Page 48 of Innocent Intent

Davis shrugged nonchalantly from just inside the captain’s doorway. “Being liked isn’t a quality of me doing my job. If Chief Trent prefers his detectives to half-ass with cases, then maybe his job should be in question.”

“Cute, Davis. If you want to go on a suicide mission, that’s on you, but leave the rest of us out of it. Stay the hell away from Trent and that case. It has nothing to do with what you’re working on.”

“Technically, it does.”

Captain’s face went hard. “How so?”

“Williams had a flash drive with information about the Arnold case on it. It was in the safe deposit box.”

“How the hell did he get that, and why am I just now finding out?”

“Cassidy. She has a copy of the case file at her house. There were handwritten notes and questions regarding the case, things she was concerned about years later. If she somehow mishandled the case, then Williams was likely considering blackmailing her.”

“You saying that’s her motive?”

“Could be. Many careers were fast-tracked, thanks to the outcome of that case. APD put an end to a national manhunt for a serial rapist. The case got a lot of press. If word got out that Cassidy was second-guessing . . .”

“You ask her about it?” Davis noticed something in his eyes.

“I did.”


“I don’t think she killed the guy because of it.”

I don’t think she killed him at all.

“Then leave it alone. You go digging into that case, and you’ll make a lot of enemies.”

“Like Chief? Did you know he had an intimate relationship with Cassidy while they were on the case? You were only a sergeant back then, but—”

“Of course, I knew. I know everything that goes on under my roof. Past and present.”

“And you didn’t have a problem with it?”

“What I have a problem with is why you’re so concerned about the two of them. Should I consider this a problem?”

Davis smirked. “Not at all, Captain. Just doing my job as thoroughly as possible. Had a lead, followed it, and nothing panned out.”

“Then what do you have? I’m beginning to wonder if I made a wrong move handing this case over to you. No new evidence. No current suspects other than Cassidy. Not a damn thing getting us any closer to the finish line.”

“I have a lead—someone who can potentially give more insight on Williams. The guy is an utter mystery. If I can figure out who he is, then I can figure out who he pissed off enough to kill him.”

“Sounds to me like the only one with a motive is his wife.”

Davis tensed at the thought of his captain potentially wanting him to press forward, with Cassidy being the only suspect.

“Regardless of what we think, nothing solid points to Cassidy. Everything we have is circumstantial. There’s no real evidence we can take to the DA without them laughing us out of their office.”

“Then find something. At this point, I don’t care if it’s pointing to Cassidy or someone else. We need to get this case closed. If she did this—”

“If, Captain.”

“If she did this, we’ll have to handle things as we would for any other case. I might not like it, but the job comes first.”

Davis nodded, feeling annoyed. “I’ll be out of town for a day or so. Heading to New York to investigate the lead I have.”

“Do what you must, but if you’re putting this on the department’s dime, I suggest you come back with something solid.”