After Captain Jones left, Davis pulled the address listed for Clark and decided to check him out. Hopefully, he could catch him alone. Davis wasn’t quite ready for Tia to realize he was investigating her to the degree of labeling the woman an active suspect, so his moves had to be calculated for now.
When Davis pulled into the apartment complex where Clark lived, he shut off his engine and stared at the building that housed Clark’s unit. He thought carefully about going up to the door but decided to sit on the place for a minute. While in his car, he leaned back, watching the entrance, until a notification from his phone temporarily distracted him.
How’s it going?
He smiled at Cassidy’s text, knowing it wasn’t as simple as wanting case details. She was thinking about him, possibly missing him. Or, at least, he wanted that to be why she’d reached out.
Found Clark. Sitting on his place now.
You going to talk to him?
If he’s alone, yes.
Where are you?
At his place.
The dots came up, danced, then stopped several times before Davis smirked and sent another text.
No, you can’t join me. Let me do my job.
I got this part covered.
Never said you didn’t.
He grinned.
No, but you want to be here.
Your thoughts are loud.
I’m restless.
I can help you with that later.
Promises, promises.
He sensed both the joke and the silent plea.
One thing I can promise you is that you
can always count on my promises, Cass.
When the text was sent, he noticed a car pull into the spot two over from him. He watched a man exit a navy blue sedan, lock the doors, then walk up to the two steps. He disappeared under the awning of the building. Davis had managed to get a good look at the guy’s profile, along with the leather jacket that Clark had worn in several photos on his social media page. The signature locs were also a dead giveaway: shoulder length, tips dyed honey blond.
Definitely Clark.
Davis exited his vehicle and headed under the same awning until he located the unit that belonged to Clark and knocked on the door. With his hand on his gun as a precaution, he waited.
“Yeah?” He heard through the door before Davis hollered back, slightly lifting the weapon. The guy was potentially a killer, so he thought it best to be proactive.
“Benjamin Clark.”
“Who’s asking?”
“Detective Davis. APD.”
The door opened cautiously, and Clark came into view. He was a big guy, at least six feet, with a solid frame, which he expanded to make himself appear larger as he scowled at Davis. Davis did a once-over to ensure that Clark wasn’t armed.