Page 81 of You're the Reason

“With funnel cake?” He popped another bite in his mouth. “Don’t think that works but I can’t say I haven’t said a prayer that these will be in heaven one day.”

“Susie said something to me about when she dances, it makes God happy.”

He nodded and picked another piece of pastry off her plate. “I guess it’s all about why you’re dancing. If you’re dancing for your parents or fame, then I don’t know. But if you let all that go and dance for God, not caring what others think, then yeah, I bet it does.”

She started to say she agreed, but the intensity in his gaze stopped her.

Suddenly, she could almost picture this as their date number one thousand rather than date number one. Eating together, laughing together, talking over life together, waiting for the sun to go down to set up their blanket for the fireworks together.

Choosing to be together because there was nowhere on earth they’d rather be. No expectations. Just loving the other for who they were.


Had she really thought that?

A light knock on the window made her jump. She turned to a smiling Susie waving for all she was worth.

“Are you going to the fireworks too?” the little girl yelled though the glass.

Grace glanced back at Seth for a moment before popping the door open. “We are.”

“Great! You can share my blanket.” Susie lifted a pink and blue blanket for Grace to see. “And look! My daddy got the night off.”

“Susie...” Her father, who was carrying a blanket and a small cooler with two camp chairs slung over his shoulder, walked up. She hadn’t met him before, but somehow, she’d imagined a bald, overweight grump of a man who was too busy for his daughter. But the man before her, with his military-short haircut and wide shoulders, looked anything but lazy. He dropped the cooler and ran an affectionate hand over his daughter’s blonde hair, revealing a tattoo of a trident, eagle, and musket encircled by the words The only easy day was yesterday. Maybe there was more of a story to their situation than she’d originally thought. “They probably have other plans.”

Grace was just about to agree when Seth leaned forward. “We’d love to.”

They would? Maybe she was the only one with love on her mind here. Grace climbed out of the car, and Susie slipped her hand into hers.

Seth walked around and popped the trunk and pulled a blanket out, then nodded at Zane, who’d joined them. They all set off to walk between the dunes toward the lake. A few steps in, Susie let go of her hand and ran up one of the dunes, chasing Zane.

Seth dropped into step beside her. “So, back to Chicago Sunday, huh?”

Her heart sank as she closed her eyes for a moment. She hadn’t talked to him about that because she hadn’t made up her mind if she was going back. “It’s just to talk and maybe dance for them. I haven’t fully decided if I’ll take it.”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

“I know it’s been the goal all the way along, but suddenly I wonder if...” If what I want is right here.

As if he could read her mind, he shook his head. “This is everything you have worked for. You want this. I’m happy for you.”

“You are?” Her gaze jerked toward him over her shoulder.

“I appreciate you standing up for me and the truth you spoke earlier. But I’m only here for a short while?—”

She stopped in her tracks and looked at him. “I thought you were opening the ninja gym.”

“I’ll get it set up, but because of the felony, I found out last night that I can’t be cleared to work with kids for another year.” He shrugged as if it was not a big deal. It was a big deal. This was his passion. “That’s why Nate was there to help today.”

“Seth.” She reached for his arm, but he didn’t stop.

“Don’t you get it? They want you back. You have a bright future. The future you always wanted.”

It was the future her parents always told her she wanted, but had she ever wanted it for herself? “But what if I don’t want that future?”

“I’ve seen you dance. You do.” He turned and walked back toward her a few steps. “Don’t let your frustrations with your parents cloud your view. You come alive when you dance.”

She tossed up her hands, then dropped them on her hips. “You said the same thing about when I teach.”