“We were trying to make sure that you were safe. And it looks like it’s a good thing that we did because now we know that someone followed you from the club.”
As an argument it’s a bit flawed and she picks up on it right away. Her mouth twists and she crosses her arms over her plump chest, making my mouth water when her tits mound over top of her arms. I want to dive right in there and bury my face in her fantastic boobs until she drops to her knees and then screams for me to make her come. Hell, I want to make her come just sucking on her boobs.
But when her mouth opens, I force myself to force those images out of my head. It’s dangerous to lose your focus around Court. She’s a strong woman and she’s not someone you can push around to get what you want. She’ll make you regret it and suffer.
“Did you guys happen to stop and think about coming to talk to me before this? Since you were following me anyway,” she huffs.
I glance over at Reid and shrug and he sighs, standing as well. “That was my choice, Court. We needed to make sure that your Dad didn’t catch sight of us. At least not until we figured out how to get you alone. It seems like you’re always with someone.”
“Awesome. That’s because I work, Reid. I work hard.”
“I know that,” he grunts and his blue eyes follow her pacing, the restless, needy look of her making a banked fire flare in his eyes. I know we’re thinking the same thing but we can’t just take her. We’re at her business and if there’s one thing I think our princess would really get pissed about it’s being diminished at her job. We’ve already kind of pushed the issue on that.
“I need to think. I need you three to leave me alone so I can think about this.”
I hand her the paper with the license plate number. “Maybe you could get me the name of the person who used that car last night?”
She glares at me but takes the paper and nods her head towards the door.
When we stride out, she pretty much slams the door right in our face. Her assistant is sitting there with her mouth open, her eyes running up and down our bodies and I want to tell her to knock it off, we’re taken. But Max steps in and takes her hand, charming her panties right off until she’s agreed to keep an eye on Court and let us know if she leaves or goes somewhere else.
That will have to do for now. Hopefully our little princess doesn’t stay too mad at us for too long.
But for right now, I want my computer. I’ve got a slimy little fucker to run and possibly the other one as well.
I want information and I intend to get it. Consequences be damned. This is too fucking important to worry about Court’s injured feelings. This is about our princess’s safety and I will not tolerate anything less than perfection with that. Not from me or anyone else.
“Let’s go. I’ve got some fuckers to check out.” And we storm out of that office like all the hounds of hell are hot on our heels.
I watch them leave and shake my head, wondering if the last fifteen minutes have been a strange hallucination and I’m actually asleep at my desk.
But something crinkles in my hand when I clench it, scratching my skin. I glance down and see the license plate number on the number and it all settles in my belly like some kind of fucking nightmare.
I don’t need this. I don’t need any of this. I’m barely getting my feet under me since my parents passed away in that plane crash over the weekend. The last thing I want to do is deal with anything else stressful. But if someone at my company is following me after hours, I have a right to know who that is.
Hell, safety is paramount to me which is why I installed our new system. Thinking it was safer than anything else on the market. Only to now run into issues on that too.
I smooth out the paper and stare at the number, not recognizing it. So it’s not one of the ones that is permanently assigned to one of our executives. It’s one of the rotating number that get used for various purposes.
I pick up the phone to call and then I slowly drop it, changing my mind. I don’t want there to be any record of my call. I don’t want anybody to know what I’m doing.
Safety. Everything is all about safety.
I pick up the paper and hide it in an empty folder and then immediately feel like an idiot. But I walk out the door and smile at my assistant. “Jen, I’m going downstairs to take care of something. I’ll be back shortly. Hold all my calls or if it’s important send them to my cell phone. I’ll have it on me.”
She nods and then I turn and walk away, heading to the elevator to our basement underground parking. That’s where we keep the cars and there’s an office down there to keep track of the cars coming and going.
I step out and immediately the cool gloom of the lot makes my skin goosebump and my nerves shimmer, a little skitter of something off to the left making my head whip around.
A rustle makes my steps quicker and the tap tap of my heels echoes all around the dim space. I swear I hear the scuff of a shoe on concrete and my hair lifts on the back of my neck, the goosebumps making me shiver.
I finally reach the small office tucked into the back and sigh in relief, rushing inside.
The man seated behind the cluttered desk jumps, his eyes darting towards me. “Hello?”