Page 17 of Innocent Intent

“I did.”

Davis stared at her intently for a long moment. “Had your sex life changed or shifted?”

Cassidy’s brows pinched, and Davis followed with, “Just trying to put all the pieces together. You mentioned he was traveling more, spending more time on his phone. In most cases, when a spouse is cheating, their sex life shifts. More often than not, it decreases, but in some cases, the guilty party overdoes it, trying to cover any signs of their indiscretions. You know the whole, ‘you can’t possibly be cheating if things are good with us in the bedroom’ angle.”

The question was necessary, but Davis found himself asking for inappropriate reasons, which had him shifting in his chair.

“Things were different, yes. When we were together, it was great, same as it had always been, but I will admit to spending less time together intimately.”

Davis hated how her response created a slight bit of relief. This woman was married and possibly killed her husband, and he was annoyed by the fact that Cassidy perhaps had an active sex life. He decided it was best to switch gears.

“I’d like to show you something.” He reached for the iPad on the table, unlocked the screen, and slid it across the table. The video was queued to the spot Cassidy’s car pulled into the parking garage the night of the murder.

Davis noted how Cassidy made sure she had no detectable physical reaction. She merely glanced at the device, then locked her gaze on Davis, who rattled off, “I’d like you to watch the video.”

Cassidy’s finger gently touched the screen, focusing on the device until the video ended. The video was comprised of three clips showing Cassidy arriving, following Niles into the elevator bay, then making the call as she went to her car and leaving several hours later. All very incriminating.

When Davis had her attention again, he pointed to the device. “You were there that night.”

“In the garage, yes. I followed him from our house.”

“Because you thought he was cheating?”


“And what gave you that indication that he was going to be cheating that specific night?”

“I overheard a call just before he left where he told someone he would be there soon.” The way she paused, Davis knew there was more, but she was holding back.

“Anything else?”

“No. He said he had a lead on someone he had been having trouble locating and had to go immediately, or he might lose them again.”

“Was that normal behavior for him?”

Cassidy frowned thoughtfully. “Sometimes, yes. But mostly, Niles’s work required travel.”

“But not this specific case?”


“Do you know who he was trying to locate or who he was locating them for?”

“No. His job required discretion, which I’m sure you can understand.”

“Right. He was a private investigator for exclusive clients. Wealthy clients, I’m assuming?”


“Do you think his job is why your husband assumed a false identity?”

“Do you?” Cassidy shot back, and Davis leaned back, allowing one hand to rest in his lap, the other on the table.

“Still trying to put all the pieces together, but I’m not sure as of now. So, you followed him that night expecting what?”

“I wasn’t expecting anything.”

“But you assumed that you would catch him with another woman?”