Page 107 of You're the Reason

“But he did.” Mallory’s brows rose like Grace was missing something big. Maybe she was.

“What are you talking about?”

“It hasn’t aired yet, but it’s all over social media, people posting photos of him tonight. He must have come right here.” She tapped her phone and then turned it around.

Grace lifted it from her hand. Sure enough, that was definitely Seth. The image had caught him on the Hanging Bridges just as he jumped from one obstacle to the next. She lowered it and looked at Mal. “How did he do?”

“They won’t release that until the show airs, but here are some selfies some kids took with him.”

“He returned as The Storm.” She picked up her pacing again. “Why would he do that? He said he’d never do that. And now he’s here. What does it all mean?”

“Back to my first guess. He loves you. So, let me ask you again. Do you love him?”

Her pacing stopped. “Yes.”

“No hesitation this time.” Mallory gave a little clap with her hands. “Progress. Now you just have to tell him.”

“Tell him?” She peered through the curtain gap again.

“After the show.” Mallory pulled her back.


Grace’s hand flew to her face. “Wait!”

“What now?”

“He knows I’m in the chorus, but I doubt he knows that means I’m only in a few dances.” She motioned to her less-than-remarkable costume. “I’m just a nameless character.”

“I could be wrong”—her friend lifted one brow in her direction—“but I am guessing he isn’t here for the ballet.”

“But he’s expecting?—”

“You.” Mallory pointed to the stage. “Now go out there and dance for him. And if he really loves you, it will be enough. By the way he looked at you last time, I’m guessing you could go out there and fall off the stage and it would still be enough.”

“Love isn’t based on your performance.” Seth’s words came back. He had failed her, but she had also failed him. Love wasn’t about perfection. It was about forgiveness and choosing the other person every day. “A new day with no mistakes.”

He was here, and this was her last performance. All in, no holding back.

She couldn’t see his face well while she was dancing. The problem with her role was that she was always stationed toward the back of the stage rather than up front where she could see the audience. But her spot on the stage didn’t matter. She danced like she hadn’t danced in a long time, and it felt good. Free.

By the time the final curtain call came she was ready to leap off the stage and run to him. Madame Laurent would love that. Instead, she rushed to her dressing room and started pulling off the elastic arm decorations. Hopefully he wouldn’t leave.

“That, my darling, was the Grace I have been looking for.” Madame Laurent strode in with Alec two steps behind. “You are finally back, and the lead in the fall show is yours if you want it.”

The lead. Everything she had worked for was at her fingertips. But suddenly, she didn’t want it. Because all she could think about at this moment was seeing Seth.

“Take it. You have earned it.”

She stilled, then turned. Seth stood in the doorway, his gaze fixed on her. Oh, he looked good. And it hit her just like it had when he showed up in her studio dressed in workout clothes. This man had presence, power, and a place in her life. At least she hoped so.

He stepped into the room, his eyes on hers. “You should take it. And I’ll be at every show.”

“Every one?” She took a step toward him. “That’s a long drive.”

“What can I say?” He shrugged. “I am committed... to the ballet.”

Grace bit back a smile and then turned to Madame Laurent. “Before, you said I’d lost my heart, and you were right. Ballet used to be everything. But now... I think I’m ready to let go. Move to the next stage of life. See who I was created to be.”