“Looks good to me.” He opens the glove box and then the trunk and smiles. “Looks good. I guess I can mark this one off.” His eyes turn to me. “I guess the car must have been safe enough last night. But I hope you point out to Mr. Henry that we shouldn’t leave the company vehicles in some strange place all alone where they could be damaged. They do belong to the company,” he huffs out, his hackles clearly raised.

I nod my head and pat his arm, smiling when he grins at me, stunned. “Don’t you worry. I’m gonna talk to Mr. Henry about this right away. Safety should be important to everyone in the company.”

He nods quickly and then he shuffles foot to foot. I grunt and he smiles widely. “It was wonderful meeting you, ma’am.”

“You too, Jerry. Take care.”

I step out of that stuffy, close office and sigh. “Now what do I do.”

I pace out and over to the elevator, not even flinching when a car starts near me. I’m too busy thinking, wondering what the hell is going on around here.

But I notice when the headlights blind me and the car revs its engine and then someone slams on the gas and it’s barreling towards me and I’m too frozen to move, wondering what the hell to do.

A heavy shape slams into me and a deep grunt hits my ear as we hit the pavement.

It gets off of me quickly and I suck in a gasping breath, my body aching so much that it feels like every inch of me is bruised.

The man glares down at me, his crystal-blue eyes so angry that it looks like he could tear that car apart with his bare hands. We both look over and see it racing out of the garage and Reid slams his fist into his hand before he grabs his phone and dials a number.

“Yep. Just what you thought might happen.” Reid’s eyes turn to me and he nods. “I’m on my way home with her.”

And before I can get one word out, he leans down and grasps my hand, easily lifting me to my feet and then throwing me over his shoulder and opening his car door, throwing me in the back seat so hard that my hair flies out of the twist it’s in and blinds me.

And then he slams the door closed, gets in the front and slams his car in drive, still muttering under his breath.

And I just sit there and wonder what the hell just happened. One minute I thought I was gonna die in my own building and then the next, Reid was flying in like Superman and saving me.

A girl could get used to that.



My hands are still shaking. And it’s not all fear. I’m so pissed that I could cheerfully kill someone with my bare hands.

Cash had a feeling that something like this could happen if Court went somewhere alone and that’s why Max charmed the assistant. She called Max as soon as her boss headed downstairs and since we know our little princess and her curiosity wouldn’t wait, we all knew where she was going.

Cash was worried when he realized where in the building it was. That basement garage isn’t exactly the height of security or bustling with employees.

We should have gotten the information ourselves. But we assumed that she’d be safe.

Now we know. She’s never gonna be safe until we figure out what’s going on at her company.

So that’s what we’re gonna do. The sooner the better. Because if I ever have to see something like Court’s curvy body outlined and frozen in bright headlights, I might have a heart attack on the spot. I think I lost ten years off my life.

I see her open her mouth in the rearview mirror where I’m watching her. I shake my head. “I’m taking you home and we’ll talk when we get there. That way we only have to go over this once.”

Instead of arguing she nods and then puts her head back on the plush back seat of my car. Her eyes close and she seems to sink into her own thoughts, her delicate jaw clenched, her body so taut that it looks like she could snap at the drop of a hat.

I lift one shaking hand and push the hair that’s falling over my forehead back, running my hand over my eyes and sighing. Thank fuck that Cash is a paranoid son of a bitch or we might have lost her before we actually have her tied down for the rest of our lives.

I finally reach our little estate that we purchased when we came back and took over the company, knowing that we were going to sell our individual places. We need to be together with our girl every damn second of the day.

We also made the room that will be where all of us sleep from now on. Because if Courtney thinks she’s going back to her place she’s out of her mind.

I punch in the code to our gate and it opens and I can already see that Cash and Max are outside, Cash in his trademark leather jacket and jeans and max dressed in one of his suits that are pretty damn like mine. Not that we’re twinsies or anything. We just like to look good.

Cash just wants to scare people and I guess he thinks you can’t do that in a suit. I’ve seen plenty of scary guys in suits so I think he’s wrong. But I’m not telling him that.