Done early. Are you at the studio?
He stood and shoved the phone in his coat pocket. As good a time as ever to clear the air. It could ruin everything. His mind drifted to their conversation on the Centennial Wheel. Then again, maybe not. He’d been honest there, and tragedy hadn’t struck. She hadn’t judged him, she’d simply cried. For him.
Fifteen minutes later, he stepped in the back door of the studio. A classical piece he wasn’t familiar with filled the air, and he took the few steps up to the main floor and leaned against a wall. Grace wore her familiar black leotard with her hair in a tight blonde bun. A wisp of a pink skirt hung around her toned waist.
The color pink was definitely growing on him.
Grace lifted her arms in the air and floated more than danced across the floor. He loosened the buttons at his wrists. He really could watch her dance all day and never tire of it.
She focused on her reflection, a small V between her brows as if silently judging and correcting every move. They looked perfect to him.
When her gaze met his in the mirror, she dropped down from her toe and turned toward him, a smile stretching from ear to ear. “And?”
“And Jon loved it.” He pushed off the wall and took a few steps toward her. “He and I are going to open it together. I start working on it tomorrow. By working, I mean spending the day on the phone with contractors and filing permits.”
She hurried toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him. “I knew he would love it.”
He hugged her back, letting her words and embrace wash over him. Shehadbelieved in him. When was the last time someone had believed in him? When was the last time someone had really hugged him?
There was that pressure in his chest again. He loosened his hold and took a step back. “There’s something we need to talk about.”
“And guess what?” she said at the same time, then added, “What is it?”
He shook his head. “You go first.”
He wanted to hear what was behind that smile before he dumped all this on her.
“Alec called. Madame Laurent was so impressed with my progress and said if I can manage the lift, she would consider me for Odette at the end of the summer show.”
“The lift?”
“Yes, and I think I am coming close because look at this.” She turned back toward the mirror and stepped over to where she had been dancing. She lifted her arms and then raised her leg, never dropping off pointe.
“You did it without help.”
“I know and my leg is getting strong. I think I’m now ready for you to help me with a lift. Can we try?”
“Whoa.” He held up both hands and took a step back. “Holding you steady is one thing. I don’t think I’m ready for a lift.”
“You pretty much just have to deadlift me above your head. If you think you can hold my weight?—”
“That isn’t a problem.” He slid his bag off his shoulder and dropped it in the corner. “But I’m guessing it’s more complicated than you think.”
“Here. Maybe if you see it.” She walked over to grab her phone. She navigated the screen a moment before pointing it toward him.
That did help, at least he could see what his role was. And she was right, his part was just a dead lift as long as he didn’t have to stand in that fancy way.
He kicked off his shoes and pushed them toward the mirror.
“Stand behind me and place your hands on the small of my back from behind.”
He loosened his shirt at his waist, rolled up his sleeves, and then did as she said. His thumbs crossed over each other in the back as his fingers wrapped around her middle.