Page 56 of Innocent Intent

“Doesn’t matter. Sometimes, you have to allow things to be what they are. Arnold deserved what he got.”

“You’re not going to tell anyone? You have the case file that was in his safe deposit box. It’s evidence.”

“It was, but no one has to know why. Did you kill him because of that file?”


“Then I don’t see how tearing down the department and the reputations of all its key players behind a case that served justice is necessary.”

She nodded and released a breath that had Davis relaxing as well . . . until the next thing came out of her mouth.

“My turn to ask a question . . .”


“So, fiancée, huh? You know all my secrets. It’s only fair that I get to know yours.”

Cassidy watched Davis intently. His handsome face shifted through several emotions before his eyes fastened on hers.

“That feels like a very long time ago.”

“Was it?”

He smirked. “Not exactly. She ended things shortly before I packed up and moved to Atlanta.”

“So, less than two years. That’s recent enough to still feel things.”

“The only thing I feel is contentment that she married him and not me.”

“But you were engaged.”

“Unofficially. No ring, just a promise that it would happen. Thinking back, I realize that was one of our issues.”

“Women love the presentation. It’s not official without a show,” she joked. “What were the other issues? The ones that mattered the most.”

“She wanted a lawyer, and I was content being a cop.”

“She cheated?”

“No. Just kept urging me to get my law degree. I wasn’t interested, so we took a break, and she surfaced a few months later engaged to the new DA for my precinct.”

“Ahh, I can see how that would be awkward.”

“For me, no. At least, not at first. But the guy had a bit of a hard-on for complicating my life. Seems he didn’t appreciate the idea of being the consolation prize. Had I gotten my law degree like she wanted, like her father wanted, then I would have been the one with her at dinner tonight. Not him.”

“Which means you wouldn’t have been there with me.” She smiled softly.

“I’m okay with how things turned out.” His look communicated so much more. Emotions she felt but shouldn’t have.

“Do you still have feelings for her?”

Davis scoffed. “I have plenty of feelings for her . . .”

“Oh . . .” Cassidy rushed out on a husky breath right before he added, “But none that are favorable.”

“Oh.” That time, her tone was a little lighter.

After long moments of silence, Davis stood and glanced around the room. “So, I guess we’re done here. I should go. Early flight.”