I growl under my breath. “I don’t agree with this assignment.”
“Do you wish the council to take over the care of these females?”
But I can’t say it. I don’t want them to leave. I can’t walk away from them.
My eyes dart back to her. She’s watching me silently and there’s still something in her eyes that I don’t like. Some fear, some sadness that makes it impossible for me to turn her over to the council. To let her go.
“No. We will take care of them. We will find the other females if they exist.”
The leader nods and I swear I almost see her lip curl. “Very well. Good-bye, Commander Koehn. I wish you and your team well in this mission.”
The screen goes dark and she turns to me, her eyebrows lifted. I never realized before how much a human can say with just their face. It is quite interesting.
“So what now, Commander Koehn.”
As soon as she says my name in a soft voice that I’ve never heard from her, I feel that itching in my arms again. I’ve been away from my home planet for a long time. Away from my people for a lot longer than I like. I don’t understand what is going on with me but I know that it’s going to change my life and I don’t like it.
“I go to Calon 5.”
“You mean we.”
“I do not. It’s too dangerous. Especially for a large group. It needs to be one person. To avoid detection.”
“We’ll see about that.”
She storms out of my cabin and I push my hands through my hair, yanking on it.
This small one is a large amount of trouble. Trouble that I cannot have around me on this mission. There is no way that she’s going with me.
Isit in the chair on the small vessel that we’re using to reach Calon 5. Koehn is busily pushing buttons and glaring at them, ignoring me.
“This is going to be a very long trip if you insist on ignoring me.”
He grunts but doesn’t reply.
I almost smile. He’s like a pouty child. But that thought wipes the smile right off my face.
He glances over like he can feel that something’s changed. His white brow lifts over those pale amethyst eyes. He’s so alien in so many ways but there’s something about this particular alien that draws me in.
Maybe it’s all the bulging muscles under the blue skin. I am still human and he’s nice to look at. That’s all I can deal with though. Even if he was perfect for me, I cannot risk that kind of feeling. Don’t want to feel anything anymore. I just want to go home.
But thanks to those fucking aliens it doesn’t sound like I’m going to get the chance. Rage builds inside me and my hands shake.
If I get the chance can I take it? None of the other women are on this ship. I’m alone with Koehn. I only need to fight one male.
I don’t want to leave the others. But they’d understand why I need to get back to Earth. I need to see my babies. I cannot leave them alone.
As the ship accelerates out of the hold of the other, larger alien ship, I try and study the way his hands move on the controls.
I say nothing as we leave the other ship far behind, the stars out of the front view screen melding into a bright, shining, twisting mess that hurtles us to the outer parts of this galaxy.
“You might as well go lie down, small one. There’s not much to see or do. You’ll just be bored.”
I nod my head but I don’t leave and he sighs, sitting back and staring at me.