Page 34 of Innocent Intent

“I didn’t lie.” Cassidy slammed her hand down on the table, glaring at Davis. The outburst had him smiling smugly, and she realized her mistake. He wanted a reaction, and she’d given him just that.

“Then what happened, Cassidy? Tell me why that case mattered so much to you. To him. Why would he have a copy on a flash drive in a safe deposit box with your notes and questions about specific aspects of the case? It only makes sense that he was blackmailing you, and if he wasn’t, then he planned to. Maybe you found out and decided you couldn’t allow that to happen, which means motive.”

Cassidy had her composure again. “I didn’t kill my husband, Detective.”

“Possibly not, but did you kill Jerrod Williams?” Davis countered.

Cassidy chuckled bitterly, pushed her chair back, and extended to her full height. She traveled to the door and opened it.

“We’re not done here, Evans. Where are you going?”

“We’re going to see Dixon. You believe I killed Niles, Jerrod, or whoever the hell you want him to be, but I didn’t. I need you to focus the energy you’re wasting on me toward finding out who the real killer is. You’ll only do that if you no longer believe that person is me.”

Davis stared at her introspectively for a long moment before he pushed his chair back and stood. “Dixon retired last year. Grant administers polygraphs now. You still want to do this?”

He thinks I’m counting on a favor from Dixon.

“I don’t care who does that test. Only that it’s done properly.”

He nodded, crossing the small conference room until he was right in her personal space. “We can do this, but you understand it’s not admissible in court.”

Cassidy nodded as well. “I have no plans on needing it in court, and if it comes to it, I’ll deal with defending myself in front of a judge at a later date. Right now, the only person’s trust I need is yours, Detective.” Her eyes bore into his for a long moment before she left the room, not bothering to check that Davis would follow.


“What the hell was that?” Harper growled once Davis was back at his desk.

With a cool demeanor, Davis took his time handing his attention over to Harper, who had undoubtedly witnessed him bringing Cassidy in for additional questioning. It also hadn’t escaped him that Harper potentially knew about the lie detector test. The precinct was small. People talked, and unlike Davis, Harper had more friends than foes there.

“Do you hear me talking to you, Davis? I asked you a question.”

“I heard you perfectly clearly, but APD, not Gregory Harper, issued my badge the last time I checked. Now, if you would like to tone that shit down and try this again like a sensible person and not an entitled asshole, then I might consider answering or, at the very least, extending you the respect of not punching you in your face for addressing me like I’m not a grown-ass man.”

Harper’s cheeks flushed red with anger. “This tough-guy act is not earning you any brownie points around here, Davis. You box—so what? I’m just as handy with my fists.”

Is this guy serious?

“Not likely.”

Realizing he wasn’t getting the intended result, Harper decided to try a more civilized approach. “Why did you bring Cassidy in and have her do a lie detector test?”

“I had questions pertaining to my case. The test was her decision, not mine.”

“I’m sure it was since you seem hell-bent on making her your only suspect when she’s innocent.”

“Is she?” Davis initially believed Cassidy to be guilty but had since shifted his opinion of her. The way she navigated through the questions asked while attached to the polygraph with certainty and ease had been the reason. She was either telling the truth or an incredibly good liar. His gut leaned toward Cassidy telling the truth. Davis rarely went against his gut feelings because they never steered him wrong.

“You had her in the box; you didn’t ask?”

I would have been a fool not to.

Davis smirked, leaning back in his chair, chest expanded and legs wide. A show of dominance. His elbows were bent with his hands clasped behind his head. “I did, actually.”


Davis’s smile expanded. “I choose to keep that between myself and Ms. Evans for now. You know, just in case things change one way or another.”

“You don’t have to be a dick, Davis. Everything is not about a show of power.”