Page 19 of Innocent Intent

“But while I’m here, you may as well ask the more important one.”

“Which is?”

“If I murdered Niles.”

Tension pulsed around them, and the room instantly felt ten times smaller.

“Did you?”

“No.” Her eyes remained fastened to his, and her body language and demeanor supported the idea that she was telling the truth. Confident. Expressing certainty.

“Well, there you have it.” Davis nodded with a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips, and watched Cassidy as she left the room. His thoughts drifted back to her answer, and he considered what it truly could have meant. Maybe she was telling the truth. Cassidy hadn’t murdered Niles because, in her mind, Niles hadn’t been the person shot that night. The victim had been his alias, Jerrod Williams.

Maybe I asked the right question but referenced the wrong name.


“Tia, come in, please.” Cassidy stepped aside, allowing space for her assistant to enter.

Tia Murphy was a college graduate who had been hopeful about breaking into the entertainment industry. She planned to work for as many celebrities, athletes, and musicians as she could attach herself to until she’d made enough connections to branch out on her own. Her first job was working for a local rapper, and after one party too many, Tia found herself in a compromising position where she had almost been assaulted. That incident was enough to pause her aspirations to become a singer and shift her goals. A few months later, she interviewed with Cassidy, who offered her a salary she couldn’t refuse. They’d been working together for the past three years, with Tia starting a year after Cassidy married her husband.

“What’s going on? You sounded urgent when you called.” Tia’s brows pinched slightly as she peered at Cassidy, dressed in jeans and an oversized sweater. Her feet were bare, and her bob was pulled back into a ponytail that sprouted from the nape of her neck. Tia was also in jeans but sported a crisp, white, boyfriend-style button-down that offered a casual yet chic look, which she paired with an expensive purse and matching ankle boots. As usual, the two women were like polar opposites, given Tia’s runway-ready style, which greatly contrasted with Cassidy’s comfy appearance.

“I need to tell you something, and I also need your help with a few things.” Cassidy inhaled, releasing it slowly. “Come have a seat so we can talk.”

Tia followed Cassidy deeper into the house but stopped in the living room and sat on the sofa. She placed her purse on the arm beside her while Cassidy continued toward the kitchen.

“I’m going to have wine. Would you like some?”

“Uh, sure, but only one glass. I have a date later and don’t need to pregame.”

Smiling as she grabbed the wine from one of the glass enclosures, Cassidy stepped back and placed the bottle on the counter, immediately securing two glasses and the electronic opener from a nearby cabinet.

“A date? That’s new.”

Or is it?

Cassidy racked her brain, trying to remember if Tia had mentioned meeting anyone recently. She faintly recalled Tia saying she was tired of being alone and that dating in Atlanta was exhausting.

“It’s very new. Only been a little over a month.” She smiled at Cassidy, accepted the glass of wine she handed over, then took a sip. “Oh, you brought out the good stuff. Should I be worried?” Tia smiled again, taking another sip.

“Maybe a little. So, tell me about this guy. I can’t believe you’ve been dating someone for over a month and haven’t mentioned it.”

“We haven’t talked much lately.”

Cassidy cringed slightly, but Tia quickly added, “Mostly because we’ve finally gotten your schedule together after that overflow of inquiries and demands for you to speak. I can do everything else remotely and without much input on your end. It’s why you pay me the big bucks, which, my passion for shopping truly thanks you.” Tia winked. “But his name is Derrick, and he’s super sweet. We met on a dating app—”

“Tia, you didn’t?” Cassidy had warned her multiple times about the hazards of dating apps. She had plenty of horror stories where she’d analyzed disturbed people with even sicker intentions who used those apps as their personal playgrounds for finding victims.

“I did, but before you give me a lecture, just know that I thoroughly vetted him before we ever met, and when we did meet, it was in a group setting. Our first five dates were with other people. One was with his best friend and sister who just happened to be dating each other. I promise I was smart about it. I could literally hear you in my head . . .” She playfully rolled her eyes.

“Good, but I suppose I need to tell you why you’re here.”

Maybe it was strange that Niles had been murdered wasn’t the first thing out of Cassidy’s mouth, but in her mind, saying it out loud further confirmed that it was real. Discussing things with Davis hadn’t really counted because he hadn’t known Niles, but Tia had. She’d been to their house, had dinner with them, made reservations for anniversary dinners, and picked up gifts for birthdays and holidays at Cassidy’s request.

“What’s wrong? You look upset, pale even.”

“It’s Niles.”