Clark’s eyes swept Davis, who tapped his badge.
“I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
“Do you mind if I come in?”
“Yeah, actually, I do. What the fuck you want to ask me questions about?”
“Tia Murphy.” Davis watched his face and noticed awareness flash in his eyes. The two definitely knew each other.
“I don’t know who that is.”
Davis smiled. “Do you really believe I would be here if I didn’t already know you know Ms. Murphy? Now, let’s try this again . . .”
“I ain’t trying shit. Fuck you and your questions. You got a warrant?”
Clark shrugged nonchalantly. “Then you damn sure ain’t coming in my place, and I ain’t answering shit.” He moved to close the door, but Davis placed his hand on the faded wood and shoved it back. Clark, in turn, pushed forward, and the door hit Davis’s shoulder.
“Looks like you are going to answer my questions after all. You just assaulted a detective, which is a crime. Now, put your hands behind your back, and don’t fucking move. You’re going with me.”
“Nah, fuck that. I ain’t do shit.”
It was true. He hadn’t “technically” assaulted Davis, but if it came down to it, Davis saying he did wouldn’t actually be a lie since Clark had hit him with the door.
“Your word against mine. Hands, now.”
“If I don’t, you gonna shoot me?”
“Yes, but I won’t kill you. I’ll only hit a leg or a shoulder. Nothing major,” Davis warned with a stern look. He noticed the moment Clark struggled internally, weighing his next move, and decided to help him out.
“Whatever you’re thinking—don’t. I have a feeling that she’s not worth what it will cost you to do something stupid like fighting me on this.”
“Who the fuck is she?”
“This about me or her?”
“Her—for now. Depends on what you can tell me.”
“Look, I don’t know shit. I’m not even with the crazy-ass broad anymore. She ended things, saying she was about to dip.”
“Dip, as in leaving town?”
“Yeah.” Clark was hopeful, but it didn’t change Davis’s mind.
“Good, then you won’t have any issues telling me what you do know about her since you just established you know who she is. Now, hands.”
“Fine, but you really gotta cuff me? If this isn’t about me, I’ll tell you whatever I need to. Willingly.”
Davis let him go, and Clark adjusted his stance, yanking the hem of his shirt.
“Let’s go.”