them from hurting you, but trust me when I say that doesn’t mean a pain-free life. And don’t forget there are people who haven’t walked away. Jon hasn’t. I won’t. There are many that are behind you and want to see you succeed.”
“And if I don’t?” The words seemed to scrape across his throat. What if he did fail again? He’d almost failed tonight.
“Then we will be there to help pick you up, every time. I won’t give up on you.”
Seth closed his eyes against the burning in his throat. He refused to get emotional. But the only two people who’d never given up on him were his dad and Uncle George. And both had been taken from him. Even if it hadn’t been their choice, he’d still been left with nothing.
Grant’s hand landed on Seth’s shoulder as he cleared his throat. “I’m on your team. Forever, no matter what. We’re family.”
He shook his head as he leaned back from the fence and looked back at Grant. “We’re not?—”
“We are. Maybe not by blood but not all family is blood. Adopted families are families by choice. You’re my brother. Don’t forget that.”
A wave of emotions threatened to overwhelm him. A brother. A family. Jon and Leah were family, and Abby was family even if she were half way around the world. But his mom? She hadn’t felt like family for as long as he could remember. She used him. Over and over.
And although she might love him in a twisted way, that wasn’t what real love was. Love was kind, love was not self-seeking, and love did not rejoice in evil.
“I believe God has a bigger plan for you than hiding from your past.” Grant squeezed his shoulder and then dropped his arm. “Go talk to Grace.”
“You honestly think she would listen?”
“When I got out of the Army, I was a mess. Not just in my own head, but I came home to my brother announcing his engagement to my ex.”
“Yup. I wasn’t into her anymore, but it was still a little bruising to my ego. Okay, a lot.” Grant turned toward the house, nodding for Seth to follow. “Anyway, I went to visit Nate—he’d just moved to Heritage. And Caroline ended up trying to be my life coach.”
“Your life coach?” Somehow it wasn’t that difficult to imagine the no-nonsense Caroline telling people how to live their lives.