Page 78 of Innocent Intent

She realized he was no longer interested in sharing his background, which was okay. He’d given enough, and she realized that life wasn’t always perfect, but there was always something worth finding solace in. Boxing had been Davis’s outlet. Cassidy decided she needed to find hers because, for now, it seemed to be him, and that was a disaster in the making, especially since history had a way of repeating itself in her life.


Davis walked into the precinct with thoughts of Cassidy lingering. Things were getting deep between them, which only further convinced him that he needed to put an end to the search for her husband’s killer.

As soon as he was settled at his desk, he had company. His eyes lifted to his captain, who stood over him with a stern expression in place. “I got a call today from my boss.”


“And I’ve been doing the best I can to keep them off your ass, but if you don’t close this case soon, there’s not much more I can do for you.”

“Do for me? I wasn’t aware I asked for your help or protection.”

“Don’t act indignant, Davis. Regardless of what you think, I’m on your side. You can’t fight everybody.”

“I’m not fighting anyone. Why don’t you understand that wanting to keep to myself doesn’t have to translate to me being against everyone here.”

“Because that’s not how things work. We are one unit, and if we aren’t, then it fucks up the vibe. You don’t have to have Sunday dinners with the guys here, but you at least need to offer them respect. Offer me respect.”

“It’s not given, Captain. Respect is earned, and when they understand that, I won’t fuck up the vibe around here.”

Captain Jones released a sigh, relaxing his shoulders. “I get your point, and I agree. It should be earned, not given, but haven’t I done that?”

“You have.”

“Then why not show a little gratitude? You’re good at your job—definitely an asset. You have a different way of seeing things, and I admit the fresh way of thinking works in our favor. I’m glad you’re here. I hope you hang around for a while, but you must start finding a way to fit in a little in the process. Starting with Harper.”

Davis nodded, smiling arrogantly. “Can’t say I give a damn what he thinks of me, and I can promise I won’t piss him off intentionally, but that doesn’t mean I won’t piss him off at all.”

“I guess that’s going to have to be good enough,” Captain mumbled. “So, where are you on the case?”

“I have a few solid things. Working on one now.”

When the captain leaned over his desk, Davis groaned his disapproval and decided to let it go and extend an olive branch. “Followed the money, and it led me to this guy.” He pointed at the screen to a social media profile belonging to Benjamin Clark.

“Who’s he?”

“Boyfriend of Cassidy’s assistant.”

“Which one you looking at, him or her?”

“Both right now. He made several deposits into her account that totaled twenty grand.”

“You think that’s the money Williams stole from Cass.”

“Possibly. I don’t believe in coincidences. Twenty grand is a very specific number, and even though he made the deposits in small amounts, they were all days apart and a few days after Williams was killed.”

“So, what are you thinking? The two are connected?”

“The three. Williams, the assistant, and the boyfriend. It’s very possible the assistant was sleeping with Williams to gain access for the boyfriend. He might have been the one who killed Williams, and if that’s the case, then Clark paying her money would make sense.”

“But how does that tie back to Williams making twenty grand transfers from Cass?”

“Not sure yet. Only a theory at this point, but I’m about to pay the boyfriend a visit to see what he can tell me.”

“Good. Keep me posted. I’d really like to get this case closed. I’ve asked for leniency with making an arrest, but they won’t keep glazing over this. Cass makes for the potential of this being high profile.”

So would I.