Page 40 of Innocent Intent

“Hmmm. I can see how that would give you admiration for your fictional counterparts.”

Davis chuckled, watching as she sipped green juice and picked at her egg white and spinach omelet. “But I’m sure they can’t possibly look as good as you while solving those cases.” She winked, and he allowed his smile to expand behind his coffee cup.

The two spent the next half hour engaging in easy conversation while finishing their meal. Davis wouldn’t deny that he enjoyed Lena’s company or the view, so when she asked to exchange numbers, he agreed. However, when she leaned in and planted an unexpected kiss on his mouth, brushing her body against his, Davis realized he wouldn’t be reaching out. There was nothing to give him motivation. No sparks, no desire to take things a step further, knowing full well that he could have if he wanted. She presented an invitation to get to know her better with subtle cues and the unexpected kiss.

“Did you have plans later?” Lena was hopeful. Too hopeful. He could see the eagerness in her eyes.

“Actually, I do.”

“Well, if your plans change, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll keep my schedule open, just in case.” She flashed a seductive smile before turning to walk away, with a slight wiggle of her fingers and an extra focus on her steps, which had her slim hips swaying to give Davis a reason to consider calling.

He wouldn’t because someone else had his attention. Someone he had no business wanting.

“Detective . . .” Cassidy held the door blocking the entrance as she delivered a cautious stare to Davis. He had once again shown up at her house unannounced. After the gym and breakfast with Lena, he exerted his best efforts to remain busy throughout the day, doing small things around the house which managed to keep him occupied for a few hours before he settled into mindlessly watching a game while he did a little more digging into Cassidy’s past. Mostly the case of Johnathan Arnold, which then led him to Lance Trent. The detective-turned-chief-of-police that Cassidy allegedly had a personal relationship with.

Once he could no longer pacify his need to see the woman who had completely consumed his thoughts, Davis called in an order, swung by Charlie’s to pick it up, and drove across town to Cassidy’s house. Not the most professional or smartest move for his career, but he was off duty, and no one could regulate how he spent his personal time.

“Figured I owed you dinner since I barged in last night and ate yours.” He held up both hands, one holding the bag from Charlie’s, the other a six-pack of beer. He chuckled at how unsettlingly similar his current move was to Sam’s from not too long ago. Davis also couldn’t deny their intentions likely hadn’t varied all that much.

“I offered. It’s not like you intruded.”

“True, but I figured I still owed you.” He shrugged nonchalantly, hopeful that she wouldn’t turn him away.

She didn’t.

“Come in.”

Much like the night before, Davis entered Cassidy’s home, immediately relaxing at the sweet scent assaulting him, but this time, he navigated to the kitchen instead of the living room. She followed, propping up next to him and watching as he lined up plastic containers on the counter. Cassidy leaned in close, inhaling deeply and offering a smile.

“Smells good.”

“Because it is good. The best in the city. You’ve never had Charlie’s?” He glanced to his left, arching a brow, and Cassidy gently shook her head.

“No, never.”

“You’re in for a treat then. Best wings you could ever imagine.”

Cassidy left his side and moved to the cabinets, removing two plates and placing them on the counter. She collected forks and serving spoons, which she placed on the island before turning to the sink to wash her hands. She and Davis switched places after he removed the lids from the food. While he cleaned up, the savory blend of aromas filled the kitchen, and his stomach growled with anticipation. Cassidy swiped one of the wings and allowed her teeth to sink in, quickly humming her approval.

“Oh wow, this is good. It’s buttery rich but sweet.” She caught a slip of sauce that drizzled down her chin with a swipe of a finger before her tongue met the tip.

Davis turned just in time to catch the motion and groaned internally. “Honey Bourbon,” he murmured pointing to the container she swiped the wing from. He followed up by pointing out the rest. “Carolina Barbecue and Sweet Heat.”

Cassidy nodded, dropping the empty bone on one of the plates as she lifted a few wings from each container. “This is a lot of food.”

“I can eat. Wanted to make sure there was enough.” He motioned to the beers. “You want one?”

“Might as well. I’m guessing you paired them for a reason.”

“Smart woman.” He grabbed two while she lifted both plates once they were full of wings and carried them to the table. Davis took the beers and found his way to the same chair he had been in the night before. He was pleased when Cassidy sat to his right instead of at the end of the table when she returned with a handful of paper towels.

“So, is this just dinner, or are you back on official, unofficial business?”

Davis worked his way through a wing, cleaning his fingers and mouth with a paper towel before he answered.

“Just dinner, but I am curious about something since you asked.”

Frowning a bit, Cassidy paused briefly. “What’s that?”